What will you do... if or when?

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I accept that God gives free will to vote against common sense and logic if they so desire.
That is not the question. Some people asserted that God willed Trump into the White House. Now, if Biden wins, does it mean that God willed him to be the next president?
That is not the question. Some people asserted that God willed Trump into the White House. Now, if Biden wins, does it mean that God willed him to be the next president?
I’m not “some people”. I don’t know if God willed Trump into the White House. I know from Biden’s stance on killing babies in the womb alone that God doesn’t will Biden into the White House. God doesn’t will for evil things to happen to defenseless babies.
I’m not “some people”. I don’t know if God willed Trump into the White House. I know from Biden’s stance on killing babies in the womb alone that God doesn’t will Biden into the White House. God doesn’t will for evil things to happen to defenseless babies.
You forget the “permissive” will.
You forget the “permissive” will.
You asked me that, assuming Biden gets elected, whether or not God willed Biden into office. That’s not an implication of permissive will. Permissive will is letting people do really dumb things, because we’re people, not robots. Doesn’t mean it makes God happy.
You asked me that, assuming Biden gets elected, whether or not God willed Biden into office. That’s not an implication of permissive will.
Not so fast. To allow anyone doing things that are detrimental to others, when you have the power to prevent it, makes you equally (or maybe almost equally) guilty as the actual perpetrator.
Permissive will is letting people do really dumb things, because we’re people, not robots.
And yet, we do hold the parents responsible for the actions of their young children.
Not so fast. To allow anyone doing things that are detrimental to others, when you have the power to prevent it, makes you equally (or maybe almost equally) guilty as the actual perpetrator.
Would we still be human if God prevented our ability to make choices?
And yet, we do hold the parents responsible for the actions of their young children.
Has God given us logic, reason and intelligence to determine right from wrong? Do small children have that developed?
What will I do? I suppose I’ll continue on living. I’m not sure what other choice is available. What is being proposed as an alternative?
I know what this Canadian will likely do if Biden wins: pop a couple of Alka-Seltzer to deal with the indigestion from the beer and popcorn consumed while watching the results come in.

Which is exactly what I’m likely to do if Trump wins again 🤣
No matter who wins, there’s only one thing to do, as Red so gracefully put it:

Get busy livin. That and follow the golden rule, love your neighbor as yourself. Pretty much the meaning of life.
Would we still be human if God prevented our ability to make choices?
Of course. Not ALL choices, but some of them. We prevent others from making certain choices, but they are still human.
Has God given us logic, reason and intelligence to determine right from wrong? Do small children have that developed?
To a certain degree. But that is not the point. Responsibility comes from “knowledge” and “power”. If you something insidious will happen, and have the power to prevent it, it is your responsibility to act and prevent it. The example of small children was just an east to understand example.
To allow anyone doing things that are detrimental to others, when you have the power to prevent it, makes you equally (or maybe almost equally) guilty as the actual perpetrator.

You got to your actual point.

Why God allows evil in the world.

Why didn’t you just start with that instead of this rabbit 🐇 hole?

That is not the question. Some people asserted that God willed Trump into the White House. Now, if Biden wins, does it mean that God willed him to be the next president

2 Kings 6:16 Elisha Captures the Blinded Arameans … 16 “Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered, “for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw that the hills were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

I have a strong sense that God is in control, and Biden with all his cavalry cannot outnumber or overcome the servants of God.
I definitely feel that God is allowing our nation to experience violence and conflict because many of us have abandoned Him, have turned to other “gods,” or at best, live a very superficial faith.

I am ashamed of how many times throughout the day I forget all about God and my Church, and just live like an animal, concerned only with my own comfort and safety.

If VP Biden and Sen. Harris win, it will be a good time to confront myself and take myself to God and say, “God. have mercy on us! Help me to stop failing you, my Lord and my God!”

And if Pres. Trump and VP Pence win, it will be a good time to contront myself and take myself to God and cry out, “Thank you, God, for showing mercy to us! Help me to stop failing you, my Lord and my God!”
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definitely feel that God is allowing our nation to experience violence and conflict because many of us have abandoned Him, have turned to other “gods,” or at best, live a very superficial faith.
I thought to myself the same thing when 4 757s attacked us, exposing our vulnerabilities to the world. Yet we feel a certain arrogance and if anything a moving away from God. Seems like even the Evangelicals are confused and don’t know how to handle new discoveries of quarks and Higgs bosons and such.
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I highly doubt God is directing who’s going to be elected . If Gods will was being done the world would be a different place. Don’t lay this on God its people who choose. Is it free will or not.
Don’t many of them dismiss the Big Bang theory? And science altogether?
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Many of them are young earth creationist.

But I’m pretty sure nobody in the world rejects science altogether.
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