I think we should define our terms…logic is a science, at least in the older sense- specifically, the science of demonstration and proof. Logic will give you the law of excluded middle. Science in the sense commonly used today refers to the natural study of the natural universe; it will give you the laws of thermodynamics. Because this kind of science deals with what is mostly a mass of contingencies (there are some possible worlds in which gravity is not a fundamental force, for example), its conclusions can be “overridden” by divine omnipotence. This omnipotence does not extend to logical impossibilities- not because God is limited, but because logical impossibilities (such as four-sided triangles) are simply meaningless.This is a tangent, but logic and science are the same thing - they are both about making objective statements (or estimates) of the natural world and its laws, broadly defined. A four-sided triangle cannot exist, neither can a human ova develop into a human being without fertilization by a sperm cell. For that to happen, logic/science would be defied.