I don’t think you need to shift your priorities as much as your attitude. Why so pessimistic? Let me say that I am a mother of 4 (so far). I stay at home with them. Between my husband’s main job and his second job, we end up with about 2,400 a month in take home pay. We have a house payment for a house that is old, but pretty decent sized with some land. We have 1 car payment (one is a 1993 and paid for, the other is a 1997, bought used). Add up insurance, electric, gas, phone, internet (my husbands 2nd job is online) tuition, etc, and sometimes, I can’t believe we actually eat. But you know what? We do. We never go hungry. We trust in the Lord. Sure, we go through tough times, but somehow, everything always works out. I look at the bills each month and wonder, how will I manage this time? But no matter what, God always sees us through, and we are still standing. A small raise here, an unexpected windfall there, a tragedy, a blessing, a child, a roof, an infestation, a celebration. Life is full of things that cannot be planned or prepared for. There is always something else around the corner. Do not worry so much about money. Do you have love? Do you have faith? Do you trust God? Put him in charge, quit crunching numbers, and follow Him! Do I still worry sometimes? Sure, I am human. But the fact remains that no matter how bleak things may look on paper, we always get along. And I cannot imagine how horribly stressful and unhappy life would be without my children. Imagine having all those money worries without a couple of giggles and "I love you Mommy"s to brighten your days.