What's on your dashboard/hanging from your rearview mirror?

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Nothing. I think it’s dangerous to impair your line of sight.
I have a JPII crucifix on my mirror and it never obstructs my vision. I have a one decade rosary on my gearshift lever to use while I drive.
I have a rosary hanging on my rearview mirror and on my dashboard, I have a 2.5" tall Our Lady of Grace statue. Beside the statue, I placed mood lights to act like candles when it’s dark. Then just below my radio near my cup holders, I have laminated prayer cards of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Benedict.

I guess all I’m missing are stained glass windows and my car will be a small mobile chapel. 😛
I’m an “other”.

I have a parking permit. I don’t need another distraction while driving.
I keep those other things in my heart, and that’s distracting enough.
And I don’t have any bumper stickers either - that may be a sign of something else.
Lab goggles, so I don’t forget them at Lab. It’s worked every time, thus far. 😃
On my review mirror is my university parking pass.👍

I used to have a magnetic cross on my dash board, but I lost it awhile ago while cleaning my car out.:o
I have 2 Pro-Life bumper stickers, a Rosary hanging from the rear-view mirror, a sticker of Our Lady on the mirror facing forward to the front of the car, Easter palms laying on the shelf in the back.

I think it attracts attention and a little bit of attention to these icons, arts, etc. will someday bring back a lapse Catholic back home to Holy Mother Church.
“Go out and preach the Gospel !!! Even use words, (or bumper stickers, t-shirts, Easter palms, rosaries, stickers) if you have to.” Remember, your Catholic art, icons, etc. may be the clostest and only invitation that many people will ever get.
I have a Trisiagion chaplet that was custom made for me.

The Trisagion is the official prayer of the Trinitarian Order. It is a special devotion to the Holy Trinity.
I have one of those air fresheners that says “Jesus is Lord” on it. It is way old and the scent has worn off, but I won’t take it down because I like it. But now that I’ve written this I suppose I should get a new one to hang beside it.
I’ve got nothing on the mirror or the dashboard, but I do have a “Queen of the Highway - Pray for us” clip on the visor.
My husband and i just got a new used car…so we were driving it and he looked down and asked me what this sticker was…It was a sticker of the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus…I thought it was a very good sign.
Don’t have a car, but as soon as I get one, it will have the most holy dashboard/rearview mirror ever known.
LOL FelixBlue
I put “other” because I have a hand made cross. It was given to me on my Cursillo weekend about 5 years ago.
BTW the fish symbol some have mentioned is called an Icthus.
A Condom :yup:

jk 😉
although it would look kinda funny hanging off my rear-view mirror 😃
I have nothing on my rear view mirror but I have a multi-colored Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcuta rosary in the cup holder in the console between the two front seats and a CD with the rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.
I think rearview rosaries are how Catholics know not to cut each other off as they’re driving like maniacs on the way to work. (That and the pro-life bumperstickers plastered over every square inch of their bumpers)
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