What will you do... if or when?

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Don’t many of them dismiss the Big Bang theory? And science altogether?
Some do, but most don’t.

Did you see that Wheaton College earned a place as one of the Top Ten Illinois Colleges? There was also a Nazarene college in that list.

The top college in Illinois was…big surprise…Northwestern University.

My point is that these two Christian colleges are Evangelical, and they would NOT have earned a place in the Top Ten list of colleges if they dismissed science.

I went to NIU decades ago. Not sure where it placed on the list, but it did have a record number of enrollments this fall, amazingly, since we’re in the midst of a pandemic. I’m sure much of it is being taught online–yucko. I’m guessing that NIU is in the Top Ten of drinking colleges! It was a good college, very bread and butter, IMO. Good music school–at the time I went there, it was noted for its jazz and opera teachers and programs

My husband, who has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science, and reads science journals for fun–is a young earth creationist. It’s a valid theory, and makes a lot of sense when you look at the evidence and, as the Democrats keep saying, “the science.” I’m kind of in his camp, too. It seems strange to me that after over 40 years of working in microbiology labs, E.coli is still E. coli–yes, it has mutated so that now we have strains of E.coli that are carbapenamse-producers that make it resistant to almost every antibiotic–but it’s still E. coli. No evolution from one species to another species. And E.coli reproduces thousands of generations in 24 hours, millions in a few days! I do not understand how the so-called “transitional species” survived–usually mutations die because they are unable to survive, and if they do survive, they are unable to reproduce. So I’m definitely a species-to-different species evolution doubter. I know that there are other theories, including the “hopeful monster” theory, of how species transitioned from one species to another.

Anyway, like I said, most Evangelicals are not anti-science, and many are not young earth creationists like Peeps and Mr. Peeps. I would not die on that hill, BTW.
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But that is not the point. Responsibility comes from “knowledge” and “power”. If you something insidious will happen, and have the power to prevent it, it is your responsibility to act and prevent it.
Consider the police. They might know something bad is going to happen, ie, if a man is planning to kill someone, but they are limited in their ability to do anything about it.

God is unlimited in His power, but does not act because He has given us free will. If He intervened He would be violating our free will.

Additionally, the police do what they can: they may inform people and they may put a special watch on someone’s house. And there are laws against doing bad things.

God has informed us and continues to remind us also, yet we do not listen and continue to get ourselves in trouble.
Consider the police. They might know something bad is going to happen, ie, if a man is planning to kill someone, but they are limited in their ability to do anything about it.
No, they do not KNOW. They might have a good expectation.
God is unlimited in His power, but does not act because He has given us free will. If He intervened He would be violating our free will.
We always violate the “freedom of ACTION” of those people are dangerous to others. And that is how responsible agents behave. The reference to “free will” is sheer nonsense.
That is not the question. Some people asserted that God willed Trump into the White House. Now, if Biden wins, does it mean that God willed him to be the next president?
That would be the logical conclusion.
And yet, we do hold the parents responsible for the actions of their young children.
In most cases.
I think God cares about whether we return to him and reject our evil ways.Having free will ,whatever the outcome,He will allow it only to the extent that good will come from it. I cannot fathom he is happy about abortion,sexual disorders,euthanasia or anything that goes against his
plan.If he allow it I will see it as a. chastisement on our Nation.
It is difficult to engage in discussion a person who simply makes assertions based on his own ideas and doesn’t prove what the other person means.
Having free will ,whatever the outcome,He will allow it only to the extent that good will come from it.
That is called the “greater good” defense. There is also the “free will” defense. Neither of them holds any water.
I cannot fathom he is happy about abortion,sexual disorders,euthanasia or anything that goes against his plan.
He cannot be TOO upset about it, because he still allows it. Maybe he does not care either way?
If he allow it I will see it as a. chastisement on our Nation.
It was the televangelist Pat Robertson who insisted that the natural disasters are the signs of God’s “displeasure” for our evil ways.
It is difficult to engage in discussion a person who simply makes assertions based on his own ideas and doesn’t prove what the other person means.
Did you look into a mirror recently?
Did you look into a mirror recently?
I am willing to engage in discussion, but it is fruitless when the other person says things like: The reference to “free will” is sheer nonsense.
I am willing to engage in discussion, but it is fruitless when the other person says things like: The reference to “free will” is sheer nonsense.
It has been discredited all the time. I can discredit it again, if you want to, but I am not hopeful that it will make any difference.
That is called the “ greater good ” defense. There is also the “ free will ” defense. Neither of them holds any water.
Your not liking an explanation is not the same as an explanation being unable to explain what we’re seeing.
Do you really think th at God cares who wins a US Presidential election?
You don’t?

I believe God cares about each the souls in America and what happens to us. I believe God wants all of America to turn back to him, to return to the Christian nation we once were, the nation where we were free to love and speak freely of God and not be mocked for it. A nation where a self professed “faithful” Catholic does not call for the murder of millions of babies, thus spreading a false belief of Catholics.

I know God cares.
Obama warned he wanted to fundamentally transform this a Nation. The left gets a stranglehold on this country we will all rue the day that they were allowed to get such a grip,Republicans will no longer exist and the Dems will be a mere shadow of what they once were.No one is going to like the result.The Dems have sold out to the left all because of their lust for power.
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I don’t believe that God takes an active role in political elections.

I have heard some around here say that they are praying for a Trump victory and I believe that’s an odd thing to do. I do pray that I can find personal peace with a Trump victory.

God loves us. He doesn’t care about national borders or individual nations. There is nothing special about the US compared to other nations.

Either Trump or Biden will win based on the voice of the people.

I will accept either as the validly elected President unless something ridiculously obvious happens to cast doubt on the election- I mean something very significant- not Breitbart clatter.
I don’t believe that God takes an active role in political elections.
Neither do I.
I will accept either as the validly elected President unless something ridiculously obvious happens to cast doubt on the election- I mean something very significant- not Breitbart clatter.
If Biden does win and does not win by a landslide, then that’s what it will be “Brietbart Clatter” They will generate a ton of conspiracy theories.
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If he allow it I will see it as a. chastisement on our Nation.
We are not chessmen on a chessboard that God moves around. We are creatures who exercise free will. Life is random. People exercising free will can do bad things - not part of God’s plan, just people exercising free will. Bad things happen. They are not punishment from God.

Yes, Romans 8:28. God can redeem any situation. But he doesn’t cause bad situations.
If he allow it I will see it as a. chastisement on our Nation.
We are not chessmen on a chessboard that God moves around. We are creatures who exercise free will. Life is random. People exercising free will can do bad things - not part of God’s plan, just people exercising free will. Bad things happen. They are not punishment from God.

Yes, Romans 8:28. God can redeem any situation. But he doesn’t cause bad situations.

This is the type of thinking Pat Robertson put out there regarding God’s “chastisement of New Orleans” with hurricane Katrina. It’s not Catholic thinking.
I don’t believe that God takes an active role in political elections.
Neither do I.
I will accept either as the validly elected President unless something ridiculously obvious happens to cast doubt on the election- I mean something very significant- not Breitbart clatter.
If Biden does win and does not win by a landslide, then that’s what it will be “Brietbart Clatter” They will generate a ton of conspiracy theories.
If Biden wins I certainly hope that Trump concedes gracefully. I believe he will but I may be proven wrong.
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