There was an incident in Iraq where this officer had found that one of the Iraqi police working with his men was working with terrorists planning an attack. After all normal interrogation methods had failed to extract information from him, the officer dismissed the interrogators and he and one of his aids took the prisoner out back of the building. The officer then proceeded to remove his pistol from it’s holster and press it against the back of the mans head. He then told the man that if he didn’t give up the information he would be shot. The man continued to resist. The officer then fired his weapon from behind the mans head into a sand filled bucket that was by the back door of the building. The man collapsed in a fit and lying there on the ground began to tell all he knew of his fellow conspirators. As it turned out they were planning an ambush of the Americans. His confession led to the arrests of the terrorist cell and in all probability saved the lives of over a dozen men.
The officer was raked over the coals for his actions and was finally allowed to retire.
This was an act of torture to be sure.
Was it necessary? I dunno. I suppose it would depend on who you asked. I’m sure the people that made this officers life miserable till they forced him into retirement didn’t think so. But I suspect that you might find the parents and wives of the men who didn’t die, might feel otherwise.
Tough question to deal with.
The officer was raked over the coals for his actions and was finally allowed to retire.
This was an act of torture to be sure.
Was it necessary? I dunno. I suppose it would depend on who you asked. I’m sure the people that made this officers life miserable till they forced him into retirement didn’t think so. But I suspect that you might find the parents and wives of the men who didn’t die, might feel otherwise.
Tough question to deal with.
- FranL