What my wedding might be like

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Stop daydreaming about a wedding that may or may not ever happen, and spend your energy on something that actually makes a difference in the world in the here and now. And definitely spend your time and energy becoming the sort of man that a woman will want to marry.
But Mary sat at the feet of Christ (i.e. Magdalene) and chose the better. Was she daydreaming, head in the clouds?
No. She was listening to Christ’s words. Hopefully she was not daydreaming about her wedding. :roll_eyes:
I’d tell you the same thing I’d tell a bride who has lost sight of the big picture. If it is your vocation to marry, you are preparing for a lifelong marriage not a wedding day. Daydreaming is fun, but it could turn out almost nothing like you wanted. You need to be ok with that because all that matters is you found your person, sacramentally married them and can begin your life together. It doesn’t get much better than that! Except…that it does!
True, true. I concede.
No. She was listening to Christ’s words. Hopefully she was not daydreaming about her wedding
But to my defense, the ambitions I have are from meditation and reflection of music, Liturgical Celebration, and thinking of my family, extended, friends, and other relatives. Many who are not even Catholic. Or even Christian.

For instance, my step sister and her husband are Buddhist. They offer prayers for the dead with Buddha. But we worship the God of the living, not of the dead. And so we can pray for them as well. Thus, if he came to my wedding with the Liturgical Celebration, and having the Litany of the Saints, that would merit him to the prayers we have. Because, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for whom as we see in the Transfiguration, there my brother-in-law may see hope for his own family and deceased. Wherefore there may open for him the desire for Baptism.

And then again, my nephews, who though may be young, will see something common: prayer. And see the robustness we behold in the Mass. And that could form for one of them or both a vocation to the priesthood.

Just some thoughts on my reflections.
Here’s my prediction - the Priest will guide and advise you to do it the same way he does everyone else’s ceremony.

He’s a Priest, not a choreographer…
Yup. If Priest doesn’t want to do it, then no amount of badgering by the couple, the bride’s mom or anybody is going to get him to budge. You’d have to find another priest.
I want to add on this discussion. There’s a lot of prayer, and discernment. And purification for me. There’s not doubt, I need to be prepared.

Ultimately the girl I seek is a girl who makes way of/for Christ’s love in my heart.

But I am also prone to disappointment. And that’s been good/sound advice from everyone for the most part to keep my feet on the ground. Which, oddly, the Apostle’s did during the Transfiguration. So I need to bear that in mine.

A prayer for me ultimately helps too. And that is what/all I can ask for.
It sounds like your intentions are beautiful, to share the beauty of the faith and drag as many people to heaven with you as possible. Just follow the rubrics, listen to your priest and don’t overwhelm your bride-to-be.
It sounds like your intentions are beautiful, to share the beauty of the faith and drag as many people to heaven with you as possible. Just follow the rubrics, listen to your priest and don’t overwhelm your bride-to-be.
Thank you (I have to type more letters in order for my reply to come through;)
as my bride enters the chambers of the Church, down the aisle way. For me, I’d be kneeling facing the Altar, in unison and prayer. As she approaches, kneeling down herself,
You realize that in the Catholic Rite of Marriage, the Bride and Groom process in together, right?

It is also a small t tradition for the bride to have a rosary woven into her bouquet, so, it sounds like you will have quite a lot of beads floating about!
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You know who runs the show on the actual day? The wedding photographers.
A significant part of our not hiring one. We asked our friends to bring cameras.
I do the initial groundwork. She then makes it complete,
The “initial groundwork” you do is dropping to you knee for the proposal. After that, you’re largely along for the ride . . .


The priest or deacon wraps his stole around your hands as a symbol of the couples unity until death so having a rosary there might not be the best.

You need to go and see what the Catholic Sacrament of Matrimony really is about before thinking anymore about your own wedding. Listen to the prayers, readings, see what the priest or deacon do and say and also what the couple do and say when they are promising vows for life to one another. Every little thing is there for a reason.
Here’s a question…will you wear your wedding ring on your right hand…you know, since that’s the hand you will be bound with ? 🤔
Depends on culture, a wedding ring is not in all societies an old practice and not a must in a catholic wedding.
Italians and french wear it left (“the arm next to the heart”), germans wear it sometimes right sometimes left (depending on region, also nazi germany left it´s print), the middle east christians and the russians wear mostly right.
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We’re gonna need a lot of food and beer for this wedding. It sounds like it’ll take at least a day to complete!
No. She was listening to Christ’s words. Hopefully she was not daydreaming about her wedding
But to my defense, the ambitions I have are from meditation and reflection of music, Liturgical Celebration, and thinking of my family, extended, friends, and other relatives. Many who are not even Catholic. Or even Christian.

For instance, my step sister and her husband are Buddhist. They offer prayers for the dead with Buddha. But we worship the God of the living, not of the dead. And so we can pray for them as well. Thus, if he came to my wedding with the Liturgical Celebration, and having the Litany of the Saints, that would merit him to the prayers we have. Because, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for whom as we see in the Transfiguration, there my brother-in-law may see hope for his own family and deceased. Wherefore there may open for him the desire for Baptism.

And then again, my nephews, who though may be young, will see something common: prayer. And see the robustness we behold in the Mass. And that could form for one of them or both a vocation to the priesthood.

Just some thoughts on my reflections.
I get where you’re coming from, but I must say it’s a bit arrogant to think that the Mass cannot stand on its own with regard to touching people’s hearts, and that you must add more and more and more to it because in your reflections you think you know more than the Holy Spirit what it is your loved ones need for their conversion.

Relax a little with your planning. Work on your own salvation and necessary conversion of heart. Pray and make sacrifices for them, and then allow God to work in their hearts. Only He can change the heart. ❤️
Touching on the point of the rosary around both your hands, there is a tradition in the Philippines that originated from Spain (I believe mozarabic rite?) of the bride and groom having a cord put around both of them, resting on their shoulders as a symbol of their unity.
Dreams are nice, but don’t be surprised if the Lord has a very different answer to your prayers and dreams – or a nice Catholic girl – with plans of her own. 😂
Here’s my prediction - the Priest will guide and advise you to do it the same way he does everyone else’s ceremony.

He’s a Priest, not a choreographer…
Some are both 😉

Seriously, I was at a rehearsal recently and I swear I’ve gotten less direction on the stage than he was providing to the couple. Worked out well though, because on the day they did everything just as practiced even though they were nervous because they’d been over it so thoroughly.
I don’t want to criticize your plans because it’s obviously you care about your faith. However, I would suggest that instead of trying to figure out everything you can add to your wedding, you spend time praying for your vocation. If marriage is God’s plan for you, things will move in the way He wants.
In the US, it is rather usual for brides to be in charge of the planning of their wedding and so she might be upset if you take over everything and make her do the small stuff. Perhaps work together and use this experience to bond.
Pray together throughout your dating time too and always listen to the priest regarding the ceremony. Sometimes simple and abiding by the rules or guidelines is the best. Make it about your love for each other which comes from God. Make this about both of you giving your lives to each other in order to serve God.
God Bless!

I will note that most Catholic weddings I’ve seen in the US have the bride walking towards her groom with her mom and or Dad by her sides.
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