When did you have your first child?

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I can’t help but comment about the cost of children, as a reason to delay. I’m surprised how little mine cost. Considering how many people want to “dump” their baby stuff on you. I haven’t bought anythng for my children, regarding furniture, clothes and toys.
Yup! Same here!

I don’t know WHY people keep insisting that the little buggers are expensive. They’re certainly not at first. I mean, maybe they become more expensive when they’re older… but if you’re breast-feeding, it hardly costs anything at all. (I had insurance through my job, but I had to stop working and so my insurance lapsed a week before the due date, so I got a medicaid card. That has helped a LOT and I’ll have insurance again in a couple of months.)
I’m wondering, how old were you when you had your fist child? Do you wish you’d waited longer or tried earlier? I am 24, married 3 years,
I married at 21…ten months after we had our first child.
Im 28 now and we are expecting our 5th.
pray for us…

George 👍
Please don’t wait. Don’t assume that you will be able to conceive right away or continue through your thirties and possibly into your forties. You are married and have no reason to not accept God’s greatest gift to your marriage. Be open to God’s plan and lovingly accept His blessings. I am thankful that my husband and I accepted five children rather quickly (within seven years of each other) beginning when I was 24. There was no way of knowing then that my husband would become seriously and chronically ill at the age of 35. Although I am still well within my child-bearing years and we would both love more children, this may not be possible. I hope your future is brighter, but don’t presume.
I was four months away from turning 20, my husband was 22. We are now 33 and 35 and having our 7th!
I just turned 30 when my first was born. My husband and I were married just over a year. I was 32 when our second was born,
Me too!! Only we were married 3 years.
34 for number 3 and 37 for number 4. Now that I am 40, the thought of number 5 is exhausting, but I am still open to the possibility.
My husband got himself fixed so we won’t be having anymore. I sure do envy you will large families and husbands open to children!!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I just had my first baby 4 months ago, and I am 23, got pregnant at 22. I had only been married a month. I had just quit my job due to illness. My husband didn’t have a job either. We ended up moving across country and moving in with his grandma, (who is now recently deceased) but it has all worked out now and been an incredible blessing which has really increased my faith. I am so grateful and glad we spent that last year of his grandma’s life with her. So I really believe it was all God’s plan and I have no regrets! My daughter is the most beautiful baby on the face of the planet (though I may be a bit biased in saying so). 😃

I do want to warn you though, even when you really want a baby, getting pregnant can take some getting used to. You may go through a “panic” stage where you start stressing about how good of a mom you’d be and whether you can really handle a child. Just remember that it doesn’t last long, trust in God, and do your best. Once your cute little kid is born all those doubts will melt away and you will feel and be so blessed!

I went through that but I am so happy I had my girl. If you want a baby, more power to ya! I didn’t even plan mine, and I love my unplanned baby!!
I was 21 and my wife was 19 when we had our first, 4 years later we added two and look forward to the next. Pray and spend a little time in adoration, ask God for his assistance.
I was 16 (barely) when the 1st was born, my husband 18. Don’t ask. By the time I was 21, I’d had all 3 I was ever to have. I was 23 and still wearing clothes I’d worn in high school. The kids always needed shoes and we were very poor. That was over 40 years ago and if I had it to do all over again, I would. In a heartbeat. 🙂
I got married at 24 and my husband was 28 and in grad school. We waited 5 years to start our family only to discover infertility problems and to go on to have several miscarriages. We looked into adopting but that never worked out for us. On my 41st birthday I discovered I was pregnant and our son is now 9. He is the joy of our lives, but I regret that he is an only child. My advice would be much like many of the others - don’t wait. Be open to God’s will and He will send you babies when it is the right time. BTW although the miscarriages were the greatest sorrows of my life, I know we have little angels in heaven praying for us because our marriage and our faith are stronger than they ever were.
My husband and I married when I was 20 and he was 22. I had my first baby at age 23. I am 29 with 3 children. I couldn’t be happier. Its just silly to think a 24 yr old is too young to have their first child. Let it happen when God wants it to happen! Our culture is so obsessed with a woman putting her career and “sowing her wild oats” first, and being a mother second. Why deny your desire to be a mother? What a wonderful calling! God Bless!

I was 27 and my wife 23 when we married. We thought we should wait before we had our first child. When we decided it was the right time, we were not able to conceive. We did eventually concieve when I was 33 but I wish now we had not waited and had the baby sooner.

My opinion is that NOW is the time for you. Believe me, you will not regret it however if you delay you just might have regrets. Being a parent is one of the most wonderful things in the whole world! Go for it!!🙂
I’m wondering, how old were you when you had your fist child? Do you wish you’d waited longer or tried earlier? I am 24, married 3 years, and am starting to feel the baby-bug coming on! Many people (mostly people who do not know me very well) keep saying, “you’re too young” or “you’re just a baby!”. The thing is, my husband is quite a bit older than me, and that’s just one reason I don’t want to wait too long. We’re thinking I’ll try to get pregnant is about a year. I am excited, as is my mom!
I was 29 (and my wife was, as always, 25) when we had our first child. It was and has continued to be quite a ride. Many challenges and much growth (for both the baby and us). We now have two and are happy despite some of the things that children do!


(message from David’s wife)
I had been 25 for four years when our first little darling arrived six weeks early. Feeling I was academically prepared for children, having gotten my degree in child development, I was completely and utterly aghast over how hard it can be to take care of one little baby that turns into a tantruming two year old that turns into a whining three year old, into a demanding four year old, etc. If it was not for the brilliant example of my husband who DIDN’T have the child development degree, but who was a patient, kind, incredibly helpful and present parent, teaching me by example, we would have never had our second little wonder eight years later.

Advice from both of us. SLEEP NOW WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE! 😃
I was 25 and it was the perfect time because it was God’s time!
Both my husband and I got married at 21 had first child by 24, and never regretted it. By the time we were 30 we had 4 beautiful children. On a couple of the the issues mentioned above. As far as more experience and wiser when you are older, my brother had his 1st at 47 his wife 36 (their son is now 2), they are struggling with the same issues of raising children that we did, and my daughter laughs when my sister-in-law calls me the exerienced Mom, because I am now 45. As far as the cost, it definitely gets more expensive the older they get. However, as stated, if you waited till you could afford it you would never have kids. God provides what is needed, the rest is just icing on the cake. Have your children and enjoy them. By the way my youngest is 16 now, and I wouldn’t do it different. I am looking forward to having grandkids while still young enough to get on the floor and play with them.
i was 18 with my first, 22 my second, 23 with third and 26 with my fourth.😃 I love my job as a mommi.
Exactly 2 months (to the day) before I turned 30.
We got married when I was 27.
Hi, I had my first when I was just a few months shy of 30! We had been married 10 years, we didn’t plan it that way. I don’t think your too young, let God decide for you!! Try having one at age 42!!
It wasn’t what my husband and I had in mind…but we would never
change it for the world!! Although having them almost 13 years apart and at our ages is a challenge. 🙂 Good luck and enjoy them and love them!!
I was married at 20 years old and had my daughter 2 days after my 26th birthday! She is an only child and we feel very blessed. Next week my husband and I celebrate our 29th anniversary!
I was 30 with 1st child—wow–an oldie----but I was sooo much wiser than if I was in my 20’s. IF that was the case, I’d probably have been married and divorced about 5 times. God truly spared me from this tragedy–although I was living totally not a Godly life in my 20’s…

HOW GOD truly knows best I think…and How HE will bring good from all situations. I so thank and Praise HIM for this…
I was married at 31 and 9 months later my son was born on 2 February, 18 days before my birthday. Despite a period of awful post-natal depression, ultimately I found it the most enjoyable period of my life. Then my daughter was born 2 years and 4 months later (after pre-natal depression) and found even more joy in both my children.

I thank god for helping me through the difficult times.

Unfortunately my marriage foundered after 8 years and I brought my children up on my own, which became really difficult in the teenage years. That was when I wished my mother was still around to help.

Young single/separated mothers today seem to take everything in their stride but maybe I dont** really** know how they feel.
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