What is the most effective way of fighting eucharist sales on ebay?

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Personally, I doubt that these people are actually selling the Eucharist. If anything, they probably just bought a bunch of unconsecrated hosts from a Catholic bookstore. It’s actually a pretty clever scam: buy a bunch of hosts for $2, sell them for several thousand.
I have a problem:
I couldn’t find a place on the ebay website for me to cancel my account. (All I did do was sign out). I would like to cancel.

When the first bid for the Eucharist was pulled, I thought I was a sign of respect.

When the second bid of a Eucharist too place and a fellow Catholic bought it for $2000 to ‘rescue Jesus’ I thought it was honorable. However this may have reslulted in the sudden rise in ‘holding Jesus HOSTAGE’ on e bay.

Now the third and mabye even a Fourth person put up an auction of Our Lord, something interesting has taken place. These “New” bids are a sign that these misugided people KNOW that Devout Catholics Will Pay $$$ to rescue Our Lord at ANY Price.

Personally I think our Cancelling our ebay accounts and finding new sites is good. BUT you all know that BAD PRESS is somehing that can have more damage against ebay.

You would think that selling ANYTHING on ebay, even the most bizarre item, does NOT shake ebay’s image one bit…The redicuous it what sells. It’s pubilcity. IT’s news and It’s $$$.

Maybe this will drive our Lord to COME BACK SOON! I can’t stand hearing Christ being Sold ALL OVER AGAIN! :eek:

HOW TO STOP this selling:

Start Taking Our Lord On The Tongue and Not in Your Hand. We actually should be e-mailing our Bishops and ask them to re-insitiute this practice of REVERENCE.

In our Eastern Catholic Tradition, the bread is a real bread, not a pressed host. The chances of obtaining an Eastern Catholic Host is far Less than the communion wafer of the West.

So accepting our Lord in the Hand should be reversed.

Also, selling of the hosts should be regulated not in a Catholic bookstore. I know when my priest brother goes to purchase hosts for the church, he gets them overthecounter. I found it appalling.

If these TWO examples above were taken, then we can deminish the chances and catch those who would try to SELL our LORD, regardless whethere consecrated or not.
I think you guys should know that the bidders have sound motives- I have been asked to let you know. There are several CA forum members trying to sort this out!
Boycott E-Bay. Educate other Catholics. Write to your bishops and let your Parish Priests know about this. Add your names to petitions. Get the information out in the media, tell your fellow parishioners, your relatives about this. File a class action suit against E-Bay, if that’s possible. Get a Catholic organization, such as the Catholic League and a Catholic legal organization to put pressure on E-Bay.

If it’s true that E-Bay will not allow the vestments of the Mormon Church to be sold at auction, they shouldn’t allow the Eucharist to be sold at auction either. I would think that if this is true, then that would make one strong argument against E-Bay’s policies and it would mark them as being anti-Catholic and discriminating in favor of the Mormons doctrine and against Catholics doctrine. If Mormon vestments were allowed to be put up for bidding, I could argue that since I don’t believe in the Mormon Religion, it doesn’t matter to me if I put the vestment up for auction and someone decided to cut it down to make a quilt out of it. I would further argue that it is then no different than the person who put the Eucharist up and doesn’t give a darn who buys it or uses it for whatever purpose because they don’t believe in The Real Presence. If E-Bay makes concessions for the beliefs and tenets of one religious group, they need to do the same for others. Yes, it is a private organization, and as such, they can pretty well allow what they want to in the name of business. BUT: If it can be proven that they are anti-Catholic in practice and policy based on their lack of concern about the Catholic argument against allowing the Eucharist to be placed on auction and based on the concessions they have made in re: to other religion’s objects being banned for sale, perhaps there could be a case made that they are indeed discriminating against Catholics and are Anti-Catholic. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and we need to be the squeakiest wheel around.
How about if everyone keeps bidding on it until the price reaches like, one BILLION dollars (Dr. Evil voice)? That was, no real sale could go through. Would that work?
maybe you didn’t read my thread entitled “EBay backs down”
I know the forum has been heavy with usage with all the good news today.
The really effective way I found was to call the executive directly and keep it up until they just want to get rid of you! It seems to have worked along with all the petitions. I would always be ready to boycott them if it had not worked. This is my original message this am:
Thank God EBay has removed the item!
I called and left voice mail for the president and other executives of Ebay yesterday. Again this morning shortly after our new Pope Benedict XVI, God Bless him, was named, I felt very strongly that these people could not do this today. I called the executive offices once more and while I was speaking to them, the item #617170346 disappeared!
What I tried to explain to them was that EBay was participating in blackmail, or a hostage/ransom type of crime by trying to auction off the Body and Blood of Christ. It was up to $10 Million this morning and then they finally found their conscience(with a lot of help) and it was pulled! Praise God! Thanks to all who called them…they got the message!
God Bless our new Pope Benedict XVI
Coming from you that’s a predicable response.

If hacking ebay were feasible, effective and not against the moral law, then I would not condemn someone for doing it.
For me, I could get into such sinful pleasure if I knew enough to be confident not to get caught. 😃

I don’t believe in getting angry, frustrated, or frantic. All that does is empower and inform the enemy. Getting even, though, could be quite another matter… :hmmm:

When the second bid of a Eucharist too place and a fellow Catholic bought it for $2000 to ‘rescue Jesus’ I thought it was honorable. However this may have reslulted in the sudden rise in ‘holding Jesus HOSTAGE’ on e bay.
Exactly like I predicted, but since the search is disabled I’ll wait a while before posting a link. I guess it takes a criminal mind to recognize how one might react.
Now the third and mabye even a Fourth person put up an auction of Our Lord, something interesting has taken place. These “New” bids are a sign that these misugided people KNOW that Devout Catholics Will Pay $$$ to rescue Our Lord at ANY Price.
Misguided in some ways, but not in ways of the world. We’re the ones who are upset, they are laughing all the way to the bank.

I think now would be a good time to ponder the parable of the dishonest servant, whose master praised him for using his worldly wisdom even though dude had just got done ripping off the master.

Devout Catholics who have never been “really bad” people might listen to the skeptics now and then; they might learn that being right theologically doesn’t mean they are using effective strategy.

After all, computer security companies hire ex-hackers to help them secure their systems. Catholics need to make use of the body of knowledge her sinners hold, in coming up with strategies to deal with sinners.

Hello everyone,
Another consecrated Host is for Sale! Get your Parish Priest to post an article in your Parish Bulletins. Contact these people with your objections by snail mail, email and phone. Let the deluge of objections make them add the Eucharist to their prohibited items page!!! (They won’t sell Native Prayer sticks, but the Eucharist is auctionable!)

How dare they!

See the eBay prohibited items page:

See the listing of the latest Consecrated Host:

Mr. Pierre Omidyar, Founder and Chairman of the Board
Ms. Meg Whitman, President and CEO
Mr. Jeff Jordan, President, PayPal
2145 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, California 95125

To express your concerns to eBay:
eBay Customer Support:
Or call:

Blessings to all,
EBay # 6171703649 was pulled early this am.

It is more effective to call the corporate #:
eBay Inc
2145 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125
Phone: (408) 376-7400
Fax: (408) 369-4855
Web Site: ebay.com

by phone go to the “O” option to dial in the last name of the person you want to speak with: COBB for William Cobb, pres. of N. American EBAy. Leave your message on his voice mail and then wait for a service rep and tell him the same thing. There are many other corporate officers that you can access this way. It is effective.

I am also very much in favor of boycott if they ever do this again or fail t include this in their banned list.
Dear friends

I believe in a multi-pincer-movement on things like this, deluge in letter/mails, boycott and campaign by publicity and petitions and PRAYER.

No business can take efforts like this over a significant period of time, sales fall and reputation is damaged. They will have to, if this persists revise their policies.

Consumer power is everything, if no-one buys, business dies and if God is offended, well…long term …you’re stuffed!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Returning to recieving on the tongue the one and only way to recieve our LORD in communion .
I think there are 3 things that can be done with effect (ebay is so big that I doubt canceling membership will be noticed(:
  1. Write ebay, they may see reason eventually
  2. Write senators, especially religious ones. There are some politicians that respect religion, and ebay has a lot of legislation they are very concerned about (especially taxation issues involving the internet). A call from a senator could go EXTREMELY far with Ebay.
  3. Every time a host is put up for auction, bid the price up until you win, even if it is over $1 million, and then don’t pay. I’d be very cautious about this, as you will almost certainly lose your account and possibly the seller could come after your personal assets. But it will keep people from profiting and deter the activity.
I don’t think hacking ebay is good, it will anger everyone who is non Catholic and work against getting a change in the policy.
Please remember that there are at least two types of law: civil, and moral. It’s true that an unjust civil law may be disregarded, but it can’t be violated simply on the basis of strong feelings and frustrations (understandable though they may be); we must discern that the law is truly unjust, in and of itself. Laws against hacking, for example, are not immoral in and of themselves, and a deliberate and free violation of such a law would most likely be sinful. No good outcome–not even the exalted purpose of preserving Our Lord from desecration–ever justifies the commission of sin. Tread carefully when considering such actions. It was St. Teresa of Avila, I think, who said, “One venial sin is more dangerous to us than is all of Hell itself.”

Here’s my e-mail reply to eBay, for what it’s worth; I post it as a reminder that we need not descend to besmirching our souls even with venial sin, when handling these things. Pray for these confused and deceived people; they are souls whom Jesus loves, and who are in grave spiritual danger. Satan’s prisoners of war deserve our compassion and prayers (in addition to our most fervent battles against the Devil and his works, while using all licit means to do so)… not our vitriol.

In Christ,

=== quote ===
Dear Callie,

Thank you for your reply. Again, I realize that you’re not personally in any position to make changes in eBay policy–and quite frankly, my heart goes out to you in your (doubtlessly overwhelming) job of replying to the increasing flood of comments. I also understand the necessity of sending a form letter, in the face of such e-mail volume, so I don’t begrudge that at all.

My main point is that eBay has not established any sort of consistency in its decisions to ban “offensive” items. Had eBay sold everything–Nazi memorabilia, Little Mermaid videos, sacred garments of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, books such as “Why is America Fat?”, etc., then I would have been disgusted, certainly… but I would at least have recognized the consistency. As it is, eBay has demonstrated its willingness to hand-pick auctions to ban (for very vague and uncertain reasons), and they’ve deliberately decided not to use that legal and precedented discretion to preserve some respect for the most sacred aspect of the Catholic faith–Jesus Himself, in the Eucharist.

Out of respect for the people from whom I’ve bought eBay items (whose transactions have not yet been completed), I will keep my account open just long enough to have those transactions “clear”; afterward, I will–due to eBay’s intransigence in this matter–close my eBay account (as well as my PayPal account) until such time as eBay reverses its position on this issue.

Please know that, as I mentioned earlier, I hold no animus toward the public service department and workers of eBay (or toward anyone else at eBay, for that matter). But I cannot allow eBay to gain money from my business, so long as they freely and deliberately choose to allow the Eucharist to be desecrated, while arbitrarily banning other, more mundane, items for non-legal reasons of financial self-interest and the like. Please be assured of my prayers for all of you. (I do not say that lightly.)

In Christ,
=== end quote ===
The most effective way of fighting “eucharist” sales – that may or may not be authentic – is to remain at peace, which the world cannot take from us unless we let it.

Each eucharistic minister is charged with seeing the host consumed. Beyond that it is not our job to go chasing through the streets every time somebody drives by the church holding up a wafer and claiming it is the eucharist.

If they are authentic, they will bring their own judgment on those who handle it poorly.

The more excited we get about this, the more that proves to the sellers there is a high emotional value to this product, that can be converted to cash if done right. Who really thinks a focused effort on ebay will shut down the black market for consecrated eucharists in Rome?

The problem is not ebay. The problem is that these people are jerking our strings and getting us all upset.

Boycotts are fine. Letters and requests are fine. Spewing anger, hacking, dishonest bidding practices, and the like just brings us to their level. Lawsuits? Pulleeze. We have enough laws intended to enforce morality and they inevitably fail.

If we keep the war on spiritual terms we will win. This is not something that worldly practices will protect. I would be very afraid if congress passes a law protecting consecrated hosts any more than unconsecrated hosts. Then again, I guess I’m old fashioned because I also am very afraid of our existing “hate crime” legislation.

Since my quote from “Rufus” above didn’t seem to catch anyone’s notice, here’s the actual passage I was trying to parody:

Matt 5:38-44 said:
"You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on (your) right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow. "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.

Does anyone but me see some advice from Christ in this passage that just might be applicable? Is this sale of eucharists so outrageous that we can’t trust Christ’s teachings to show us the best way? I’ve known a lot of Catholics who sit around and preach Good News all day but when they’re tested like this they go back and pick up all the old guns they had before they had the two-edged sword of Truth.

Not surprising. When people panic they tend to act desperate. Even Christ blew His top once, at least, so there is no way I intend to accuse or condemn. Gold is tested and purified by fire, as we are. When met with a challenge, are we going to follow steadfastly what Christ taught us, or are we going to try to get people with guns to force others to conform to our behavioral standards?

If we try to play keepaway with these people, we will play the fool in the middle. I was picked on all the time in the (Catholic) school parking lot. They would take things from me and then toss them over my head and watch me go frantic trying to reclaim it. I want to grow out of that, and I invite others to join me.

Whew! What a soapbox. I’ll have a double dose of pride, please! Oh, that’s right, I just had one.

Here’s my e-mail reply to eBay, for what it’s worth; I post it as a reminder that we need not descend to besmirching our souls even with venial sin, when handling these things. Pray for these confused and deceived people; they are souls whom Jesus loves, and who are in grave spiritual danger. Satan’s prisoners of war deserve our compassion and prayers (in addition to our most fervent battles against the Devil and his works, while using all licit means to do so)… not our vitriol.
Dear paladinan,

Thank you!!! I like the way you put it better than the way I did.


How about “get job at ebay, climb corporate ladder, outlaw it myself”
None of the above poll choices. The most effective way would be to nip it in the bud by banning the pernicious practice of Communion in the hand, a practice which is an open invitation to abuses of this kind. Money only talks when there’s something to talk about.
Dear paladinan,

Thank you!!! I like the way you put it better than the way I did.


:tiphat: Thanks, Alan! I’m rapidly growing in my own awareness of this stuff… it’s really “fresh” for me, and I’m certainly no expert!

In Christ,
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