What will you do... if or when?

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There is no direct forum for politics, unless there is a source which can be linked. I don’t know one, so I only present a hypothetical question, which is:
Let’s assume that Trump will lose the presidency and also that the Democrats will grab the Senate (and keep the House). What will your reaction be to this outcome?
Will you accept that it was God’s will, either direct will or permissive will, and as such will you accept the result and work with the new administration? Or will you fight against it?

I am merely curious, and I have no agenda.

Oops, I found a relevant source:

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Will you accept that it was God’s will, either direct will or permissive will , and as such will you accept the result and work with the new administration? Or will you fight against it?
You’ll find that many of us here are Conservatives and some registered Republicans. We don’t behave like Democrats have over the last four years.

Not sure if you are Catholic or not, but God’s will is for all babies to be born, not aborted for convenience; God’s will does not include euthanasia, nor embryonic stem cell research. God’s will does not include marriage between any other than one man & one woman. God’s will is for people to remain the gender he made them.

So if Biden does win, it won’t be by God’s will.
I am merely curious, and I have no agenda
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
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Well, while I don’t relish or desire a single thing that Biden is promising, I plan to maintain my peace which doesn’t depend on who wins an election. No, I won’t be thrilled, but I also won’t act like my former boss who didn’t speak, or even look at me, for two solid weeks. 😉

(She thought I voted for Trump. I didn’t… and I wouldn’t again if I didn’t suspect we’re about to go ten rounds over the popular vote.)
Will you accept that it was God’s will, either direct will or permissive will , and as such will you accept the result and work with the new administration? Or will you fight against it?
I will accept it as God ‘s permissive will.

And I will fight against anything immoral they try to push.

By “fight” I mean voting, signing petitions, writing to Congress person’s, speaking out in face-to face and online conversations.

Not violence.
LOL everybody has an agenda.
Agenda means plans and goals.

Do you really have no plans and goals? No likes and dislikes?
1 : a list or outline of things to be considered or done agendas of faculty meetings

2 : an underlying often ideological plan or program a political agenda

Maybe you were talking about the second meaning. I don’t have that, I only want to learn about the thinking of others.
I will accept it as something God allowed, like he allowed WWII.

But personally, I do not wish to be in the cross hairs of a vengeful Democrat regime. I’m probably too small fry for them to go after, but one never knows the power level of someone one has offended politically. I plan to be as invisible to them as possible because I have people who depend on me. I can’t spend the rest of my life and resources fighting off an attempted criminalization.
Add to that ,I am always dubious re the intentions of new members,who from the start ,post comments that clearly are intended to agitate other members.
Winner-take-all are more suspect.
It disenfranchises the other party.
It tells you your vote means nothing in the end game.
Only two states that are not are Maine and Nebraska.
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I am inclined to believe your first article. But Cohen in the second? I truly doubt that.

They will probably know who posts on CAF too. But again, I’m probably too insignificant for much effort. But if they punish me, then they will.
I will be disappointed if either of the two major candidates win. I am hoping that someone else wins but the odds are not so good that will happen. However, it is predicted that a meteor may graze the earth the day before election day, so, without wishing any harm to anyone, I am hoping that will knock some sense into people that both of these candidates are wrong for our country and the world.
Will you accept that it was God’s will, either direct will or permissive will , and as such will you accept the result and work with the new administration? Or will you fight against it?

I am merely curious, and I have no agenda.
I accept that God gives free will to vote against common sense and logic if they so desire. If Biden wins, I intend to keep living just as I have, fight the administration to the best of my ability on things like their stance on abortion and allowing children to choose their gender (with my money and my time), and otherwise ignore politics like I typically do on any year that’s not an election year.

I suspect that I won’t have a TON of fighting to do, however, as a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court will probably keep Biden in check pretty nicely.
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