What other forums on the Internet are similar to CAF?

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So I guess that means you believe Trump when he keeps repeating that the US has the lowest rate of Covid deaths per number of cases?
IMHO, there is a problem in counting which deaths are due to COVID and which are due to other underlying causes.
I’m a member of rCatholicism, I think that’s where I’ll stick to for now. It has a certain flavor for sure, but so does every Internet forum. It strikes me as the least biased of the options I’ve personally looked into. The moderators seem to stick to moderating based on doctrine, but not on personal opinions. To me this is the best way to avoid forums divulging into a cult like mentality. That’s been my experience at least.
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The moderators seem to stick to moderating based on doctrine, but not on personal opinions.
I would not like that at all. What would there be to discuss?

I like CAF for the diversity of opinions, and the number of different voices that it attracts from around the world. CAF does suffer from issues that go along with such an open and popular forum. Despite that, I think the problems here could have been solved. I have trouble imagining another “Catholic” forum replicating what can be found here.
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About detachment though, I don’t think that’s the proper way of doing it. From what I’ve read, detachment as described by Loyola isn’t refusing to have emotions, opinions or preferences, but ordering them rightly - since our fallen nature makes us wrongly attach to certain things more, or sees things as more important than they are. In that sense, detachment is essentially training ourselves to be willing to give up things for God’s sake if need be, and to be loyal to Him the most.

It’s not about refusing to acknowledge you have certain feelings about something, but about dealing with them properly. For example, some feelings are actually sinful so we should resist them - this could also include talking to God about them and being honest with them, rather than always just suppressing them, even as we try to go against them and heal them with God’s grace. It’s also why we do things like fasting or self-denial - in order to strenghten us against sinful desires by controlling our legitimate ones, not that our legitimate ones are bad in themselves and should be always suppressed.After all, God Himself values or respects our non-sinful preferences - when He asked Abe to sacrifice Isaac, He actually said please in the Hebrew when saying “Take now”, implying Abe didn’t need to answer the request and wouldn’t have sinned in refusing.

So while it is useful to discipline our normal desires in order to grow in self-control, it’s not about getting rid of your feelings altogether (those that aren’t sinful, that is). Non-sinful feelings are okay and expressing them isn’t inherently wrong. In fact - you can express all of them to God in conversation with Him, simply to deepen your relationship with Him!
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Agree. Seems very fast, I didn’t know closing CAF was in the pipeline, the Patron thing didn’t seem very urgent.
Well I don’t think it replicates CAF. It’s definitely different. But of the options I’ve looked at it appears the most open. I’ve found a lot if forums to be moderated by a few people, and thus can guide the whole forum. For example a liberal mod team will eventually result in a liberal forum, etc.

So for me, limiting moderation (but still active moderation) to doctrine leaves it as open as possible without gaining the opinion based hostility that many forums can get into. Just been my experience, I’m sure others would prefer a different style. Everyone’s MMV. Best LordFaith.
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The moderators seem to stick to moderating based on doctrine, but not on personal opinions.
I would not like that at all. What would there be to discuss?

I like CAF for the diversity of opinions, and the number of different voices that it attracts from around the world.
I took servant’s comment to mean that when moderating posts, the mods remove only those comments that contradict Church teaching and they aren’t interesting in removing opinion-only posts.
I want nothing to do with Facebook that censors scientists and others they don’t like.
I don’t know, I am familiar with neither one. Can someone clarify?
Try practicing law.

The ideal is discourse, but discord is far too common . . .
I just hear “bear” and think masculine.
I am not going to start a rumor that female bears with young cubs eat their mates while hibernating.

I repeat, there is no admissible evidence of this cannibalism.

oops . . .

😱 :roll_eyes: 😜
I’d like to join your group Tis_Bearself but your public profile doesn’t open for me, so no way to PM you?
you can go to messages under your profile button (web version), and there is a “new message” button.

You can then type in/paste a name to send a message.
I guess you’ll have to socialize and leave your house 🤨
Playing the exciting, retro-childhood game, “Governor, may I?”

:roll_eyes: 😱 🤣
And people already got annoyed at him on Twitter for asking for donations to fund his transition.
If anything could get me interested in a politician, it would be a proposal to reduce our conventional missile arsenal by expending some on the various facetwit servers . . .

Now that would be a glorious morning!
About detachment though, I don’t think that’s the proper way of doing it. From what I’ve read, detachment as described by Loyola isn’t refusing to have emotions, opinions or preferences, but ordering them rightly - since our fallen nature makes us wrongly attach to certain things more, or sees things as more important than they are. In that sense, detachment is essentially training ourselves to be willing to give up things for God’s sake if need be, and to be loyal to Him the most.

It’s not about refusing to acknowledge you have certain feelings about something, but about dealing with them properly. For example, some feelings are actually sinful so we should resist them - this could also include talking to God about them and being honest with them, rather than always just suppressing them, even as we try to go against them and heal them with God’s grace. It’s also why we do things like fasting or self-denial - in order to strenghten us against sinful desires by controlling our legitimate ones, not that our legitimate ones are bad in themselves and should be always suppressed.After all, God Himself values or respects our non-sinful preferences - when He asked Abe to sacrifice Isaac, He actually said please in the Hebrew when saying “Take now”, implying Abe didn’t need to answer the request and wouldn’t have sinned in refusing.

So while it is useful to discipline our normal desires in order to grow in self-control, it’s not about getting rid of your feelings altogether (those that aren’t sinful, that is). Non-sinful feelings are okay and expressing them isn’t inherently wrong. In fact - you can express all of them to God in conversation with Him, simply to deepen your relationship with Him!
Thanks for the wise words, I’ll take them into account. I just haven’t found in six decades of earthly sojourn, that feelings end up accounting for much of anything — better just to take things as they come, influence what you can for good, and accept what you can’t influence or change, but don’t give up easily! (I know, variation on the Serenity Prayer.)

I never knew that Abraham had any choice in whether to sacrifice Isaac or not. I thought it was a case of “either do it, and show your trust in Me, or don’t do it, and show that you don’t trust Me after all”. Having a son myself, that is not my favorite part of Scripture.
I like the resources Fish Eaters has put online for stuff like Ember Days and other traditional devotions. I have bookmarked a lot of those pages both on Fish Eaters site and in the Internet archive.

However, when I looked into posting there a few years ago, I very definitely got the impression that there was a lot of interpersonal drama occurring, and that some of the situations were not in accordance with Church teaching, which made me uncomfortable given that it holds itself out as not just Catholic but Traditional Catholic. I stepped away because of that.
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