No. She was listening to Christ’s words. Hopefully she was not daydreaming about her wedding
But to my defense, the ambitions I have are from meditation and reflection of music, Liturgical Celebration, and thinking of my family, extended, friends, and other relatives. Many who are not even Catholic. Or even Christian.
For instance, my step sister and her husband are Buddhist. They offer prayers for the dead with Buddha. But we worship the God of the living, not of the dead. And so we can pray for them as well. Thus, if he came to my wedding with the Liturgical Celebration, and having the Litany of the Saints, that would merit him to the prayers we have. Because, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for whom as we see in the Transfiguration, there my brother-in-law may see hope for his own family and deceased. Wherefore there may open for him the desire for Baptism.
And then again, my nephews, who though may be young, will see something common: prayer. And see the robustness we behold in the Mass. And that could form for one of them or both a vocation to the priesthood.
Just some thoughts on my reflections.