What's on your dashboard/hanging from your rearview mirror?

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I love beading and am making single decade, rear view mirror Rosarys as Christmas gifts this year. I found one on Ebay and now use it as a pattern.
I have no dashboard, no review mirror…for now I have no car!
Nothing! It’s against the law in our state. I do have an OLG Medal clipped to the visor though.

Believe it or not, you cannot even have a disabled license permit hanging on your rearview mirror when the car is in motion. A friend of mine actually got a ticket for that, while he was moving the car to another spot, not out on the road driving. :banghead:
What’s on your dashboard/hanging from your rearview mirror?

St. Thomas Aquinas medal.
I have a shell lei from my first trip to Hawai’i hanging from my rearview mirror. But I also have a St. Thérèse visor clip on my visor.

I was under the impression that it wasn’t really appropriate to hang a rosary from the rearview mirror. (Nor to wear it as a necklace, either, as a side note.)
I have a rosary hanging on my rearview mirror and on my dashboard, I have a 2.5" tall Our Lady of Grace statue. Beside the statue, I placed mood lights to act like candles when it’s dark. Then just below my radio near my cup holders, I have laminated prayer cards of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Benedict.

I guess all I’m missing are stained glass windows and my car will be a small mobile chapel. 😛
LOL!! Tooooooooo funny!
I have a ley from Hawaii and a guardian angel that my friend bought me.
I was under the impression that it wasn’t really appropriate to hang a rosary from the rearview mirror. (Nor to wear it as a necklace, either, as a side note.)
I guess that depends on your reason, as well as safety. Here in Southern California, it’s popular to hang a rosary from the rear view mirror, in belief that it will protect the driver from accidents. Of course, that is superstitious hogwash. So, that is why many good Catholics say it is inappropriate.
Michael Welter,

I hope by your last statement you aren’t saying that Catholics who have a Rosary on their rearview mirror aren’t good Catholics. :tsktsk:
We have a rosary on ours to remind us to pray. It also in kinda like a reminder of not to drive faster than you guardian angel can fly!
This says it best.
Michael Welter,

I hope by your last statement you aren’t saying that Catholics who have a Rosary on their rearview mirror aren’t good Catholics. :tsktsk:
No, No, No! I’m just saying that I hear good Catholics discouraging the hanging of rosaries from the rear view mirror. It is such a supersticious thing around here, that even good Catholic who hang rosaries from their rear view mirror could be inadvertently setting a bad example. I think it’s fine if it’s there to remind you of God, or to pray. However, if it’s there to protect you from accidents, then that’s superstition, and it should come down.

Thanks, Lorrie, for making me clarify that. :yup:
I hang a rosary from my rear view mirror. It has a crucifix on it and an icon of Blessed Mary.

When I get road rage I see the rosary and I raise ALL five fingers and give a blessing to the perpetrater who affended me. I bless them and say a prayer for their soul. I feel better and hopefully Blessed Mary will intervene to help them. Boy, you should see their faces when they wave a single finger at me and I give them a blessing.👍

Thank you St. Mary for being there for the Father, for Jesus and for us.:love:
My late father was not a Catholic. In 1959 we had a near fatal accident that almost took the life of my sister. Somebody gave dad a little medal of Our Lady of the Highway plus a St. Christopher medal. I was surprised when I found them in his car. I did not say anything about them. When he changed cars these items went with him.

I have Our Lady of the Highway plus I have a rosary with the crucifx. I have not as yet returned my old Crucifix to my car after a changeover of cars. St. Christopher is also there to protect me, plus I have a copy of the Motorist’s prayer as a reminder to me that I am not on my own and that sometimes we need to help others in trouble.

I take a length of 2mil leather cord and make a cross then out of the rest of the cord I tie knots in place of beads and I make a rosary. As It is being made I pray it. When it’s done I put a tiny Miraculous Medal at the place where it branches out of the circle into the cross.

I have one of these rosaries I make on my mirror
Handicap Plaquard … I get great parking.:yup:
But there continues to be a struggle for the few available spots. I have one of those on my window. It has a photograph as identification too.

Fuzzy dice, $1.99 at Walmart.

Just seems appropriate when you drive the Town Car.
An old lucite-encased mustard seed necklace that I got off e-bay.

An old lucite-encased mustard seed necklace that I got off e-bay.
I have some potent memories associated with that style of necklace. A sister used to wear one to bingo all the time when I was knee-high to a grasshopper.
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