Some do, but most don’t.Don’t many of them dismiss the Big Bang theory? And science altogether?
Did you see that Wheaton College earned a place as one of the Top Ten Illinois Colleges? There was also a Nazarene college in that list.
The top college in Illinois was…big surprise…Northwestern University.
My point is that these two Christian colleges are Evangelical, and they would NOT have earned a place in the Top Ten list of colleges if they dismissed science.
I went to NIU decades ago. Not sure where it placed on the list, but it did have a record number of enrollments this fall, amazingly, since we’re in the midst of a pandemic. I’m sure much of it is being taught online–yucko. I’m guessing that NIU is in the Top Ten of drinking colleges! It was a good college, very bread and butter, IMO. Good music school–at the time I went there, it was noted for its jazz and opera teachers and programs
My husband, who has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science, and reads science journals for fun–is a young earth creationist. It’s a valid theory, and makes a lot of sense when you look at the evidence and, as the Democrats keep saying, “the science.” I’m kind of in his camp, too. It seems strange to me that after over 40 years of working in microbiology labs, E.coli is still E. coli–yes, it has mutated so that now we have strains of E.coli that are carbapenamse-producers that make it resistant to almost every antibiotic–but it’s still E. coli. No evolution from one species to another species. And E.coli reproduces thousands of generations in 24 hours, millions in a few days! I do not understand how the so-called “transitional species” survived–usually mutations die because they are unable to survive, and if they do survive, they are unable to reproduce. So I’m definitely a species-to-different species evolution doubter. I know that there are other theories, including the “hopeful monster” theory, of how species transitioned from one species to another.
Anyway, like I said, most Evangelicals are not anti-science, and many are not young earth creationists like Peeps and Mr. Peeps. I would not die on that hill, BTW.
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