I am converting to Orthodox Christianity. I think I meant western Christianity in general as opposed to eastern Christianity, which has suffered unconscionable horrors in the last century. Catholics ignore this and Evangelicals largely don’t care because the of the Orthodox use of icons and reverence for saints; meanwhile if Evangelicals were to face with such horrors most would convert to a point that you would have to use crowd control to control all the immediate applicants at the communist party office. Then there’s the Evangelical love affair with Israel, as though God we’re in the real estate business, particularly in regards to the Jewish people no longer being chosen in a Christian context. This idea is no older then 150 years old and no Christian would have thought this prior to 1850. You have churches embracing gay “marriage” and everything worldly in general. Another problem with western Christianity is that it has become overtly materialistic with pastors equating earthly success with divine favor, this can be true in some cases but not when the material overrides the divine. We in the West, regardless of denomination, have been blessed so abundantly that we should be grateful but instead we have abandoned God. It’s very sad. You addressed the beauty in Catholic Churches, well it’s the same as in the Orthodox Church. The beauty in these churches is meant to represent Heaven and the beauty and splendor of Heaven itself, it seems very difficult for me to envision Heaven as bland with no beauty. Beauty will save the world but with things as they are I don’t it’ll come from the west, rather, it is coming from the east. As to spiritual dereliction, I am spiritually derelict often as are every human being on this earth but when you have churches embracing what I wrote above then it becomes a problem for the entire congregation and moves from an individual problem to a societal problem and so we are where we are.