Sleep deprivation and loud tasteless music? That was my last job! There are people working in factories, well known manufacturers, here in the US, that work under conditions that fit the description of the torture at Gitmo. And they’re happy to have the jobs.
Abu Grhab? As a nerd boy in grade school I received worse treatment than that at the hands of my fellow students! And it was a Catholic school!
Is there some kind of aid program I can sign up for as a victim of torture?
In my hippy days I wound up in prison twice. One of the jails was a filthy rat hole the other was actually quite nice, I could live there. I was never abused by the guards. My personal experience is that it is not the norm. Though I was in fear of my life from the inmates in that rat hole in Mississippi.
I apologize if I sound sarcastic. I don’t think Abu Grhab was justified any more than the kids who tortured me in grade school where. But this stuff constitutes a low grade fever and a mild sore throat even compared to the normal lives of many people I know and others I read about. People who don’t think they’re doing too bad in life.
When you compare it to beheadings, dismemberment, burns and electrocution, stuff that others have used and we have so far refrained from using, it’s pretty weak.
For people to carry on the way they do about the isolated incidents of American abuses compared to the gross excesses of others indicates to me a deliberate attempt to undermine our people for reasons that are less than noble.
I’m sorry. I can’t see it any other way.