I have been reading this and I just have to weigh in. I actually LOVE this topic and have studied it, and been the subject of it once or twice.
As the comments on Romans 13, and a few other NT references, there are some other considerations. Lets start with one.
Assume that the government brings a slanderous charge based on statutes and is completely supported by the facts. Suppose that the Government wins and the good Catholic boy goes to jail. Ah yes, the American judicial system.
Now suppose that the opportunity comes for our good Catholic boy to get a good lawyer to appeal. The question is put forth as to the constitutionality of the statute. Supreme court overthrows the lower court decision and then “remands” said case back to the lower court wherein the the “facts” are re-evaluated and the Cathloic boy is exonerated and freed from bondage.
Was this a legitimate step to do?
I know you agree that this is ok, and in fact we would champion such a success as good and right.
I’d like to point out something from Romans 13 (and in fact other verses that say we should “obey the ordinances of man”). You have to remember that even secular Government must obey the rule of law by their own admission. There are a couple of good references in the Bible that address this very topic. One is the story of Darius and Daniel in the Lions den. Remember what the King said? He said the the law of the Medes and Persians could not be overthrown - EVEN THOUGH he was KING! Even the King had no power to stop Daniels fate, even though he wanted to.
Why do I bring this up? Simple. Because even the Government has to follow the law.
The Bible does not make us accept ALL government edicts as true, otherwise it would be sin to challenge the rightness or “constitutionality” of a law even when we know it’s wrong. I hope God would not expect me to suffer evil from a bad law that I could win if I merely defended myself based on the very constitution that gives the authority for me to challenge it.
So, here is what I am getting to. The income tax must be implemented by a certain set of federal rules. You should check and see if those rules are being adhered to. If they are not, then perhaps - and I do mean perhaps you can challenge them. There are many people who have suffered greatly because they believe the income tax is not applicable to them. There are some who have made the taxman go away. I can tell you I have watched this argument for years and there are more casualties than wins.
In closing, I will say this. Governments do have the authority to tax in certain situations, but those situations must be clearly defined. They cannot be vague. They must be applicable. Learning where the applicability lies is the real power in this debate. But “narrow is the path, and few there be that find it”.
Be very careful, and know what you are doing before embarking on this journey.