You’ve also sad before that you are “logic dislexic” and can’t tell the difference.
It is simply not true that atheism is equivalent to asserting that we cam from nothing. Most atheists subscribe to biological evolution, for example, which gives some idea of where we came from. Not knowing why a universe would bother to exist is not the same thing as saying that it exists for no reason or came from nothing.
I doubt that their works are divinely insprired, too. Such authors do not claim validity based on anything other than reason.
I think you are in the minority in thinking that your existence is itself proof that God exists. What is self-evident to you in this case is not self-evident to me or most others. You will need to actually explain why their assertions are ludicrous.
Can you say what it means to you and why you like it?
Can you be more specific about what assertions you want me to address and what you mean by “validity” (if not “divinely inspired”)?
- the point is moot you admitted to being a theist in the post #19 from the STEM… thread. you are no longer any kind of atheist at all, as i said before, welcome home
please refer to the thread “is the ‘i don’t know argument’ valid?” for why this position is an implication of the denial of a G-d
- ok, if you need the positive assertion then here “i doubt the validity of their reasoning”
- nor am i in the minority in my beliefs, last night fox news interviewed an administrator for the ‘american humanist society’
and they offered the poll numbers of 92% of americans believe in G-d in that interview. - this what i mean when we speak about validity
Validity Valid"ity, n. [Cf. F. validit['e], L. validitas
[1913 Webster]
- The quality or state of being valid; strength; force;
especially, power to convince; justness; soundness; as,
the validity of an argument or proof; the validity of an
[1913 Webster]