Each effect we observe in nature must be explained in terms of a whole series of causes. Not just the immediate cause. For example, all life depends on the efficient causality of the sun as the primary source of energy for the planet. The sun itself depends on the four (maybe five) fundamental laws of physics to operate the way it does. Those four laws seemed to be efficiently caused by the big bang and seem fairly contingent (they could have been different than what they are).I am trying to get a better understanding of how the principle “whatever is moved is moved by another” is not contradicted in the natural motion of, say, a ball falling to the ground?
Even if you stop there with only the big bang as the material prime mover, you see that all things are indeed moved by another when you see all motion in terms of such a whole series of causes.
Also, it has been suggested that the term “laws of physics” might better be explained in terms of causal powers inherent in objects.
I believe it could be done by
(i) asserting that natural motion is caused from within
(ii) Aristotle already asserts this of the 5th element (in the super-lunary realm) ie the celestial bodies.
(iii) why can these principles not be applied to all 5 elements as a group - if possible a greater continuity and systemic harmony would result.
(iv) of course it would mean we must accept that there are two discontinuous forms of “soul” (and therefore of “animation”) both found in the sub-lunary realm.
Sounds interesting. But perhaps, instead of using the word “life”, we could use the word “Being”. Also, I’m not sure what you mean by soul in this context.Actually it would prob be a step towards seeing a single continuous continuous hierarchy of increasingly complex “life” from mineral to angel.
God bless,