Like I said obviously one is not tuned into the Spirit. ok Ill play. If this situation came up and we could not come into an understanding or be in agreement I personally would bring this situation to the body of christ other mature christians] and ask for prayer that the Holy Spirit will reveal the Truth. Now if this doesnt work Ill call you Justin

. I do have faith and trust in the Holy Spirit.
So from where would you select those mature Christians? Say twenty from the first person’s church and twenty from the second? Or would you choose just from those who already agree, one way or the other?
My guess is that if you gathered twenty members of the LDS and twenty Evangelicals together and asked them to pray over it then put it to a vote, you’d get the same disagreement. Or would you disqualify the LDS based on your prior opinion of their suitability?
Lets change it to a disagreement over Baptism. You’ve got twenty free-church Evangelicals and twenty Presbyterians together. What happens when they prayerfully discern the guidance of the Spirit and put it to a vote? My guess: twenty for believers Baptism and twenty for infant Baptism.
Now, in addition to the above, lets us imagine that these men are pastors of their respective churches. They are faith-filled men. They all love God and live prayerful lives. They know the Bible in Hebrew and Greek better than you or I ever will in English. Yet they cannot come to a conclusion using the Bible alone and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Although this scenario is hypothetical, it is quite representative of real life. Apparently discerning the Spirit does not lead to unity of belief or certainty that your belief is free from error. The response seems to be that when two or more are divided on anything, then that thing is written off as non-essential. How far does that go? There are those who will not even affirm the Trinity as a necessary belief because there is disagreement over it. There are those who take the phrase “personal Lord and Savior” and turn it into “personal Savior” because they cannot agree on whether having Jesus as “Lord” of one’s life contradicts their doctine of justification by faith alone.
The end result of it all is doctrinal relativism and minimalism. I am sorry, but Scripture alone and prayerful discernment doesn’t lead to truth or even agreement–unless you write off as “not really Christian” everyone who doesn’t agree with you on the grounds that if they really were Christian they’d see things the way you do.
As I said much earlier, this is why the Apostles left the spoken Word (sacred apostolic Tradition). So that the fullness of the truth can be known.