Of course not

. Hi Josh, long time since we spoke together.
I don’t know Josh. On the one hand it sounds comforting, but on the other why would He just stand there? I mean the Good Samaritan didn’t just stand there, he stepped up and did something.
He did, He was made man, healed our illnesses, feed the hungry, preached love and mercy and then was crucified for it.
OK you might say, it’s only a metaphor, but metaphors don’t heal the sick or feed the hungry.
I don’t believe it’s a metaphor, just as I don’t believe Stephen seeing Jesus standing at the right side of God before he was stoned to death was a metaphor either.
I mean I see where you’re coming from, but I’d tend to interpret it more as meaning that God is in the doctors and nurses who cared for her, the surgeon who prolonged her life, the people who developed the chemo, the friends who rallied around her. If that makes any kind of sense.
It makes complete sense. I believe it’s both.
Jesus to St. Faustina
"My kingdom on earth is My life in the human soul" (Diary, 1784).
There are various views on this question in the bible, and many great minds have pondered it since, so I don’t suppose we’ll be able to answer it here

Yes, but there is one passage in the Gospels that hits me hard.
"Jesus Speaks about His Suffering and Death:
Matthew 16:21-23
21 From then on, Jesus began telling his disciples what would happen to him. He said, “I must go to Jerusalem. There the nation’s leaders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law of Moses will make me suffer terribly. I will be killed, but three days later I will rise to life.”
22 Peter took Jesus aside and told him to stop talking like that. He said, “God would never let this happen to you, Lord!”
23 Jesus turned to Peter and said,** “Satan, get away from me! You’re in my way because you think like everyone else and not like God.” **
It’s Satan in the book of Job that basically tells God that the only reason Job loves him is because he avoids the cross, Satan say’s
“Wait until he is faced with the cross and he will curse you to your face.”
I also believe C.S. Lewis writes a good piece in his book ‘Screwtape Letters’ where the senior devil, Screwtape, writes to his junior tempter, Wormwood, about how to lead a human astray.
Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy’s will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys. - Screwtape
I may not always know why we suffer, but I do know that it’s not because God doesn’t love us, God loved us so much that He gave his only son and in turn the son loved us so much that he gave His own life for us (The love of agape confirmed through works by the father and the son). I believe actions speak louder than words and such actions speak volumes for an all loving and merciful God. (I believe our suffering has to do with our sin and our fallen world that we live in).
You have a way of raising good points. I’m not sure about eternal life. This life here and now is too short, especially for my wife, but even if we live to be a hundred it’s still too short. But living for a million years would be ten thousand times that life span. That’s an excessively long period of time, unimaginable. What would we do after the first billion years? The first trillion? And that doesn’t even make a tiny dent in eternity. People say we would be filled with joy, and being filled with anything is OK for a while, then it gets to be a real drag!!!
So I’m not sure the theology of eternal life has been rigorously thought out. Does anyone knows of a good theological/philosophical book that explores this?
I think what your trying to imagine would be like trying to get a man born deaf to imagine what it would be like to hear, or trying to get a man born blind to imagine what it would be like to see, I believe we simply don’t have the faculties to fully appreciate what Heaven is going to be like, in other words, I believe we will never fully understand until we are on the other side. So when you suggest that we could get bored, I would say, remember that heaven, God, is outside of time, as it say’s in the Gospels, God is not slow with keeping His promises, it’s just that 1 day is like 100 years and 100 years is like 1 day for Him, in fact when it comes to our Catholic mass, it is said that we are all brought to the foot of Jesus’ cross at the instance of the crucifixion, so as the examples above, I believe we will never be able to fully appreciate or grasp the reality of heaven until we are on the other side and as has been revealed to us through Jesus, it is greater than we could ever imagine.
In fact, there are video’s on youtube of grown men and women, being born deaf, undergoing some kind of medical treatment (can’t remember what it was, kinda like a cochlear implant) being able to hear for the first time (I would love to ask one what they think it will be like hearing for the first time). Imagine their reactions, times about a thousand when it comes to the kingdom of heaven.
29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!
Deaf woman hears for the first time
God Bless
Thank you for reading