What happens when they start drafting women?

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Kevin Walker:
Jessica Lynch admitted to being raped in her book: *I Am A Soldier Too; *and she admitted in an interview on the Diane Sawyer show to being raped in Iraq, and medical records confirmed her injuries were consistant with assault, and there was evidence of “sodomizing rape.”
I have not read her book but your post is precisely what I recollect hearing; there is also the testimony of the Iraqi who walked to the Americans to alert them as to her whereabouts and said he did so because he saw her being slapped around and improperly treated.
“Self-proclaimed “conservatives” such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh praise “our fighting men and women”, and the phrase just ever so naturally rolls off their lips.”

Mr. Dad, the only thing that differentiates you from parents who have lost a child to war is that you are willing to sacrifice OTHER people’s children, but not your own - be they man or woman.

You are selfish, cowardly and don’t have the right to be an American.

If a draft does come, look around you and understand that those who came before you - men and women - made possible your freedoms.

Coward, selfish and typically - yes, American.

This gentleman in his ten posts has:
  1. Supported secession because of the election.
  2. Supported Osam Bin Ladin (he attacked us because we attacked him).
  3. Supported suicide bombers by stating that they were justified.
  4. And now this draft rant.
Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori
So now the truth comes out.
thetemplars said:
“Self-proclaimed “conservatives” such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh praise “our fighting men and women”, and the phrase just ever so naturally rolls off their lips.”

Mr. Dad, the only thing that differentiates you from parents who have lost a child to war is that you are willing to sacrifice OTHER people’s children, but not your own - be they man or woman.

You are selfish, cowardly and don’t have the right to be an American.

If a draft does come, look around you and understand that those who came before you - men and women - made possible your freedoms.

Coward, selfish and typically - yes, American.

I was going to reply to his statement, but you were much more eloquent than I would have been. Thank you.

Anyone who would call legitimate someone who poses as a civilian, wounded, or non-combatent to kill the US soldiers protecting him, or “rationalizing” OBL’s actions does not deserve any more of my time.

He was right about one thing however, I do have a thing for bloodshed. I did, and most of my family is willing to shed our own blood (risk our lives) to defend what we believe in.
First, Bush has to bring back the draft and he’s said it’s never going to happen. For the first time, I believe him.

And any president to brings it back AND extends it to women is commiting political suicide.

It’s not going to happen, so don’t worry about it.
Kevin Walker:
Jessica Lynch admitted to being raped in her book: *I Am A Soldier Too; *and she admitted in an interview on the Diane Sawyer show to being raped in Iraq, and medical records confirmed her injuries were consistant with assault, and there was evidence of “sodomizing rape.”





Jessica Lynch was, de facto, raped and tortured after capture; and it is very disengenuous of you to minimalize and dismiss this tragic event at the expense of Ms. Jessica Lynch, and to the potential future danger of American women.
The BBC link you cited makes no mention that it was her who made the claim of being raped, plus as said, Rick Bragg, the biographer, seems to be a very unreliable fellow. In addition, the BBC link I provided is a more recent one coming the day after yours. One of the articles I posted mentioned the so called ‘suggestive evidence for anal rape’ and that the doctor couldn’t understand how, in her condition, she could’ve survived a rape much less anyone find her sexually appealing.

The age link required subscription and the 3rd link you provided isn’t there anymore, and if you’re trying to make a case for Lynch’s rape I don’t know if you meant to add that last link.

Anyway it is Jessica herself who came forward to admit that she had no idea what happened and that she isn’t pleased with the falsities that the media took the liberty of reporting so I’m not trying to minimilize anything other than stating what she herself had come forward to say. Also please explain how this ordeal is potentially a future danger to American women? Women in war on either side have been raped whether it was the Russians or Vietnamese. American women in combat are also susceptible, if not abused by the enemy, then by their own male company, the latter continues to be an issue today within the military on their own soil and still needs to be resolved.
much less anyone find her sexually appealing.
About as inane a statement as I’ve ever heard about rape; women are not raped because of the sexual appeal, it is a power play. It is sheer violence unleashed. Talk to any rape counselor, ask the cops, read the papers - 90 year old women are raped, children are raped, for heaven’s sake., attractive women are beaten so that you can’t recognize them and then raped. It isn’t about “appeal” and in that part of the world it’s punishment against a non-Muslim.
First, Bush has to bring back the draft and he’s said it’s never going to happen. For the first time, I believe him.

And any president to brings it back AND extends it to women is commiting political suicide.

It’s not going to happen, so don’t worry about it.
Thank you very much. I do hope you are right. But if the militarist vitriol expressed in this thread is an indication of the public at large’s opinion, then I wonder how much political fallout there will really be.
About as inane a statement as I’ve ever heard about rape; women are not raped because of the sexual appeal, it is a power play. It is sheer violence unleashed. Talk to any rape counselor, ask the cops, read the papers - 90 year old women are raped, children are raped, for heaven’s sake., attractive women are beaten so that you can’t recognize them and then raped. It isn’t about “appeal” and in that part of the world it’s punishment against a non-Muslim.
Just saying what the article said…
Just saying what the article said…
Ahhh - sorry I thought you said it and my eyes rolled - whomever said it - ought to be “retrained”…sumpin’ wrong there.
. But if the militarist vitriol expressed in this thread is an indication of the public at large’s opinion, then I wonder how much political fallout there will really be.
I’m afraid I don’t quite understand - your post was for the purpose of asking others what they think - and now since they’ve told you, it’s militarist vitriol?

You are selfish, cowardly and don’t have the right to be an American.​

Who the heck are YOU to make such a statement to someone you disagree with?
I thought this was America and the original poster has a RIGHT to his opinion, and can STILL be considered an American. You don’t like this guy’s posts??? IGNORE him.

You are selfish, cowardly and don’t have the right to be an American.​

Who the heck are YOU to make such a statement to someone you disagree with?
I thought this was America and the original poster has a RIGHT to his opinion, and can STILL be considered an American. You don’t like this guy’s posts??? IGNORE him.
Agreed. Just like a successful company is always run by a CEO who hates yes men. Chief executives who surround themselves with yes men usually find the company failing in quick order. Differences of opinion are what keep this country head and shoulders above the rest of the world. Someone who has a different perspective should be asked questions, not considered morons. Now, if it comes out that the person has a different perspective BECAUSE they are in fact a moron, time will bear witness to that. Look at Ralph Nader. He is the guy who banned convertables in the US during the late 60s eearly 70s because they were a “safety hazard”. After the issue was studied, convertables made their comback. Now, with the exception of a “select few” Ralph Nader is a has been, a dissenter who is only happy when he’s complaining. Few pay him any mind. If someone on thee forums has an opinion that is truely retarded, time will bear that out. Meanwhile, if someone has an opinion about something, maybe you should find out why and see if the idea has any merit.
Meanwhile, if someone has an opinion about something, maybe you should find out why and see if the idea has any merit.

The guy is concerned about a draft, most people in the time of war are concerned. Anyone who lived through The Vietnam Era would be concerned because they saw a draft in their time.​

Speaking of merit and opinions I had to do some research on the prescription drug habahaloo. It certainly changed my opinion about the “evil” drug companies in the U.S.
Jessica Lynch wasn’t raped or tortured.
She was sodomised. The medical reports support that.

fortunately she doesn’t remember anything
The whole story was a scam, she bravely came out herself and rebuked the government for using her as false propaganda.
the “scam” part was that she returned fire
she was injured in the first attack and her gun was jambed

the reports were confused and she was mistaken for another soldier who held off the attackers for a while
The Iraqi doctors took great care of her even giving her some preferable treatment.
yes some of the medical staff treated her well. Some even got word out that she was being held.

it is however a long walk from the battle field to the hospital
She was never raped, and given the condition she was in, nobody of any sane mind would have found her sexually appealing.
rape isn’t about sexual appeal

how do you treat people you find appealing?
The difference between a volunteer to the military and a draftee is this: the volunteer recognizes duty and responsibility; the draftee goes kicking and screaming with a parent like “Dad” encouraging resistance.
In a country where you have so much, you are willing to give so little.
If push came to shove, and the country really did need an expanded military, “Dad” would be the first one to send his girls to Canada. Am I wrong, Dad?

and that the doctor couldn’t understand how, in her condition, she could’ve survived a rape much less anyone find her sexually appealing.
That was the Iraqi doctor who said that.

Jessica Lynch’s doctor made a public statement that there was “evidence of both anal and vaginal penetration.”
Anyway it is Jessica herself who came forward to admit that she had no idea what happened and that she isn’t pleased with the falsities that the media took the liberty of reporting so I’m not trying to minimilize anything other than stating what she herself had come forward to say.
No, it was Jessica Lynch herself who said that she had been raped. She said she couldn’t remember the details, and her psychiatrist stated that there was evidence of anal and vaginal penetration. And her broken bones where not consistant with bullet wounds or explosion damage.

Jessica Lynch was raped and tortured after capture.

You are extremely disengenous to promulgate your polemics at the expense of Ms. Jessica Lynch by pandering to the musings of anti-American journalists, and by not delving into objective primary sources.
I’m afraid I don’t quite understand - your post was for the purpose of asking others what they think - and now since they’ve told you, it’s militarist vitriol?
I think I’m a victim of my own naivete here. For that, I can only blame myself.

I came to this website soon after I discovered the Catholic Answers radio station in my area. I’d heard of Karl Keating, of course, and I’d found the radio programming insightful; not only that, but the apologists and hosts are invariably civil and respectful to the callers. I thought the same attitudes would be found on this website; I thought the type of people who were attracted to the Catholic Answers radio programming would be drawn to the website.

I also began this thread with some presumptions in mind. Maybe it would’ve helped if I spelled them out in more detail in my original thread, but, so it goes.

My belief is that the draft is generally not a good thing; it’s an abridgement of freedom. However, I do realize that it may be necessary under certain conditions (i.e., under the situation of a just war as laid out in Catholic doctrine).

Sending women into combat areras is deplorable. The goverment has no right to send women, who, generally, are physically weaker than men, into situattions where they are likely to be harmed my stronger males with an axes to grind (the enemy).

Almost as bad is sending mothers with small children at home on lengthy deployments far away from their children.

We as Catholics ought to be aware of the moral implications of this.

As a parent and a Catholic, I believe that at my particular judgement, I will be asked:

What did you do to physically and spiritually nurture the young immortal soul you were entrusted with?

I’m pretty sure I won’t be asked:

What did you do to help bring democracy to Iraq?

When I see ‘conservatives’ who don’t appear to be concerned about these things, but applaud when mothers in the military are forced inot these lengthy deployments, I ask myself:

If they’re not conserving the value of motherhood and its importance to the lives of the children, what in God’s name do they think they’re conserving?

I believe these are moral issues which Catholics will be forced to grapple with, should a draft return. The ease with which conservatives accept the status quo makes me fearful that if the draft returns, that women will also be taken.

If anyone disagrees with me on these issues, give reasons why. I thought my thread would help with some answers, but the rancor and namecalling tell me that it’s pretty much a lost cause.

In the short time I’ve been here, my motives have been impugned (“supports Bin Laden”; “supports suicide bombers”); my character assaulted (“selfish”; “coward”; “dangerous”; “unpatriotic”); my patriotism hijacked (“no right to be called an American”).

This is standard chat room stuff, and I’d hoped I’d found a site where that was frowned on.

I did not expect such a lack of charity on the Catholic Answers website. So, yes, militarist vitriol sounds accurate to me.
gnjsdad said:

My belief is that the draft is generally not a good thing; it’s an abridgement of freedom. However, I do realize that it may be necessary under certain conditions (i.e., under the situation of a just war as laid out in Catholic doctrine).

The possibility is there, the likelihood for all the reasons we have given is extremely slim.

Sending women into combat areras is deplorable. The goverment has no right to send women, who, generally, are physically weaker than men, into situattions where they are likely to be harmed my stronger males with an axes to grind (the enemy).

But is this based upon Catholic teaching? If so, which one?

We as Catholics ought to be aware of the moral implications of this.

See question above.

What did you do to physically and spiritually nurture the young immortal soul you were entrusted with?

Both the husband and wife are entrusted with nuring the young’s immortal soul.

What did you do to help bring democracy to Iraq?

Not sure how that relates to your original question.

If they’re not conserving the value of motherhood and its importance to the lives of the children, what in God’s name do they think they’re conserving?

You need to contrast it with the obligations of a father via Catholic teaching.

This is standard chat room stuff, and I’d hoped I’d found a site where that was frowned on.

I did not expect such a lack of charity on the Catholic Answers website. So, yes, militarist vitriol sounds accurate to me.
Well congratulations, it took you 13 posts to discuss a Catholic position. When you join a Catholic forum, and begin with political diatribe, what whould you expect? We get lots of folks jumping on board just to still the pot (Trolls).

I also do not agree with the possibility of a draft (President Bush also does not support the draft). I think women in combat is a bad idea. That said, we have responsibilities as Catholics, spouses, and yes citizens. I myself take all three responsibilities very seriously.
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