I used to belong to CCF - Catholic Community Forum - It is much smaller than CAF, but is / was faithful (was when I was there, I know). I’d recommend trying it, at least…
My memory is that when the shift in platforms happened here a few years ago, many headed over to CCF. I believe it has a no politics policy also which might appeal to some here.
No politics?
Sorry, that just won’t do. We are headed into a world (at least this country is) in 2021 where any defense of the pro-life cause in the three branches of government hangs on the tenterhooks of possibly a single Senator. The elections in Georgia on January 6 will tell the tale. If the Democrats win control of the Senate, then it will be entirely possible for them to increase the number of judges on the Supreme Court, and thus undo the very reason many of us (myself included) voted for such a horribly flawed man as President.
And I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bash Democrats, but the situation has morphed into one where the Democratic party is, for all intents and purposes, totally pro-choice, and the Republican party — imperfect though it is — is the only thing standing in its way. A Republican-majority Senate can do a massive amount of damage control.
It’s a pretty bad time to close down CAF, if you ask me. I can’t imagine a much worse one.
You have a very interesting alternate reality.
I really question the worthwhileness of even addressing your observation, but here goes.
Aside from my closing comment about the desirability of closing down CAF at this time, I have done nothing except state “facts on the ground”. If the Democrats do end up controlling the executive and legislative branches, and use this hegemony to model the judicial branch in their image, what is left? Are they going to say
“well, at long last we finally run the whole show, so let’s do the right thing, ratchet back our pro-choice stance, start recognizing that pro-life people do, indeed, have a point, and try to meet somewhere in the middle”?
that would be an alternate reality rooted in sheer fantasy.
There may be a few Democratic voices, of one degree of pro-life sympathy or another (such as Joe Manchin of West Virginia), but for all the world, it looks a lot like the Communist-dominated legislature in Poland, where minor parties were allowed a few token seats — “see, we
do allow diversity of opinion!” — but were powerless actually to influence anything.