What is the most effective way of fighting eucharist sales on ebay?

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paladinan said:
:tiphat: Thanks, Alan! I’m rapidly growing in my own awareness of this stuff… it’s really “fresh” for me, and I’m certainly no expert!

In Christ,

Of course I pick and choose those things Jesus says to back up my own points, and I love these when discussing these things with people more knowledgeable than I am:
Matt 11:25:
At that time Jesus said in reply, "I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.
Luke 10:21:
At that very moment he rejoiced (in) the holy Spirit and said, "I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.
To me those verses are great equalizers, which I take to mean that I might just have something useful to say even though I do not have the book knowledge. It makes me feel able to participate at whatever level I can, without feeling inferior.

the tactics listed are commonly used when dealing with an annoying site
hacking here means changing website content etc not user account/credit card hacking
which do you think is most effective?
I picked “*boycott ebay permanently”…
  • in all reality thuough, it will be up to our Richer members of the Church to make sure and purchase these hosts and give them to a priest.
None of the above poll choices. The most effective way would be to nip it in the bud by banning the pernicious practice of Communion in the hand, a practice which is an open invitation to abuses of this kind. Money only talks when there’s something to talk about.
What if someone hold it in his mouth without swallowing and spit it out later for sale?
in all reality thuough, it will be up to our Richer members of the Church to make sure and purchase these hosts and give them to a priest.
If there is a market for these hosts, there will be an endless supply of hosts – either counterfeit or sacred – until the wealthy of the Catholic Church are drained of all their money. They will quit selling them when there is no more poor, and no more class envy; in essence it won’t be fixable until Jesus comes to fix it.

That is, unless we can come up with a device to test the validity of a host, so they can be sold objectively.

A few of us CA forum members have pledged to bid outrageous sums on any future Eucharistic hosts put up for sale that are claimed to be consecrated or “blessed” :confused: This resulted in eBay cancelling the last auction (bid GBP $10,000,000 over $19,000,000) and I would expect them to do the same in the future. There have been no “copy cat” auctions for about a week now. If sellers see there is no money in it for them, this problem will die, I hope.
The only way I can see is to boycott them. This is their third response to me:

Hello ,

Thank you for once again writing in to let us know your feelings on the completed sale of this item which was listed through our site by one of our members.

We have responded to all of your previous correspondence explaining why this item was allowed to be sold and we understand that you do not agreewith our decision. We respect your feelings and we do not expect you to agree with our decision but we ask that you please also respect eBay’s decision to keep our site a worldwide marketplace where nearly anything that is not against the law can be sold by nearly anyone in the world regardless of religious belief, race, sex or physical ability.

Please remember that eBay does not possess and sell the actual items listed on our site, they are listed by individuals not affiliated with eBay, and so long as they comply with site policies, we are involved in the transactions very minimally.

Your concerns have been passed on through the proper channels and futurecorrespondence will not change our decision to keep this completed item showing on the site. Please be aware that this will be the last correspondence you will receive from us regarding this matter. You have explained your views and we have explained our decision. Future correspondence will be read but will not receive a reply.

We do appreciate you writing in to express your concerns.


eBay Community Watch

So, after you read the above letter, do you feel like they even bothered to discuss this? I don’t. They made up their minds once, and are sticking to it. SO, quitting ebay for me was the only answer. The more I think of it, the madder I get. They don’t care about discriminating against Catholics. Pure and simple folks!
I should say Evil and simple!
I am not sure how to vote since I did not use ebay before this happened, so boycotting would mean nothing since I did not plan to use ebay in the first place. I will keep an eye on this thread for ideas. Hacking or disruption of service type attacks would not be a good idea since it would fight evil with evil 😦
I am not sure how to vote since I did not use ebay before this happened, so boycotting would mean nothing since I did not plan to use ebay in the first place. I will keep an eye on this thread for ideas. Hacking or disruption of service type attacks would not be a good idea since it would fight evil with evil 😦
I voted “boycott permanently” not because hacking and DOS is evil but I think boycott does the most damage in this case. if DOS or hacking does more damage(like dealing with plannedparenthood) I will not hesitate to vote that.

Don’t you think boycotting is evil as well? it causes reduced income of eBay which has no logic relation with selling eucharist. Should one cause others to lose money? the only “benevolent” way is writing to eBay which I doubt has any effect at all.
ThornGenX said:
“There are times when, unless we are willing to do what seems humanly ridiculous, God will not do the miraculous.”

Mother M. Angelica

Dear ThornGenX,

I love the quote in your signature. It seems humanly ridiculous to turn the other cheek. It seems humanly ridiculous to give a person who would take you coat, that and another one.

Boycotts, legal battles, threats, and other aggressive techniques are not humanly ridiculous, so that’s what most of us think is the best way to handle things.

As far as I recall, even when Jesus lost his temper against the moneychangers in the temple, he did not then go on a crusade, mobilize troops, and go for the kill.

Once you have clearly informed Ebay and other participants of the nature of their sins, then you have completed your job as a Christian. Admonishing the sinner and teaching the ignorant are works of mercy. Trying to get sinful men to “point guns at” other sinful men to stop their behavior is not a work of mercy.

Or am I about the only one who thinks the teachings of Christ can actually applied in any given situation? It baffles me how we all say we’re living Christ’s way, but any time we are not engaged in a theoretical discussion but are addressing a concrete situation, we disregard them?

I voted “boycott permanently” not because hacking and DOS is evil but I think boycott does the most damage in this case. if DOS or hacking does more damage(like dealing with plannedparenthood) I will not hesitate to vote that.

Don’t you think boycotting is evil as well? it causes reduced income of eBay which has no logic relation with selling eucharist. Should one cause others to lose money? the only “benevolent” way is writing to eBay which I doubt has any effect at all.
There is quite a difference between not purchasing from a particular supplier and actively trying to disrupt that supplier’s business with other customers.

There is nothing wrong with boycott, because to say there is would at the same time imply one MUST buy from that supplier, which is ridiculous. “Yes, but it is organized.” OK, so people are allowed to talk.

BTW, who said anything about being “benevolent” toward one’s enemies? (That is, unless you follow Christ’s advice and I realize that’s out of bounds here.) I’m sure you’re the one who brought it up.

Riddle me this: do you actually think that not being forced to buy from a store you don’t like, has moral equivalence to hacking and sending service requests?

Me thinks you didn’t really think this through, and were just reacting emotionally to someone not supporting your side. Either that, or you see no distinction between being a selective customer and being a vandal.

my point there’s no moral problem of using whatever method when fighting evil enemies.
Do you think it was inapprociate when, in ww2, allies hacked axis radio and gave false command to their armies or use commandos to assassinate?
BTW, who said anything about being “benevolent” toward one’s enemies? (That is, unless you follow Christ’s advice and I realize that’s out of bounds here.) I’m sure you’re the one who brought it up.
don’t mock Jesus, will you?😉
Catholic Church never teaches that hacking and DOS are intrinsically evil that is one can use them in wars/fightings
After receiving 2 replies from EBAY that they don’t intend to stop future sales of the Holy Eucharist, I just cancelled my EBAY and PayPal accounts this morning and gave them my reasons. I’ve hesitated doing it for a few days, but I kept feeling guilty about it. Now that I finally did it I feel great and I keep thinking of the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:32-33. "Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father. "

God Bless,
You may be interested to know that the boycott now has a website at www.boycottebay.org, where Catholics can get information about the boycott, the facts that led up to it, and how they can join the effort.

In the coming weeks, I hope to add features to the site, and use it to spread the word to Catholics and others who also believe in that principles of common decency require businesses to give some deference to deeply held religious beliefs.

Vincent DiCarlo
A Decent Respect
1331 Garden Highway, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95833-9773

Go guerilla, blow up UPS trucks and stations, halt all supply lines!!! Hold the big guys of EBay hostage at the bottom of the ocean!!!

Or boycott EBay permanently.
Go guerilla, blow up UPS trucks and stations, halt all supply lines!!! Hold the big guys of EBay hostage at the bottom of the ocean!!! A sequel to the Crusades!!!

Or boycott EBay permanently.

You guys know I was joking about the Crusades, right? If I could change one thing in history, it would be the Crusades. Or the Holocaust.
Lawsuits. Plain and simple financial hard hitting them. Without caps. Nothing scares these types more into compromise than that.
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