I own the Douy-Rheims Version, which was directly translated from the latin Vulgate. I decided to get it because I really was fed up with the politically correct Bibles full of inclusive(feminist) language. I guess the devil always finds a way to corrupt things of God, even the Bible translations. Regarding translations, that reminds me a story a orthodox(faithful) diocesan priest told five months ago a certain parish here in Manhattan New York City , during his Sunday Homily. He said he was traveling to Europe on a flight, and next to him sat a fundamentalist protestant minister. Well, when the minister realized he was sitting next to a Catholic Priest, the minister took hold of the moment to “teach” Father about the Bible, because well, catholics (according to many protestants don’t know anything, they don’t know God nor the Bible. Sounds as if they imitate the gnostics, only THEY know) are ignorant. Well, the minister began to preach to Father from a passage of one of Paul’s (notice they don’t ever say Saint so and so, or SAINT Paul) letters. When the minister finished Father asked him if he has ever read that SAME passage in its ORIGINAL language, the minister shouted: “if ENGLISH was good enough for Paul, it is good enough for me.”
Anyway, I plan to also purchase the Ignatius Study Bible, highly recomended by Mother Angelica on EWTN.:clapping: