What happens when they start drafting women?

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This gentleman in his ten posts has:
1. Supported secession because of the election.
2. Supported Osam Bin Ladin (he attacked us because we attacked him).
3. Supported suicide bombers by stating that they were justified.
4. And now this draft rant.

As a disabled vet from the first Gulf War, let me say, I don’t ever want a draft because of leftists like you. I am absolutely sickened. Selfish people who put themselves before their country, apologists, and just plain cowards are dangerous. How could you ever count on them when needed?

If we had a draft, your leftist ideology suggests that you should support a female drafts, equal rights and all of that. However, as I suspect with most leftists, selfishness is a more pressing character trait.

I have a 14 year old daughter. I would be proud if she chose to enlist. Service and sacrifice is what I teach in my house. With rights come great responsibilities. After 9/11, I tried to reinlist. I was willing to give up my disability pension to once again take up arms in defense of this country. Apparently, I am to damaged even for a rear position.

Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori
Kevin Walker:
Hopefully they will go into the WACS or WAVES and not into front line combat (like Jessica Lynch 😦 who was raped and actually tortured after capture, not psuedo-tortured).
Jessica Lynch wasn’t raped or tortured. The whole story was a scam, she bravely came out herself and rebuked the government for using her as false propaganda. The Iraqi doctors took great care of her even giving her some preferable treatment. She was never raped, and given the condition she was in, nobody of any sane mind would have found her sexually appealing. The whole event of soldiers breaking into a hospital and ‘rescuing’ her was a well orchestrated event, but really they just broke into a hospital and scared the living daylights out of non armed civilians and doctors doing their job and added insult to injury by making false claims of rape and torture. You can verify this from Jessica herself who in return praised and thanked the Iraqi doctors for their treatment.
Never say never. There will be another draft in this country; history tells us that, though we might not see it in our lifetime or our children’s lifetime.
**SO WHAT IF THEY DO GET DRAFTED!!! **Women want equal promotions; they want equal money; they want equal career opertunities; they want everything a man has except to be shot at. If they want to be equal, the let them pick up a gun and follow me in to combat. Too many time I saw a man passed over because they “had” to promote a certin number of women.

I know I’m comming off as non-Christian, but this topic really erks me. If you are going to volunteer to do a job, then do the job. If you can’t do the job, then quit and let someone who is deserving get the rewards.

To answer the question: Women would line up and fight bravely next to the men.
A peace time draft is a terrible way to get a good army.

Most of the best armies on the planet are volunteers

Barring the return of conditions similar to 1940 the USA will not return to a draft

The generals don’t want it and it would be an impossible political sell.​

If that were true Isreal would not have their conscription.​

jdnation, what is your source on that information?
dhgray said:
**SO WHAT IF THEY DO GET DRAFTED!!! **Women want equal promotions; they want equal money; they want equal career opertunities; they want everything a man has except to be shot at. If they want to be equal, the let them pick up a gun and follow me in to combat. Too many time I saw a man passed over because they “had” to promote a certin number of women.

I know I’m comming off as non-Christian, but this topic really erks me. If you are going to volunteer to do a job, then do the job. If you can’t do the job, then quit and let someone who is deserving get the rewards.

To answer the question: Women would line up and fight bravely next to the men.

I don’t agree with women in combat, much less in the army or marine corps in any position.

If that were true Isreal would not have their conscription.
I said “most”

With their siege mentality Israel is one of the few exceptions to the rule
And even they have had some problems with reservists not wanting to do duty in the “territories”

Volunteer armies cost more but they are generally well worth it especially in times of relative peace.

Just ask the Kaiser what the “contemptibles” did to him 😉

nations switch to volenteer armies
Very small countries can have mandatory conscription in this day and age. Unless you want to mass a huge infantry, I don’t know why you would want mandatory conscription in the US. What are you going to do with a huge infantry when one Stryker Brigade is worth 10 or more WWII Brigades?
A peace time draft is a terrible way to get a good army.

Most of the best armies on the planet are volunteers

Barring the return of conditions similar to 1940 the USA will not return to a draft

The generals don’t want it and it would be an impossible political sell.​

If that were true Isreal would not have their conscription.​

jdnation, what is your source on that information?
Israel is hardly a comparison, in terms of size, need for able bodies vs. realistic enlistment rates, area to be defended vs. population totals, etc. The immediate needs of one particular country do not equate to a universal rule.
A peace time draft is a terrible way to get a good army.

Most of the best armies on the planet are volunteers

Barring the return of conditions similar to 1940 the USA will not return to a draft

The generals don’t want it and it would be an impossible political sell.​

If that were true Isreal would not have their conscription.​

jdnation, what is your source on that information?
Israel is hardly a comparison, in terms of size, need for able bodies vs. realistic enlistment rates, area to be defended vs. population totals, etc. The immediate needs of one particular country do not equate to a universal rule.
The obvious question of this thread is:

Should women be in combat?

I say absolutely NO!
Yep those British sources are always such great authorities on President Bush’s mind. They must have implanted a microchip in him.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Yep those British sources are always such great authorities on President Bush’s mind. They must have implanted a microchip in him.

Lisa N
Well we got it here in Canada as well in the Toronto Star and the NY Times also printed a piece. I found the links, but some required subscription other pages don’t exist anymore. Doubt you’d find much on it now as it’s old news.



I don’t know what you find sceptical about British sources, after all Britain and the US were in it together, this incident aside. And I don’t think President bush had anything to do with this either so I don’t know where you drew that conclusion from.
Jdnation, I asked for your source, because I was wondering if you read the book, I “Am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story”
Well we got it here in Canada as well in the Toronto Star and the NY Times also printed a piece. I found the links, but some required subscription other pages don’t exist anymore. Doubt you’d find much on it now as it’s old news.



I don’t know what you find sceptical about British sources, after all Britain and the US were in it together, this incident aside. And I don’t think President bush had anything to do with this either so I don’t know where you drew that conclusion from.
I occasionally hear BBC broadcasts that bear no resemblence to reality. I have little faith in the “Beeb” and the NYT is right up there on my skeptic reader. They have ceased to be a journalists and are now propagandists. It’s too bad.

Lisa N
Jdnation, I asked for your source, because I was wondering if you read the book, I “Am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story”
No, I haven’t, but some of the links do deal with the book. There was some TV movie being made based on it, can’t remember.
Pardon my stupid question, but what’s a troll? Is it somebody who disagrees with you? Did the moderators of this forum somehow slip up and let me in by mistake? Or was there an icon which members need to click indicating they are total supporters of George W. Bush in order to be allowed to post here?
This gentleman in his ten posts has:
  1. Supported secession because of the election.
  2. Supported Osam Bin Ladin (he attacked us because we attacked him).
  3. Supported suicide bombers by stating that they were justified
  1. I support the idea of secession because the Founding Fathers supported the idea of secession. The language of the Constitution and the debates surrounding its ratification leave no doubt that secession was always considered an option. If some liberals want to secede because of the election, then that’s their right to think that way. It’ll never happen though.
2 and 3 are false accusations. And you know what the Church says about making rash judgements. Because I gave some rationales for Bin Laden’s actions (other than that he is a homicidal madman) does not mean I “support” Bin Laden. Because I made a distinction between a suicide attack on a military target and one on civilian targets does not mean I “support” suicide bombers. What would you say if I said that you joined the military because you had a thing for bloodshed?
As a disabled vet from the first Gulf War, let me say, I don’t ever want a draft because of leftists like you. I am absolutely sickened. Selfish people who put themselves before their country, apologists, and just plain cowards are dangerous. How could you ever count on them when needed?

If we had a draft, your leftist ideology suggests that you should support a female drafts, equal rights and all of that. However, as I suspect with most leftists, selfishness is a more pressing character trait
With all due respect, sir, you know nothing about me. If I told you: I’m a practicing Catholic; passionately pro life; voted for Bush twice (the second time only because of the possibility of getting a pro-life Supreme Court); despised the Clintons; and contributed money to the Congressional campaign of Jim Rogan the Calif impeachment manager (even though I don’t live in Calif); you’d probably call me a liar because I don’t agree with you on the Iraq war.
  1. And now this draft rant
Let’s see. In one post I’ve been called a ‘leftist’; ‘selfish’; a ‘coward’, and ‘dangerous’. What was that about my ‘draft rant’?
Jessica Lynch wasn’t raped or tortured. The whole story was a scam, she bravely came out herself and rebuked the government for using her as false propaganda. The Iraqi doctors took great care of her even giving her some preferable treatment. She was never raped, and given the condition she was in, nobody of any sane mind would have found her sexually appealing. The whole event of soldiers breaking into a hospital and ‘rescuing’ her was a well orchestrated event, but really they just broke into a hospital and scared the living daylights out of non armed civilians and doctors doing their job and added insult to injury by making false claims of rape and torture. You can verify this from Jessica herself who in return praised and thanked the Iraqi doctors for their treatment.
Jessica Lynch admitted to being raped in her book: *I Am A Soldier Too; *and she admitted in an interview on the Diane Sawyer show to being raped in Iraq, and medical records confirmed her injuries were consistant with assault, and there was evidence of “sodomizing rape.”





Jessica Lynch was, de facto, raped and tortured after capture; and it is very disengenuous of you to minimalize and dismiss this tragic event at the expense of Ms. Jessica Lynch, and to the potential future danger of American women.
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