The holy Spirit clearly does not teach “all truth” to each individual believer on an individual basis since there are so many conflicting and contradictory ideas of what the truth is. God does not give conflicting to truths to different people. If God’s is not revealing all truth to each individual believer, to whom IS he revealing all truth? Please be specific. Thanks!
Where do you get the idea that the Holy Spirit does not teach all truth to each person that searches for it? Maria quoted a verse that does not agree with your statement. She quoted
John 14:26, which states,
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
This verse clearly refutes your statement. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to teach us all things and to bring all these things to our memories. Here is another verse that tells us further what the Holy Spirit does.
John 16:13 states, **“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”
**The Holy Spirit is among us to lead us into all truth. You must depend upon the Holy Spirit.
But you question all the conflicting and contradictory ideas. Do you believe that all these people are actually listening to the Holy Spirit? Do you believe that just because someone claims to be in tune with the Holy Spirit, that he or she always is? If all these ideas conflict and contradict, then it is painfully obvious that only one of these ideas are really of the Holy Spirit and the rest that conflict and contradict that idea are not.
You say that God is not revealing all truth to every individual, and I would have to agree. God can only reveal the truth to each individual who will listen for that still small voice of God’s Holy Spirit as it whispers the truth to them. You need to know what the voice of the Holy Spirit sounds like and how to hear it.
I do not depend on feeling or emotion to guide me to the what I believe, as has been said about Mormons in general. I depend on the enlightenment of my mind that only the Holy Spirit can accomplish. I can read over a passage of scripture a hundred times and not understand it. Then, the next time I read that passage, if the Holy Spirit opens my eyes and my mind, I will understand that passage of scripture. And once the Holy Spirit has opened my mind to the truth of any particular thing, nothing can be said to me to make me reject that which the Holy Spirit has revealed to me. Every time the Holy Spirit reveals a truth to me, it is an
“aha!” moment. I see the truth, so much so that I want to yell
“Eureka!” That is the Holy Spirit at work.