Could you elaborate? Which teachings are your conscience having discord with? What’s the teaching saying? What’s your conscience saying and why is your conscience saying that?
hi crenfro. its simple really… the issues im struggling with are not relevent to the question. I’m not interested in discussing the topic as I’ve done that in a different forum based on scripture etc… im interested in how different people deal with their conscience when it isnt in allignment with the church.
Again, could you elaborate? Exactly how fully did you inform your conscience? What specific things did you do?
I’ve read hundreds of hours worth of reading in books, sermons, essays etc and still haven’t reached a conclusion.
how many books after books did you read? which titles? could you clarify what you mean by “discussing this issue around other topics?” sounds vague to me…but then that’s me…
I left it vague as I don’t want it to turn into a thread trying to persuade me or anyone else about their various issues, I know all of the biblical arguaments and every other kind of arguament… but that’s not the point. The point is that I’m not convinced and so the real question is: now what??
I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying here. Could you clarify it? Are you saying your conscience and “church teaching” - “church teaching” here, to me, sounds vague- is “blank,” that is, neither, has any meaning to you? Are you saying that conscience and church teaching aren’t relevant? I don’t understand your statement. I’m sorry. I’m trying.
when i say ‘church teaching’; I mean the traditional teaching of the church on an issue historically and also still kept to today. In a Roman Catholic sense you can interpret me to mean ‘the catechism says it’s wrong’ lol. I don’t consider my choices to be un-christian as I am a christian… but they are none the less against what the church teaches I should be doing and feeling.
I have no idea what’s going to happen. That’s God’s territory. Have you discussed your struggle with God? Do you have a spiritual director?