vern humphrey:
We already have done that in Afghanistan, and it seems to be working pretty well.
Instead, Afghanistan is again the world’s leading Opium manufacturer; but its ‘President’ is the best dressed man between Rome & Hollywood; and in Iraq a man who shots prisoners in the head is about to become its President.
After all, it was our disengagement that allowed terrorism to flourish in the first place – we could have stopped the Taliban before they grew up.
Funny early disengagement is what bin Laden’s complaint against the US was. Of course its not that cut or dry.
The US was never in Afghanistan before the invasion; the CIA was. Yes they could have stopped the creation of the Taliban by the Pakistani Intelligence services; but human rights outside the borders of the US has been of nil interest to US governments since WW-II; but unknown to most Americans, human rights abuses have been US economic foreign policy since WW-ii.
Instead of calling me names; you should be trying to figure out* why it is that from 1901 to 2001 the US credo changed* from:
“hard work & honesty will bring life’s rewards”
“Profits above all else”.
The United States has changed a lot since WW-i & WW-ii ; the rat-race is the holy crusade that everyone on the planet must join? All in the name of progress; or was it a spreading evil that used “progress” to hide itself ? Technology & business are all fine & wonderful things, but it’s the evil schemes that hid from the US public that have created so much woe.
Vietnam to 9/11; both events & much worse created by the same force; by a
handfull of corrupt Americans who do not care who had to pay for their profits.
And still Americans can not see what is being done in their names;
because the same corrupt people who profit from evil are the same ones able to filter the world news that gets back to the US. Americans are killed, and you never hear of that; tens of thousands are killed by a US firm and again you never hear of it because it would affect their profits.
An idiot wanted profits, result, Vietnam war.
An idiot wanted profits, result, an Axis power anti-US propaganda campaign went unchecked for 50 years – result individuals world-wide believing a anti-US Jihad is their duty – result 9/11.