When did you have your first child?

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Our first was born a few months before my 26th birthday. Two years later, we lost a child (tubal pregnancy). Now, as I approach 40, my son is a teen.

My best friend waited on the first child, she is a year younger than I and now has 3 - ages 6, 4 and 3. When she visits, I get exhausted just watching her. You have far more energy for young kids when you are young!

On the other end of the spectrum, another friend of mine just had her first, and they are in their late 40s!
I was married at 21 but had trouble conceiving at first. We had an ectopic with our first and finally had our next when I was 24. I wish we could have had our first earlier because it’s a lot easier to deal with the nausea, lack of sleep, etc. then rather than at 34. Of course, I’d probably still be pregnant now even if I did have one earlier but I would’ve gotten at least one more in while I had the energy!!! 😉 Oh well, the tiring stuff doesn’t last forever!
I just turned 30 when my first was born. My husband and I were married just over a year. I was 32 when our second was born, 34 for number 3 and 37 for number 4. Now that I am 40, the thought of number 5 is exhausting, but I am still open to the possibility.
I was married at 22, my hubby was 30, we were told we couldnt have babies but 6 years later ( i was 28, hubby 36) we were blessed with our little Angel. I would desperately love more babes but im grateful for the 1 i have.
married at 19, both of us, baby born just after my 20th birthday, had 3 within 4 yrs then the system shut down and had to be surgically repaired, so no more. too bad, wish I had 8 then people would say “Of course she’s fat, she has 8 kids . … of course her house is a mess, she has 8 kids, cut her some slack”
If I had it to do over we would have got married right out of high school instead of waiting as advised. some people are meant to be married, and marriage means openness to children, if it doesn’t then something is radically wrong with the relationship.
We were poor as dirt, started marriage with $26 in the bank, no jobs, no insurance, had to pay the doc $300 and the hospital $600 up front just to get in the door. No regrets, tithed the Church as soon as we got jobs, that always comes first. Finances is an excuse, not a reason to delay childbirth. If you can’t afford kids you can’t afford to be married, waiting doesn’t make it any less expensive to raise kids so go for it.
I lost my first one at 20 to miscarriage and gave birth to my first at 21… I wasn’t supposed to have another that close, but God knew better. Annunciata:)
yea, we had a miscarriage 3 months before our daughter was conceived.
I was 24 yrs old ( 2 months shy of 25) when I had my first child 13 years ago. I will deliver my second child in late April by c -section and will be 38 years old. My advice is to be fruitful and start now. Good luck and God bless!

I see no reason for you and your husband to put it off. If your feeling the “bug”, that’s God nudging you to cooperate with his plan. 😉

I do not think there is a magic age to start having kids. Of course our culture is convinced it should be put off until the late 20’s or 30’s until a person has accomplished all of their goals and are able to afford a 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house along with dance lessons…that attitude I believe is responsible for sooo many couples who can’t conceive.

I was 20 when I had my first, 21 with my second, and 25 with my third. I have never felt tied down or like I missed out on something. I just love my family and would never in a million years trade it for a few more years of freedom, partying, etc… Of course, we have never had much money and have pretty much gotten by with God’s help. (It’s amazing what God provides when you trust him.) But our hardships have truly taught us to always put our troubles in His hands and we have never gone without!

So I say follow your natural instincts, and go for it! Have fun! 😃
I can’t help but comment about the cost of children, as a reason to delay. I’m surprised how little mine cost. Considering how many people want to “dump” their baby stuff on you. I haven’t bought anythng for my children, regarding furniture, clothes and toys.
I can’t help but comment about the cost of children, as a reason to delay. I’m surprised how little mine cost. Considering how many people want to “dump” their baby stuff on you. I haven’t bought anythng for my children, regarding furniture, clothes and toys.
It’s interesting that you say that- I’ve always wondered about the statistics on the cost of raising children. Are these people buying their children BMWs??? I always thought when I have kids, I guess I’ll understand, but other than clothing and gifts at holidays, how expensive can it really be, especially, like you say, when you have family to help. I guess the biggest “expense” will be losing my full-time salary.
My first child was born when I was 20. I was unmarried, and put him up for adoption. After I got married at 34, I had two miscarriages. Then in January of 1997, I had a beautiful little girl. She is now seven, has freckles across the nose, blue-green eyes and auburn hair.
My son was born in June 2000, 10 days before my 40th birthday. He is also beautiful with dark blond hair and sweet baby blues (like his daddy).
Do I ever reget the decision to put up my son for adoption in '81?
Not a bit. Do I miss him? With every fiber of my being, everday.
But I know I did the right thing.
Bless you! Adoption is such a loving and selfless decision. 🙂
I was 35 when God gave us our wonderful son who is now 14, although I had suffered miscarriage before that. We struggled with infertility for years. When I was pregnant with Teddy I became deathly ill and as a result cannot have more children.

I can’t help but comment about the cost of children, as a reason to delay. I’m surprised how little mine cost. Considering how many people want to “dump” their baby stuff on you. I haven’t bought anythng for my children, regarding furniture, clothes and toys.
I totally second this! We were so blessed by our family and friends willing to give us their used baby items. And I don’t know your stance on breastfeeding, but my husband and I have saved a ton of money by not having to buy formula. Also, I know it’s messy, but cloth diapers are always an option. Really, until kids get a bit older and are school age, I don’t think it’s all that financially draining to take care of the average baby.

It’s the day care costs that can kill you, but it sounds like you’ll be staying home, so good for you! 👍
I had my first child at 21. I did have a few people tell me I was too young, but these were the same people who said I was too young to get married at 20. This had more to do with the popular culture ideas than with me truly being ready for these things. I am currently 23 and pregnant with my second baby.

I would do it the same if I had it to do over again. Whether other people think you are ready or not has nothing to do with what you should do. That is something you and your husband have to decide through prayer and communication.
I think you are right and that’s why is mostly people who don’t know me, like co-workers, who tell me I’m too young. I was married two weeks after my 21st birthday, and like you, was told that I was too young. We think we are ready, and while RIGHT now isn’t the right time (my husband started working from home at a new job/ quasi-self employed, a month ago. can’t quit my job just yet), I am hoping a few months from now will feel right. I am very excited. I pyar every day that I will be able to get pregnant easily.

My wife and I were married just after college at 22 years old and our first daugther was born 10 months later when I was 23 and my wife was 22. Now we are both 24 and expecting our second daughter any day now. I don’t regret it and my wife who sacrificed her career and is staying home would tell you she doesn’t either. We wouldn’t change a thing. My daughter is one the the greatest blessings of my life.
Unfortunately my wife & I had a least 3 miscarriages and no surviving children together.
i said over 40—i got married at 39 & got pregnant just before my 40th birthday—that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage after my 40th birthday so i never gave birth by i would have been over 40 when my first & only child was born
My first at 19 I miscarried and at 20 had my first.
Do you ever find that you still think of that ‘lost’ one with great sadness?
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