The Catholic church gets accused of making up new traditions. This in fact is not true. There is a development of understanding and new words, like the Trinity get used. The Catholic Church is clear however, that new REVELATION ended when the Apostles died. Everything else is just studying those words that were written and discussing the oral tradition and developing the understanding of them. If you study the early Church Fathers, 100, 200 and 300ad even, you can see the Catholic Church is consistent with the apostles and Scripture. This is an area I am working on. I will ask for help and leave this area, Our Church Fathers, to our more learned people.
You ask where this spoken word is if not in Sacred Tradition. The first thing I must ask is: What do you consider to be the oral word of God? What qualifies something spoken to be this oral word that you speak of? I would think that any speech that would be considered sacred and inspired would have to be revelatory in nature. But you have said that revelation from God ceased when the apostles died. If revelation was important to humans from Adam and Eve through the apostles (about 4000 years), why would it not be important for us in our day and age? If God no longer reveals truth to us through continued revelation, what does that say about us? Are we so much more wicked than those who lived before us, that God would not even bother with us anymore?
Amos 3:7 tells us,
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” If God has stopped revealing things to us, then He will not do anything further with us. That’s scary! If God will not bother with us any more, we have no hope. All God’s promises will become empty. If God has lost interest in us, so that He will not reveal anything more to us, we might as well just all end our lives, because there would be no point of living.
Perhaps, I should not be responding to your question, because I do not believe in the Bible only. I also believe in the Book of Mormon and in modern day revelation. But I believe that any forthcoming revelation must agree with revelation that has already been received. When you claim that God no longer reveals anything to us, you are tying His hands. God has not left us or forsaken us, but He cannot reveal anything to us if we refuse to listen.
As I searched for the phrase
“word of the Lord” or
“word of God” in the Bible, I find that it’s often in this format:
“Then the word of the Lord came unto _____, saying,”. Words do not say anything. Words are not animate objects. So, the
“word of the Lord” must be a living presence, or it could not say anything. Perhaps, the “word of the Lord” can be equated to the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament, we are told that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. Why then wouldn’t the Holy Spirit come unto the prophets of God and reveal the truth unto them?
If any of what you call Sacred Tradition is not revelatory in nature, I would question if it actually came from God. When the pope speaks something
ex cathedra, does he claim that what he has spoken is a revelation from God? And does the pope say,
“Thus saith the Lord”? Why should I believe any tradition that has not been revealed by God through one of His servants, i.e. the prophets? Is the pope a prophet, seer, or revelator? Does he claim that God directly reveals truth unto him and that this truth is revelatory?