What is the most effective way of fighting eucharist sales on ebay?

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I guess I’m the only one here who thinks that becoming frantic, going to war, and obsessing over ebay and what they are doing is not as good of an idea as listening to Jesus’s teachings.

I can see Jesus in the “war room” now. “OK, you folks over there in Group A see if you can get some ad time during prime time. Group B, I want to you keep track of overal ebay sales and see how much of a dent we can take credit for in our next PR release going out Friday. Group C, I need the total of all pledges to the cause by tonight, and how much has actually come in as of today.”

"You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’

Matt 5:38-39 said:
"You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on (your) right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.

I guess this stuff sounds good in theory, but we must not think it has any practical application. :rolleyes: Alan
I guess I’m the only one here who thinks that becoming frantic, going to war, and obsessing over ebay and what they are doing is not as good of an idea as listening to Jesus’s teachings.
Oops, there I went being presumptuous. It could be I’m not getting any response because I’m on everybody’s blocked list. :hmmm:

i couldn’t find the option that i thought was the best idea so i’ll post it.

Have ushers watch to make sure people consume the consicrated host.

or beter yet end the practice of receiving the consicrated host in the hand, it would be hard for them to put it in their pockets that way.
If e-bay claims the host is consecrated, the Church should SUE E-Bay for selling stolen property. After all, if someone does not consume the Eucharist, they are stealing it!

Also, I have always been taught not to let anyone leave the church with a consecrated host.
Permently ending your financial relationship with Ebay gives them no financial incentive to try and appease you.

temporary boycotts are fads, they come and go

writing to ebay individually, they’ll get read but probably ignored

petitions are a dime a dozen

write to our senate in the United States? Like all this time they have been interested in what the Church thinks?

attacks and hacking are immoral and good Catholics are above all this…

I like the idea about writing advertisers, about making sure the Host is consumed, going back to putting it on the tongue, that kind of thing.

Other that that,
In the same way the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness: for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings…:bowdown2:
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