What should Luther have done?

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hehehe. Yes maam! Do start a new thread. I will be coming along! I am glad to see you are still around Carol Marie.🙂
Carol Marie, we hereby elect you to start this new thread on Mary!! How’s that for democracy?
I am curious what you are witnessing to in this statement.
Just what I said. I know you did not mean it when you said you adored Mary. I also identified the hidden side: carelessness of word usage. In apologetics, this can have fatal consequences and scandalize others. For instance we are not a group of teenage girls talking about a new bag or a pair of shoes: “oh, I just adore this pair” would one say to another. What she would mean she really likes the pair until something newer (and better) shows up in the stores. We cannot slack off in apologetics, we cannot use colloquial expressions, because they distort what we mean and mislead the readers especially those who are seeking answers. I was not intending to be hard on you, and if your feelings are hurt, please forgive me. But I did not assume for one moment that you meant the words “I adore Mary”, I have assumed you made a careless comment that is all.
carol marie:
Please children! Stop bickering! Opps. sorry… it’s just that I often think that people who agrue and pick on each other on these forums remind me of my kids. I really want to understand Mary in view of the Catholic Church. As I said in a previous post, some of those quotes really bother me. And I agree, please tell the truth because I don’t want to be fooled into thinking that Mary is just a follower of Christ (like us all, although MUCH better at it) if you believe that she is so much more. I have printed out the 23 page article on Mary that I believe Sarah suggested. (thank you) In the meantime, could we please just stick to the topic (which, by the way I am so over Luther - this Mary thing is all I’ve thought about since I read the co-redemptrix thing - so maybe a new thread should be started anyhow) But at any rate, no more bickering, please. (Or I’ll send you to your rooms! Can you tell I have 4 kids??!)
👍 😃 😃 😃 😃
Made me smile

Suggestion: Don’t get stuck on the terminology. Focus on the meaning. The terminology the Church uses for these titles can be confusing.

'nother thought:
Mary and her relationship with us and her Son and the Father has nothing to do with power. Her humility and her love and her obedience and her heart makes her, I believe, and her prayers very pleasing to God and her suffering at the foot of the cross of her divine Son so meritorious.


/me checks to make sure I finished all my broccoli 😃
After reading the above dialogue concerning the Blessed Virgin, I just have to shake my head. Catholics get frustrated when they explain something to non-Catholics only to hear the same tired accusations repeated once again. There are many threads on these boards that discuss the Church’s Marion teachings and I would recommend them.

Non-Catholics need to understand that they cannot take a teaching out of context any more than we can take scripture verses out of context. When we remove the context we destroy the meaning. It has been suggested that the term “co-redemptrix” puts Mary on par with Jesus and is idolatry. It has also been suggested that the term should not be used if we aren’t putting Mary on a par with Jesus. That is utter nonsense. In our everyday language we use the term “copilot,” and we do not mean that the person in the second seat of an aircraft is equal to the pilot. In fact, if you know anything about the airlines, you would know that there is a significant difference between the two. Examples could be multiplied but you get the idea.

As Catholics we do not demand that Protestants change their definitions/use of words. When Protestants have an “altar call” we don’t demand that they not use the term even though they don’t have an altar in their church building. Instead, as Protestants and Catholics we need to truly understand one another’s terminology, and we need to understand it in the context in which it used.

Now hear this! Catholics do not “worship” Mary in any way shape or form that our accusers suggest. Catholics do not place Mary in any type of equivalency with Jesus, nor does the term “co-redemptrix” mean what you might think it means or what you might want it to mean. It means what Catholics tell you it means. Ask a Catholic about Jesus. A Catholic will tell you that only Jesus died for our sins. A Catholic will tell you that it is only by the blood of Jesus Christ that we are saved. No Catholic believes that the blood of any martyred saint or Mary’s blood provides our salvation. Only Jesus, the son of God, died on the cross for our salvation and every Catholic believes that. I hope that clarifies this issue!

If you believe that our teachings on Mary make her equal to God then you have a very small vision of God, and an extremely limited understanding of the extraordinary character of the Mass and the worship we render to God. If you read Catholic prayers and spirituality pertaining to Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit and compare them with those on Mary you see a huge difference. Unprepared Protestants that read Ligouri’s descriptions and praises of Mary are usually offended by the flowery language and praise. But if they read what Ligouri says about the Lord they would no longer be offended because they would see how his words about Mary pale in comparison. This is the way it is with all Catholic teachings, prayer, and worship. While statements about Mary are heavenly and beautiful, they merely reflect God’s workmanship within her. God is divine and Mary is not. God is the author and Mary is his finest work among his creatures. This is appropriate, if not necessary, because Mary bore God’s divine son in her womb.

I am constantly amazed at the great love my non-Catholic brothers and sisters have for Jesus and I praise them for it. I am, however, frequently disappointed, at how small their vision can sometimes be when it comes to God and His wondrous deeds. Our vision of creation and the universe, and our vision of God’s plan for salvation should not be limited. God’s loving power has generated every good thing and every gift to man. Whenever we fully appreciate the wonders of God’s creation we get a greater appreciation for the unfathomable power and mystery of God, Himself. The splendor of Mary is like the light of the moon, but it is only a small reflection of the light of God that both creates and illuminates.
You are off by a factor of 10. Try 30,000 denominations!!! (look in a religious almanac)
Yes I know. I was short of a zero. Actually it is around 34 thousand if I remember correctly. Thanks for the correction.🙂
Please don’t judge the Catholic Church by the behavior of some of it’s members. Remember, the Church is not so much a hotel for saints as it is a hospital for sinners, and some of us have farther to go before we are “cured.” As someone said in a post on another thread,you should judge an organization on its best members, not it’s worst. 👋
Here here! I agree. In fact it may have been a previous post I submitted which is as follows:

“A Master chef creates the perfect meal and leaves the recipe. Now 10 other chefs all use his recipe to make a meal but some follow it only vaguely while others more exactly. When all the meals are prepared, which one are you going to say “this tastes like the Master chef’s meal”? The one who followed it most perfectly. So, if we are going to look at members of a community to evaluate that communities belief system (keeping in mind it is not for us to judge), then it would be by the SAINTS that we consider a religion, not by the sinners!”

God Bless,
Good post Pax!

What I find so amazing, how quickly well educated and smart people can become so simple minded when they are discussing Mary. It is almost as if the intelligence and the knowledge they otherwise have suddenly disappears and they end up reasoning in the most infantile way. You have to spell everything out and sometimes they still don’t get it. But I do not think they are simple minded at all. I think when it comes to Mary, Satan clouds the mind of ordinarily smart people and they get a mental paralysis. She is most hated and also most feared by the adversary and the last thing he wants is to allow good Christian people to realize her divine maternity. When they realize who she is to them, they can become quite dangerous as far as Satan is concerned. So don’t be hard on would be converts, when it comes to Mary, logic, knowledge and natural born intelligence are generally impaired.
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 Go! Pax! Yay!!! Great post! Straight to the point, uncompromising and charitable! Yay!!! 👍

heh, I liked Pax’s post :o :o
Yes I agree, well said Pax, thank you. I’m sure it must get frustrating hearing the same tired old arguments against the Catholic Church. I guess the Mary thing touches a raw nerve (for me anyhow) because when friends have criticized my interest in the Catholic Church they always seem to end up at Mary. “Catholics worship Mary and more attention is paid to her than to God. They make her the 4th part of the trinity!” I’ve said over & over, “No No No, not true! I promise!” And then I turn around and hear stuff like Co-Redemtrix and Mary handing out graces and going through Mary to get to Jesus. Yikes! I start thinking OMIGOODNESS they were right! These people do care more about Mary than Jesus! And an alarm goes off in my head and I start thinking why am I even THINKING about the Catholic Church??? Anyhow, it becomes a slippery slope and I start to panic that I’ve made a huge mistake. That’s why Mary freaks me out. The mere mention of her hits some fundamentalist planted trigger. I pray pray pray that I’m able to someday view her as my Mother. I think that must be such a wonderful comforting thing. I’m just not there yet. God Bless. CM
carol marie:
Yes I agree, well said Pax, thank you. I’m sure it must get frustrating hearing the same tired old arguments against the Catholic Church. I guess the Mary thing touches a raw nerve (for me anyhow) because when friends have criticized my interest in the Catholic Church they always seem to end up at Mary. “Catholics worship Mary and more attention is paid to her than to God. They make her the 4th part of the trinity!” I’ve said over & over, “No No No, not true! I promise!” And then I turn around and hear stuff like Co-Redemtrix and Mary handing out graces and going through Mary to get to Jesus. Yikes! I start thinking OMIGOODNESS they were right! These people do care more about Mary than Jesus! And an alarm goes off in my head and I start thinking why am I even THINKING about the Catholic Church??? Anyhow, it becomes a slippery slope and I start to panic that I’ve made a huge mistake. That’s why Mary freaks me out. The mere mention of her hits some fundamentalist planted trigger. I pray pray pray that I’m able to someday view her as my Mother. I think that must be such a wonderful comforting thing. I’m just not there yet. God Bless. CM
Just to add a little to all that’s been said, I often find it a good idea to see what the Church Fathers thought about an issue. Many times it helps bring things into perspective. For example, Irenaeus, writing circa 180 AD in Against Heresies (Bk 3, Ch. 22) had this to say about the whole co-redemptrix issue:
In accordance with this design, Mary the Virgin is found obedient, saying, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” But Eve was disobedient; for she did not obey when as yet she was a virgin. And even as she, having indeed a husband, Adam, but being nevertheless as yet a virgin (for in Paradise “they were both naked, and were not ashamed,” inasmuch as they, having been created a short time previously, had no understanding of the procreation of children: for it was necessary that they should first come to adult age, and then multiply from that time onward), [Eve] having become disobedient, was made the cause of death, both to herself and to the entire human race; so also did Mary, having a man betrothed [to her], and being nevertheless a virgin, by yielding obedience, become the cause of salvation, both to herself and the whole human race.

I think this quote cuts right to the heart of all Catholic thinking on Mary. And seen in this light, I don’t know how anyone could be threatened, or even offended by this teaching.
carol marie:
I guess the Mary thing touches a raw nerve (for me anyhow) because when friends have criticized my interest in the Catholic Church they always seem to end up at Mary. “Catholics worship Mary and more attention is paid to her than to God. They make her the 4th part of the trinity!” I’ve said over & over, “No No No, not true! I promise!” And then I turn around and hear stuff like Co-Redemtrix and Mary handing out graces and going through Mary to get to Jesus. Yikes! I start thinking OMIGOODNESS they were right! These people do care more about Mary than Jesus! And an alarm goes off in my head and I start thinking why am I even THINKING about the Catholic Church??? Anyhow, it becomes a slippery slope and I start to panic that I’ve made a huge mistake. That’s why Mary freaks me out. The mere mention of her hits some fundamentalist planted trigger. I pray pray pray that I’m able to someday view her as my Mother. I think that must be such a wonderful comforting thing. I’m just not there yet. God Bless. CM
Carol Marie,

If you go to a Catholic Mass, you will find out for yourself that Mary is not worshipped. When you enter a Catholic Church, you will find a crucifix right over the altar. When the priest finishes reading the Gospel, the congregation recites “Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.” Also, the heart of Catholic worship is the body and blood of Jesus made present in the Eucharist. As a matter of fact, except for the confession in the beginning (where we ask Mary and the Saints, and our fellow congregants to pray for us), and the reciting of the creed, most of the tme you do not even hear Mary’s name mentioned.
I was a fundamentalist Protestant and had the same qualms you did. A couple months ago, I started a thread on why we Catholics consider it important to honor Mary and answering some objections. You can click here to look at it. I hope it helps- if you have any more questions, feel free to ask. 🙂
Here here! I agree. In fact it may have been a previous post I submitted which is as follows:

“A Master chef creates the perfect meal and leaves the recipe. Now 10 other chefs all use his recipe to make a meal but some follow it only vaguely while others more exactly. When all the meals are prepared, which one are you going to say “this tastes like the Master chef’s meal”? The one who followed it most perfectly. So, if we are going to look at members of a community to evaluate that communities belief system (keeping in mind it is not for us to judge), then it would be by the SAINTS that we consider a religion, not by the sinners!”

God Bless,
YES! 👍 Yours was the post I had in mind- I just couldn’t remember who wrote it or where. 🙂
carol marie said:
**It is my understanding that most Catholics agree that when Martin Luther broke away, the Church was indeed a mess. I’ve heard that the Pope was terrible, indulgences were being sold and the sinful clergy that Luther had such a problem with were truly awful. I’ve also been taught (granted, by the Lutheran church) that Luther didn’t want to break away, he wanted to bring abut reform within the Church but that the Pope was so corrupt he booted him out (and then tried to have him murdered.) So here’s my question: What should Luther have done differently? Should he have just kept quiet when he was told to do so??? **

Gone to confetion and accepted his absolution. In truth this is what prompted his early problems, he never felt truly clean after confetion (that condition is called scrupulocity). Luther was an Agustinian Monk, theywere and are scripture scholars and he should have know that in the end the church always cleanses herself from within. If the human problems within the church were a cause for breaking away then St. Francis would have started the reformation 500-600 years before.
Carol Marie,

If you go to a Catholic Mass, you will find out for yourself that Mary is not worshipped. When the priest finishes reading the Gospel, the congregation recites “Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.”
Yep. The Gloria and the creeds are good “nutshell” representations of the Church.
When you enter a Catholic Church, you will find a crucifix right over the altar.
Just a side note: One church I attend does not have an crucifix over the alter. There is one in the narthex (sp?) and there is one carried in at the beginning of Mass.
I think some of us are being a little to easy on the church here. It was corrupt and Luther was right in his original protest. Nailing concerns of the faith on the church door was a catholic tradition not a Lutheran one. The majority of luterh’s gripes about the church were vlaid his 95 thesis haved been mostly answered psotively in his favor a little at a time first at Trent and some more at Vatican 2.

Like I said the problem was Luther what began at an attempt to reform the church ended with him remaking the church in his image he started to form dogma that agreed with him and disagreed with the 1500 years of prior tradition. He was a man of many many flaws but his contempt for the midevil popes and their love of the world and money was a valid one also protesting the Bishop Tetzel and his selling of indulgences was legitamate. This was classic example of the Pharisees using the Korban rule which was not authentic Mosaic tradition but a made up money scheme made up by the Pharisees. The pharisees had authentic tradition from Moses but instead taught their own traditions of Men. THis was the case of many bishops of the corrupt midevil church They had authentic apostolic tradition but replaced it with their own traditions of men.
Many honorable Catholics such as Saint Thomas Moore acknowledged the sorry state of the church and some of its clergy.
But Luther could have taken a page from Moore battling with dialogue instead of tearing Christendom into shatters. As with any Reformation it is started and finished from within such as Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Luther could have been such a man he started the Reform from within but choose a Revolution and Rebellion rather than Reformation. Alas Lutehr was human being a rather emotional one at that. And was not dealing with facts in a history book but rather flesh and blood that he battled with some who were not exactly deserving of the offices they held in the church. Luther’s failure was not observing the supernatural nature of the church rather than the ordinary nature he was observing of its sinful members. The gates of hell shall not prevail agianst the church. But it could have prevailed against Tetzel.
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