what do we do to our enemies? we love them.
so we obviously should love our friends, too.
how do i express the love of Christ to someone who is misguidedly trying to ‘help’ catholics out of their ‘false teachings’ and into the ‘truth of the Bible alone’?
tough question.
i know that i will pray for you, ‘ex catholic’. i pray God’s blessings to you. i’m sorry that you have such a beef with the church. as a convert from the baptist faith, i find so much truth, beauty, love, and above all, i find Christ in the catholic church. the ‘things i should know’ that you posted i’ve been through so many times from both sides. and i can tell you, as someone with a degree in baptist theology, that it makes alot more sense (perfect sense, more sense than i can grasp, actually) from this side of the tiber.
i know that you probably feel it your duty to come save us from our ‘delusions’. in this, i hope you come to see the truth of the things you attack. and i hope you receive love from those here, so that you might know that we are His.
may God richly bless you.