With respect, that’s just not true. If you are asking for asylum, you go to a U.S. embassy or consular office, or go to any port of entry and present yourself to customs officials there. If you do that with kids in tow, you are not separated from them (except in unusual circumstances where the parent is a wanted criminal, etc.)These people are not violating the law. […] They are here not as illegal immigrants but asking for aslyum to come into our country.
If, however, you cross the border illegally by jumping the fence, swimming the river, etc. with your kids in tow, then you have broken U.S. law and, when/if captured, you go to a detention facility (i.e., a jail) and the kids go elsewhere while we figure out where to place them. That’s the same thing that happens when any other parent is detained for breaking the law and it’s not readily apparent where the children should go.
Yes, what is happening is pretty darn terrible…but the parents who are voluntarily putting their children in this position bear the majority of the responsibility for it.
We’re being put in a position where we either ignore the crime and ignore the danger these parents are putting their kids in (which is what the previous administration was doing), or we send the kids off into detention with their parents so we don’t separate them (which I think would be a far worse thing than separating them), or we do something like what we’re doing now…process the criminal and deal with the kids best we can.
There is no good solution under the laws as they exist today. These parents should be playing by the rules and requesting asylum through the proper channels (and not putting their children in danger by dragging them across deserts and wilderness into another country). Just go to the port of entry. Do it the right way.