What happens when they start drafting women?

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I am the father of two girls, ages 7 and 9, and the older they get, the more concerned I get about the possibility that they may be conscripted.

Let’s face it. The social taboo regarding women in combat has broken down.

Self-proclaimed “conservatives” such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh praise “our fighting men and women”, and the phrase just ever so naturally rolls off their lips.

The U.S. military routinely assigns women with small children to combat theatres.

We approve sentimental yet propagandistic TV commercials that show civilians breaking into spontaneous applause for troops (more than half of whom are women) returning from the field.

What is the Catholic position, if any, regarding women and the draft? Would it be morally acceptable to take action to shield one’s daughters from conscription?

Lest you think this is far-fetched, check out this link in the Christian Science Monitor about the possibility of a return to the draft. csmonitor.com/2005/0222/dailyUpdate.html
Hopefully they will go into the WACS or WAVES and not into front line combat (like Jessica Lynch 😦 who was raped and actually tortured after capture, not psuedo-tortured).
We aren’t even drafting men so this it ridiculous. I do have a daughter that is a pilot in the Navy. She has been in the Middle East on one deployment. We are very proud of her. However, your daughters will be safe since they will only serve if they so choose. I think you are getting carried away with leftist talk.
i dont support the drafing of women, but i do find it odd that they clamor for eqal treatment is ALL things, but not one has pushed for equal drafts.
i dont support the drafing of women, but i do find it odd that they clamor for eqal treatment is ALL things, but not one has pushed for equal drafts.
To draft women into front line combat duty would be criminally irresponsible.
We aren’t even drafting men so this it ridiculous
Is it ridiculous to think that women might be drafted? Feminist ideology has had the better part of 20 years to worm its way into the military, and its influence is being felt. There are literally thousands of women deployed overseas, many with small children at home. I see no conservative umbrage being taken at this.

The government shows no sign of reversing the interventionist course it is on. The President has asserted a unilateral American right to intervene in the internal affairs of every nation on earth. If the mission of America is to make sure ‘democracy’ is established everywhere, the small volunteer army we have now is woefully insufficient. It is therefore, IMO, reasonable to be concerned about a return to the draft
However, your daughters will be safe since they will only serve if they so choose
I pray this will be true when the draft returns
I think you are getting carried away with leftist talk.
Not really…just watching the social mores play out
Kevin Walker:
To draft women into front line combat duty would be criminally irresponsible.
I agree, i just think the situation is kinda ironic
We are not going to have a draft. Why? Because in the modern army we don’t need a bunch of people who don’t want to be there. What we need is not quantity. We don’t throw 22,000 men at a beach head anymore and hope for the best. Instead what we need is small, highly specialized, units of people who want to be there and who are well trained and highly motivated to get the job done.

You don’t get that with an army you draft. You get that with a volunteer army.

If you start to have trouble conscripting, you give better incentives. The reserve ran into a problem with loosing troops at one end and not getting new recruits at the other (they normally get a lot of recruits from the active army and they weren’t this year because the active army stayed active). So what did they do? They gave a monitary bonus to those who re-upped. Guess what? They made their last recruiting goal.

So, the bottom line: if we want people we can get them. We advertise the need more and give good benefits for signing up. And we will get them.

Do we need millions? Again, in the modern army we are after quality, not quantity.

So don’t fret.
The government shows no sign of reversing the interventionist course it is on. The President has asserted a unilateral American right to intervene in the internal affairs of every nation on earth. If the mission of America is to make sure ‘democracy’ is established everywhere, the small volunteer army we have now is woefully insufficient. It is therefore, IMO, reasonable to be concerned about a return to the draft
Now your just getting hysterical. You mind telling us which country you think we are invading next? Be careful, the President just came out today and said invading Iran was rediculous and the situation there is nothing like the situation was with Iraq.
…….I pray this will be true when the draft returns……
A peace time draft is a terrible way to get a good army.

Most of the best armies on the planet are volunteers

Barring the return of conditions similar to 1940 the USA will not return to a draft

The generals don’t want it and it would be an impossible political sell.

As for women in combat positions….that may become more common but probably not very soon.

I tried to talk my nieces into pursuing Coast Guard Scholarships when they were thinking about college. Less restrictive rules there and women have more slots open to them

It makes more sense to use them on Planes and ships. Their smaller average size would mean they use fewer supplies and take up less space. Sounds Ideal for a submarine.
Why ask for the “Catholic Position” to a ridiculous (for lack of better words) question like this…first off, there is not a draft in place right now, nor do I forsee one in the near future…if ever. Even in the draft were reinstated, I have never heard anyone mention women…

With that said, if a draft ever were to occur again…a person that is drafted has the moral and personal obligation to serve their country patriotically…they should not refuse service, they should not hide, and they shouldn’t falsely claime “C O” status in order to avoid service. THis applies to both men and women. If your daughters would be old enough to be drafted…they would be adults, and it is their lives and their responsibility…not yours.

Yes, it would be morally irresponsible, unpatriotic, dishonest, and illegal to try and shield or hide any adult that is of age to be conscripted…sometimes the need of the country supercedes the selfishness of a parent. Just think if all the conscripts in our past wars would have been selfish and hid when their number was called…
I am the father of two girls, ages 7 and 9, and the older they get, the more concerned I get about the possibility that they may be conscripted.

Let’s face it. The social taboo regarding women in combat has broken down.

Self-proclaimed “conservatives” such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh praise “our fighting men and women”, and the phrase just ever so naturally rolls off their lips.

The U.S. military routinely assigns women with small children to combat theatres.

We approve sentimental yet propagandistic TV commercials that show civilians breaking into spontaneous applause for troops (more than half of whom are women) returning from the field.

What is the Catholic position, if any, regarding women and the draft? Would it be morally acceptable to take action to shield one’s daughters from conscription?

Lest you think this is far-fetched, check out this link in the Christian Science Monitor about the possibility of a return to the draft. csmonitor.com/2005/0222/dailyUpdate.html
Kevin Walker:
To draft women into front line combat duty would be criminally irresponsible.
That depends on whether they can shoot straighter than the men.

I’m all for straight shooters.
Now I get it…this is just another cheap shot at President Bush…T…Look, your daughters may both grow up and enlist in the military or become officers…then it wont even matter if there is a draft…I think you are worrying about something you have no need worrying about. If you are that concerned…Pray.
Is it ridiculous to think that women might be drafted? Feminist ideology has had the better part of 20 years to worm its way into the military, and its influence is being felt. There are literally thousands of women deployed overseas, many with small children at home. I see no conservative umbrage being taken at this.

The government shows no sign of reversing the interventionist course it is on. The President has asserted a unilateral American right to intervene in the internal affairs of every nation on earth. If the mission of America is to make sure ‘democracy’ is established everywhere, the small volunteer army we have now is woefully insufficient. It is therefore, IMO, reasonable to be concerned about a return to the draft

I pray this will be true when the draft returns

Not really…just watching the social mores play out
Maybe we should ask President Bush. I refer you to the Second Inaugural Address whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/01/20050120-1.html
I know what the President said then and I know what he said today. So far there is no country in line for an invasion as far as the Whitehouse is concerned. I was thinking maybe you had other plans. I guess you don’t so don’t try to second guess the Whitehouse. Realize there are no invasion plans, and when there are, you will know in plenty of time to panic. Right now rejoice that the Middle East is embracing democracy. You are living in a historic moment.
Well I guess I look at it as an ethical and moral question first and foremost - you are born in a nation and you have responsibilities as well as benefits. If you don’t think the downside is worth the citizenship, then you are well in advance of any draft, so pick a place, cast your lot in with them, and take your children to where you think the benefits are worth whatever the price. There is a large world to pick from – but it does seem to me that if you take the “good”, it’s only mature to be prepared to accept the "downside. And to do it without blaming everyone else. You know what is now - no one, can plan every detail for the future.

Right now we don’t have a draft, we don’t plan a draft, we all hope we won’t get a draft - but it is the price of citizenship. You have to decide like our forefathers is it worth it to stay or go.
It bears repeating: There is no draft. There are plans to reinstate the draft. Even if there were, women aren’t required to register for the Selective Service. Only men ages 18 and older are.

– Mark L. Chance.
Nice try, the draft will never happen. Things are working out too well with an all-volunteer force.
I am the father of two girls, ages 7 and 9, and the older they get, the more concerned I get about the possibility that they may be conscripted.

Let’s face it. The social taboo regarding women in combat has broken down.

Self-proclaimed “conservatives” such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh praise “our fighting men and women”, and the phrase just ever so naturally rolls off their lips.

The U.S. military routinely assigns women with small children to combat theatres.

We approve sentimental yet propagandistic TV commercials that show civilians breaking into spontaneous applause for troops (more than half of whom are women) returning from the field.

What is the Catholic position, if any, regarding women and the draft? Would it be morally acceptable to take action to shield one’s daughters from conscription?

Lest you think this is far-fetched, check out this link in the Christian Science Monitor about the possibility of a return to the draft. csmonitor.com/2005/0222/dailyUpdate.html
We aren’t even drafting men so this it ridiculous. I do have a daughter that is a pilot in the Navy. She has been in the Middle East on one deployment. We are very proud of her. However, your daughters will be safe since they will only serve if they so choose. I think you are getting carried away with leftist talk.
My niece (whose dad is a multi-multi-multi-millionnaire) enlisted in the Navy after college and is now deployed as an intelligence officer in Iraq. This kid could have spent the rest of her life sunbathing on the Riviera. She’s a young hero to me!
Nice try, the draft will never happen. Things are working out too well with an all-volunteer force.
Never say never. There will be another draft in this country; history tells us that, though we might not see it in our lifetime or our children’s lifetime.
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