But it is an honest answer. I too continue to search, seek and test. Which is one of the reasons for this thread!
You would be right that Paul’s letters were about things he already taught them. But it still would not explain Jn 21:25 that tells us there is not enough books in the world to hold everything that Christ did. Or that Paul record a saying of Jesus not found in the gospels in Acts 20:35. Until someone can show me a source from the Bible telling me It is all written down now, I have to believe the Catholic teachings on Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It is the only one to not contradict the Bible. Holding the written word to be the sole authority, above the oral word is not a Biblical teaching I have found anywhere.
God Bless
But it is an honest answer. I too continue to search, seek and test. Which is one of the reasons for this thread!
You would be right that Paul’s letters were about things he already taught them. But it still would not explain Jn 21:25 that tells us there is not enough books in the world to hold everything that Christ did. Or that Paul record a saying of Jesus not found in the gospels in Acts 20:35. Until someone can show me a source from the Bible telling me It is all written down now, I have to believe the Catholic teachings on Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It is the only one to not contradict the Bible. Holding the written word to be the sole authority, above the oral word is not a Biblical teaching I have found anywhere.
God Bless