I’ve never heard of them @Sarcelle , but a bit of Googling tells me they are for sale here .Do you guys still have those old fashioned cabbage roses in the UK :uk:?
I love their smell.
My relatives in Ohio have a lot of those. They also love David Austin roses.Do you guys still have those old fashioned cabbage roses in the UK :uk:?
There is a similar group that searches out various vegetable seeds from old abandoned places.In the US there exists people who are called rose rustlers. They hunt for old neglected rose bushes, usually of an ancient variety, growing in old abandoned gardens and cemeteries with no one to care for them but nevertheless thriving.
The rose I remember @Greenfields is one my grandparents had outside of their front window , Dorothy Perkins .I took a lot of Rose cuttings this year from a friends garden and my own …I hope some take .
Pink peonies for @ConstantLearner .I love pink flowers. Nothing beats pink peonies for me, but I love flowers of all kinds.