Do I have vote Republican or support Trump to be “good” Catholic? Must I align myself with the conservative Republican party?
Respectfully opinion only in pondering for one only
Our Heavenly Father has a Kingdom a Nation, If one wants to enter his Kingdom ( Nation) obey his Kingdom Government Laws, The Commandments, is this not written?
Lawlessones do not enter His Kingdom do they, as written also?
Lawlessones destroy the peace and security of all those who live within His Kingdom?
If all Nations on earth lived by, our Heavenly Father, Ten Commandment Laws (Royal moral civil laws?) would there be Peace on earth by now?
In ancient time Roman Empire Government Laws>>>> passed a Law that those who>>>>> practiced Christianity committed a crime, punishable by death and those who were Christians also, were greatly persecuted, tormented etc also? Paganism was the religion of the Roman Empire in those times. Not till >>>>>>>>>>Constantine in 315 Ad passed a Government Law that Christianity and those who practice such was no longer a crime and Christianity>>>later became the religion of the Roman Empire did it not?
So in early beginnings were Government and Religion one and determined by those who ruled over them? Who put the Crown on the Kings head?
Question is our Heavenly Father pleased with either political party and those who rule over Nations , His people?
Politics have everything to do with religion does it not?
What we are hearing, seeing and what is taking place today?
And a House ( Kingdom, a Nation) divided cannot stand?
Our Heavenly Father speaks on the lawlessones?
Our Heavenly Father Kingdom >> his Constitutional Laws, are they not his >>>>Ten Commandments being Righteous Laws that serve all within His Kingdom?
for they provide>>Equality Rights, Freedom and Protection for all, do they not?
Nor does he force anyone to obey or believe in Him either, does he? Evidence, fact >> Free Will was giving to all?
King Cyrus the Great >>>>I believe was the greatest King who ever ruled, to have lived on earth, could this be said?
For King Cyrus, his Kingdom, Nations he ruled over, >>>King Cyrus provided >>religious freedom for all within His Kingdom and within every Nation he ruled over,is this true?
King Cyrus was the first King ever>>>> 3,000 years ago>>>> to create the >>>>>First Declaration of Human Rights, stating for the fact that we are all Human, is this true?
One was free to worship a God or many gods if they so desired, under King Cyrus, is this not true?
A humble King Cyrus the Great was indeed, who sought>>> no self glory>> but created >>Righteous Laws >>>that served all he ruled over, not laws that only benefited the few >>>>>at the very expense of those who were larger in numbers, did he?
Good Kings their Nations prosper vs bad Kings their Nations greatly suffered innocently?
Long Historical writings on such from ancient times are there not?
Where Government rulers>>where politics and religion were one in ruling over?
Nero>> Caesars, dislike of Christians?
Pharoah Empires what were their religions?