What is really Pro-Life?

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Not to mention pretty clueless as to why the second amendment exists in the first place…
Are there community works or works of mercy that correspond with each of these subjects we are saying are part of a consistent pro-life view? I’m scrolling back up to look at the list now.
Abortion: all the ministries that support pregnant mothers, help people heal from the psychological scars of abortions, help people get out of the industry and get other jobs

Euthanasia: visit the lonely, elderly and terminally ill.

Immigration: help with legal paths to citizenship or with refugees getting settled

Prison: halfway houses to reduce recidivism, healing for victims of crime, sacrements for those in prison, prayers for the souls of those unfortunately sentenced to death.

Guns: helping people with anxiety about gun violence, teaching gun safety classes,

I keep coming in and out of paying attention while making this post(so good luck if you’re reading it) What else? What else is a pro life issue and in what ways can we help? Your vote is not the only way and it might be easier to agree on these things.
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No. She will get support from state which will then, under our current laws, seek to recover some of that expenditure from the child’s father. Men are well aware of this situation, and will therefore advise, coerce, and pay for an abortion rather than be saddled with 18 years of support payments.
“support from the state” for a mother and child under the TANF program is only $316 per month- less than poverty in 2018- in Pennsylvania. A lot of states pay less.

It is a lot better for the Baby’s Daddy to pony up a decent amount of support for his own offspring.
Someone who carries a lot of money or lives in an area with violent street gangs or terror cells would definitely need to be properly armed and should consider these kinds of weapons.
Ok. But then how do we keep these terrible guns out of the hands of terrorists and people who want to shoot up schools? (my condolences to all people affected by these tragedies)
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The common understanding of the term is anti-abortion. You can add on all you want, it’s a free country (if you live in the US 🙂 ), but you just complicate matters when you start making up your own definitions.
Well at the beginning of his presidency they were at an all time high.
Ok. Who needs such a weapon to stay safe?
To be honest, I can handle an AR-15 better than a Glock. I have limitations with my hands and wrists so a handgun puts more strain on me to control it than having a rifle form that I can brace on a shoulder and use my body to absorb the recoil with. I always thought it would be the opposite until I actual got the chance to try an AR because I thought the size and weight would be a problem for me. Plus, I’d trust an AR over the other types of guns I can manage against the bears that roam around my home. I’ve had to call into work late because the bear just wouldn’t leave the front porch.
It’s about abortion and euthanasia. It’s restricted to those topics because they are immediate threats to lives.
By expanding the meaning and including other important topics, it dilutes the term and creates confusion. Which I can see some purposely doing especially those on the pro-abortion side. It’s also to point out alleged hypocrisy. It’s alleged because they conveniently leave out the massive contributions by pro-lifers to charities to help with unexpected pregnancies.
Poverty and the environment affect lives but they aren’t immediate or direct in ending lives in comparison to the original 2 issues.
By the way, have we heard ‘pro-choice’ being diluted in a similar way? Like allowing Catholic hospitals to opt out of abortion on demand? It’s a bit hypocritical for ‘pro-choice’ people not to allow Catholic hospitals to choose not to end a life for no good reason.
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I don’t understand the backlash over this thread. It’s new to see gun control on the list but it gave me some things to think about. I’ve always considered most of these things part of being prolife, but maybe thats why i tend to have to qualify it by slowing down and saying pro-dignity of all human life.
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The Obama administration oversaw a roller coaster market with skyrocketing inflation and gas as high as $5.00 per gallon. If one wishes to count a very slow recovery from the 2009, 2012 and 2014 crashes as three times the gain, then fuzzy math is the ticket. It’s like a fat man bragging about having lost 2,000 pounds during the course of his life. 😎
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Ok. But then how do we keep these terrible guns out of the hands of terrorists and people who want to shoot up schools? (my condolences to all people affected by these tragedies)
Keeping guns out of the schools is easy- we do it the same way we keep them out of federal office buildings and penitentiaries. Metal detectors and searching folks entering the buildings. We haven’t had shootings in those locations for years. Were you aware that large numbers of schools in America’s Ghettoes already have metal detectors? Never hear of mass shootings in those schools. Its a shame that America values federal bureaucrats, and the nation’s car thieves and child molesters doing time more than we value the students.

Disarming terrorists is more difficult, because these international jihadi don’t usually get their weapons from ordinary channels. They don’t go into a gun shop, even in places like Russia and France which have tight gun control, they can more in with them. Getting moles and informants inside the mosques is the key to keeping an eye on that situation.
I have two problems with your idea, actually three.

First, what you describe is Catholicism in general. Catholics should all be concerned about all those things. But, (my second point) humans are limited in their resources, time, attention, capacity to take in information, so Cathollics split up into smaller groups, one of which focuses on this, another of which focuses on that.

Redefining one of those issues to cover a multitude of issues disipates the one issue into nothingness, both linguistically and wrt group dynamics as well as the reasoning above.

And my third point is that your argument is constantly used by people who want pro-life people to vote for advocates of abortion’s being legal. They conflate say exactly what you say, then point out that Politician X is on the “right” side of more of those issues, and therefore we should vote for someone with a 100% rating from NARAL. The issue of abortion, subsumed by adding all those other issues in, becomes a non-issue.
Ok but (and I dont mean to sound unsympathetic) but then how do we explain the tragedy of Parkland?
They didn’t have guards making the kids go through metal detectors at Parkland. In fact,I think some of the students were whining about the new metal detectors that were just brought in when they went back after the shooting.
Do away with child-support laws because these burdensome statutes motivate men to suggest and pay for abortions for their pregnant girlfriends
If a pregnant gal can’t hope to get child support from her Baby’s Daddy, wouldn’t that make it more likely that she would seek an abortion? How will she pay for the baby’s pampers and formula, particularly when she take time off from work for child birth?
If she believe that abortion is murder, she will not abort her own child. We should begin to teach people that abortion is murder, and therefore it is a sin. Then people will not abort their child.

They should trust in God’s providence, that God provides, that the Lord God is Yahweh Jireh.

The reason that a mother is unable to support a child and therefore abort it, is just an excuse, a simple way to justify abortion.

Most people who abort their children do not really believe that abortion is sinful.
That’s what the Founding Fathers thought. Happy Father’s Day!
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I agree with you 100% OP, and I find it amazing that people seem to think you can only focus on one issue at a time. You can be against abortion and also spend your energy on other issues as well. We’re multifaceted that way. I would also tack on to this prison reform; take prisons away from for profit corporations who have occupancy requirements that force states to target people unfairly and unjustly. Let’s work toward real solutions to end racism and poverty and recognize that we’re a family and we need to take care of each other; let’s realize that no human being is illegal, that borders are man made creations and not something that should be upheld to the point of idolization. Care more about the real human beings who are suffering than you do an ideology or nation.

Now I’m not talking about anyone specific in this, but the way some people view this nation is so so so close to idolatry that it’s sickening. Care more about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ than you do about a nation, please. And I’m saying this as a combat Veteran. Let’s try and take care of our neighbors at home before we go invading other countries to “take care” of them.

And I don’t care if you call me a leftist or a liberal - we should be more concerned with how we’re helping others than whether or not someone’s views are left or right, it’s just derailing nonsense at this point.
What are you doing about each of the issues you mentioned? What are you doing to solve the problems of poverty? What are you doing to fight abortion? What are you doing about the immigration problem? What are you doing about prison reform?

See what I mean? If someone is doing something about each of these issues, they are not doing a lot about any of them. We each have only 24 hours in a day, and many of us also have to work to support ourselves and some of us have families to care for as well.

I cannot care for my family, help support my family, and be seriously involved in multiple issues.

Mashing everything up is what has led people to find they are supporting things they would never have decided to support on their own, because those issues got mashed in with helping the poor, gun control, saving the planet, protecting the children. Wow, suddenly I’m defending gay pride parades and voting for NARAL’s 100%.

It’s a trick to get us to lay off the abortion issue so that our society doesn’t have to grapple with the real roots of our problems.
That’s true. But that doesn’t mean that “abortion as a solution” to the issue of being saddled with 18 years of child support payments never happens. Just because a certain action is immoral does not mean that people will not resort to taking that action if they feel that it is in their best financial interest.

The simple fact of the matter is that child support laws encourage abortion and that fewer abortions would occur if these laws were done away with. A lot of supposedly pro-life people seem to vehemently oppose that suggestion. With all due respect, I find that opposition to be hypocritical.
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