Which "Catholic authors" do you think we need to steer clear of?

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Maybe we should stay clear of the following “Catholic Authors”:

St. John, I hear there some people who say that he teaches that the Eucharist is only symbolic.

St. Paul, there are those who say he teaches “saved by faith alone”.

St. Matthew, there are some who say that he teaches that Peter was not the rock that Jesus built his Church on, but only a small stone.

St. Luke, there are some that say that he teaches that Mary had other children.

The authors are fine. The problem is the authors who misinterpret those other authors.
Even with Books, that Catholic or non-Catholic Christians recommend that you shouldn’t read, there can be some good from them.
Years ago, when I was struggling with my faith. I went to Powell’s and purchased Marcus Borg’s book “Meeting Jesus again for the First Time”. Marcus is with "the Jesus Seminar”, and everyone I have listened to have say “stay clear of their writings”.
But it brought me back to faith. He writes about the historical Jesus, and doesn’t go past claiming that Jesus was a great prophet, and miracle worker. But after reading the book, it was just a small step in faith for me to go from just a historical Jesus, to a Devine Jesus view.
It helped me greatly in my faith journey, being a stepping stone in my belief in the divinity of Jesus.
I like Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, all the Jane Austen books. Generally, on a trip to the library, I’m more excited to see what my kids have picked up than any books I’ve sorted through.
You know, it’s funny, but the same thing has happened to me, too. I was in my mid 20’s when I discovered the Anne of Green Gables series. Love 'em. I’m also not above rereading the Little House books and the Narnia books every once in a while, too. They are are very refreshing to this middle-aged mama.
To cheese_sdc, Damascus, Julianna and anyone who thinks it’s okay to read whatever, anything and everything;

I’m sure you are aware of doing an examination of conscience?
One of the things that would be listed on several of the ones that I do is if you ever doubt your faith either from your own thoughts or by reading material that is not faithful to our Catholic faith.

Although it would not be a mortal sin to read certain materials that attack our faith and possibly make someone doubt their faith, it is considered an occassion or near occassion of sin, at least a veniel sin but a sin nonetheless.
Not only that, if you contribute to someone else reading this material and they doubt their faith because of it, it would be considered your sin also.

🙂 So please rethink your situation and the comments that you have made.

I am not attacking anyone here. I am just trying to enlighten and help as I want everyone to draw closer and closer to God and not turn the slightest wee bit away from God. 🙂

I’m sure you are all very faithful and don’t doubt your faith; but can you really say that if you recommend certain books that are not in accord with our Catholic faith to someone, that the “someone” will not have any doubts whatsoever? You don’t know for sure what will go on in the minds of different people no matter how well you know someone. I would rather just play it safe and not recommend any books that are questionable to anyone.

Examination of Conscience part of the 1st one here;
…have you rashly exposed yourself to the danger of infidelity
by reading bad books, or keeping wicked company?
How often? [We sometimes discover that books and
movies portray a point of view contrary to the faith while
we are reading and viewing them. We need to think and
critically evaluate what we see and read. We then need
to consciously reject what we see that is unfaithful to
our God.]

Here is Father John A. Hardon’s Examination of Conscience. I’ll put #5 here.
5. Do I unnecessarily read or listen to those who oppose
or belittle what I know are truths of my Catholic faith?

Here’s another one from Holy Spirit Interactive;
5. Have I knowingly read any anti-Catholic literature?

Another one from Catholic Culture;
1. Have I doubted in matters of faith?

Have I read books or papers opposed
to the Church and her teachings?

Again, I am not attacking or making any judgements here just trying to help. 🙂

Peace :gopray:
Not only that, if you contribute to someone else reading this material and they doubt their faith because of it, it would be considered your sin also.
This brings up something I’ve been worried about lately. I recently sold some books by Catholic authors that are a bit unorthodox, which I read years ago (Bede Griffiths, Wayne Teasdale, Meister Eckhart). I sold them to a used book store a couple months ago. Now those books could have been passed on to some who could be seduced by their errors. Would I be somewhat responsible for this? Should I have burned the books, or thrown them away instead? It bothers me.
To cheese_sdc, Damascus, Julianna and anyone who thinks it’s okay to read whatever, anything and everything;

I’m sure you are aware of doing an examination of conscience?
One of the things that would be listed on several of the ones that I do is if you ever doubt your faith either from your own thoughts or by reading material that is not faithful to our Catholic faith.

Although it would not be a mortal sin to read certain materials that attack our faith and possibly make someone doubt their faith, it is considered an occassion or near occassion of sin, at least a veniel sin but a sin nonetheless.
Not only that, if you contribute to someone else reading this material and they doubt their faith because of it, it would be considered your sin also.

🙂 So please rethink your situation and the comments that you have made.

I am not attacking anyone here. I am just trying to enlighten and help as I want everyone to draw closer and closer to God and not turn the slightest wee bit away from God. 🙂

I’m sure you are all very faithful and don’t doubt your faith; but can you really say that if you recommend certain books that are not in accord with our Catholic faith to someone, that the “someone” will not have any doubts whatsoever? You don’t know for sure what will go on in the minds of different people no matter how well you know someone. I would rather just play it safe and not recommend any books that are questionable to anyone.

Examination of Conscience part of the 1st one here;
…have you rashly exposed yourself to the danger of infidelity
by reading bad books, or keeping wicked company?
How often? [We sometimes discover that books and
movies portray a point of view contrary to the faith while
we are reading and viewing them. We need to think and
critically evaluate what we see and read. We then need
to consciously reject what we see that is unfaithful to
our God.]

Here is Father John A. Hardon’s Examination of Conscience. I’ll put #5 here.
5. Do I unnecessarily read or listen to those who oppose
or belittle what I know are truths of my Catholic faith?

Here’s another one from Holy Spirit Interactive;
5. Have I knowingly read any anti-Catholic literature?

Another one from Catholic Culture;
1. Have I doubted in matters of faith?

Have I read books or papers opposed
to the Church and her teachings?

Again, I am not attacking or making any judgements here just trying to help. 🙂

Peace :gopray:
Thank you for this. This was well stated and quite correct. It is an aspect that many “free-speech” worshipers fail to consider.

What is more, the sources you quotes got their information from the Saints and Doctors of the Church, like St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis de Sales. While all of these great saints read herectical and non-Christian literature, they did it with the intent of refuting it or learning more about it to better refute the teachings. It was never idle entertainment.
All I can say is that if you want me to read more Catholic books than they should not put me to sleep or make me loose interest…
I enjoy reading Agatha Christie style books…have yet to find a Catholic author that writes in that style…
This brings up something I’ve been worried about lately. I recently sold some books by Catholic authors that are a bit unorthodox, which I read years ago (Bede Griffiths, Wayne Teasdale, Meister Eckhart). I sold them to a used book store a couple months ago. Now those books could have been passed on to some who could be seduced by their errors. Would I be somewhat responsible for this? Should I have burned the books, or thrown them away instead? It bothers me.
I have had this similar situation. What should I do with the textbooks I purchased for my Archdiocese classes for my Lay Ecclesial Minister Certificate as none of the books which correctly teach the faith? Most are merely hertetical but some are downright anti-Catholic and amoral. But they come from the Archdiocese?!

Well, what I did was to go to Amazon.com and submit a review of each book. Then I destroyed them.

Of course, when I can get copies of Dan Brown’s Duh Vinci Con (aka “Da Vinci Code”), I get as many as I can. I use them to help heat my house. I use less firewood that way.
All I can say is that if you want me to read more Catholic books than they should not put me to sleep or make me loose interest…
I enjoy reading Agatha Christie style books…have yet to find a Catholic author that writes in that style…
“the put me to sleep” part is accurate, and believe it or not, I agree with your statement.
I appreciate that Algre Fe has expressed his/her point of view referring to myself and others in the “read what you want” catagory.

I offer this analogy.
It is quite complicated in that to live a “fishbowl” existance with others of “like” mindset, whether it be “political”, “religious”, “family values”, “morality”… a person has basically closed themselves off of independent thought. One I believe is granted by the Holy Spirit to discern good from evil. Basic “instinct” if you will. I can’t live in a fishbowl…it’s not “wont”, it’s can’t. I realize I am swimming in a sea of sharks and I am a mere guppy. But as a guppy, I have the ability to “stand up” for myself, knowing that I may be eaten at any time. I would not regret my thoughts or expressions. However, I would regret it, if I thought it, and never said it. If I lived in the fishbowl, I would never have the opportunity to explore the ocean, meet with others, who by knowing me and I knowing them could change or altar their line of thinking and form a good relationship. I would also have the opportunity based on my spiritual gifts to “disagree” with sharks and other species, thereby going my own way in the vast ocean of life. In the fishbowl, I could not disagreee, I could not swim away and find a place free from the taunts and assaults for not being one with the “Borg”.

If the Apostles thought as you express…they would have told Jesus,…that they needed to stay together and evangelize within their own group. But they were told, “I send out as sheep among wolves…if your not accepted, dust the dirt off your shoes, and move on.”

Paul was most influencial because he had been in the ocean, and making mistakes along the way. In his conversion he had the opportunity to use his talents as a writer and a speaker to spread the good news.

By reading “what I want”…I have, and yes, I have read some that are wayyyyyy over the left side…and I tossed them out. And likewise, I have read books that are wayyyyy over the right side…and tossed them as well.

I find it difficult to read books about saints who died hundreds or a thousand years ago, because their thoughts and ideals were relevant to the time in which they wrote. Difficult to hold my attention span. Historically, the books are fine, but I’m not into reading history as pleasure.

I thank you for your thoughts and links on the matter, I am not offended, upset or ready to cause a fuss about it. You are content in the fishbowl, and I am content in the ocean.
I find it difficult to read books about saints who died hundreds or a thousand years ago, … Difficult to hold my attention span. **Historically, the books are fine, but I’m not into reading history as pleasure. **
I have to agree…History is not my idea of fun reading…
I have to agree…History is not my idea of fun reading…
Oh I love to read history.

I also enjoy reading older styles of writing. Most styles today are just too obvious and vulgar. I prefer something a little more clever, something that makes stop are read a passage again.

Having said all that, I should also add that I am a geek. 🤓 All of my siblings are geeks and my father (who designed nuclear power plants) is also a geek and the son of a geek. So I guess I am doomed. :ehh:
Oh I love to read history.

I also enjoy reading older styles of writing. Most styles today are just too obvious and vulgar. I prefer something a little more clever, something that makes stop are read a passage again.

Having said all that, I should also add that I am a geek. 🤓 All of my siblings are geeks and my father (who designed nuclear power plants) is also a geek and the son of a geek. So I guess I am doomed. :ehh:
not doomed at all…my eldest son loves all things history too…but I would not classify him as a “geek”
not doomed at all…my eldest son loves all things history too…but I would not classify him as a “geek”
True, loving history does not make someone a geek.

But me, I am defintly one. In fact, that is actually my job title at work, “Senior Software Geek”. :cool:
Oh I love to read history.

I also enjoy reading older styles of writing. Most styles today are just too obvious and vulgar. I prefer something a little more clever, something that makes stop are read a passage again.

Having said all that, I should also add that I am a geek. 🤓 All of my siblings are geeks and my father (who designed nuclear power plants) is also a geek and the son of a geek. So I guess I am doomed. :ehh:
no way…my son is a 🤓 too. He has this crazy idea to finish college, get a good job, then start dating…

He says after what his sister has been through…he’d rather wait…!
Hurrah for geeks!

He likes historic reading too…historic fiction, and loves anime, manga…and of course, RPG’s.
no way…my son is a 🤓 too. He has this crazy idea to finish college, get a good job, then start dating…

He says after what his sister has been through…he’d rather wait…!
Hurrah for geeks!

He likes historic reading too…historic fiction, and loves anime, manga…and of course, RPG’s.
RPGs? :confused: Rocket Propelled Grenades?

Yes, hurray for geeks. Ultimately, we are the ones (wel I am an exception) who get the girls (after the girls have tired of the excitement of jerks.) and the good jobs!

To bring us back to the topic of books and authors there is one thing I would like to add.

At certain points in our life, and some never reach that point, it is good to investigate the “other side” as it were. However, to do this, we must be firmly grounded. As a recently converted atheist, I need to avoid certain types of writers and subjects (not to mention movies and TV!) or they become temptations and occasions of sin. Doubts or incorrect thinking or conclusions can be introduced so I must take care.

Learning more about and become more firmly grounded in the Faith is the most important activity in my life. That includes not just what reading and entertainment I choose, but prayer, spiritual reading, good works and so on. As this continues, I will be more become more and more solid and confident.

This confidence is just to keep me from being fooled. It is also to help keep me from sinning by inappropriate anger at what I read.

Eventually I will reach a point where investigating other things may be safer, like reading the original writings of heretics and dissenters.

Having said that, there will always be, particularly now, lots of stuff I should never ever look at. And I do not mean obvious things like porn. Books, movies, TV, video games, or anything that caters to the purient interests. Why? Because they will be an occasion of sin.

No. Because I want to glorify God is all that I do. I seek personal holiness. I do not see how I can further that goal, a goal which the Lord desires we all share, by reading a Jackie Collins, Dan Brown novel or enjoying the works of Gregory Baum or Hans Kung.
For all who complain that Catholic authors are too boring, or put them to sleep–

might I inquire just how many authors you have read? I know that if I started out with reading Aquinas or St. Augustine, after a diet of popular fiction, I’d have trouble–just as I’d have trouble adjusting to a fine healthy diet after eating too many sweets, fats, or carbs. The healthy diet would be better for me but it would take an adjustment.

So here I come with some recommendations for authors.

G.K. Chesterton. For the mystery addicts-- read his “Father Brown” stories. Then move onto into his nonfiction and prepare to be pleasantly surprised. Google–start with the shorter books if you wish, or take them on like you would a big sprawling epic, in bite-sized gulps.

Hillaire Belloc–for history and for nonfiction that seems eerily prophetic.

Like poetry? Try Gerald Manley Hopkins and Joyce Kilmer. Or Alfred Noyes --including his “The Unknown God.”

Like more contemporary stuff? How about Grahame Greene?
Or Flannery O’Connor for short stories, contemporary.

Rumer Godden’s works include “In this House of Brede” and “An episode of sparrows”.

Ernest Hemingway was a convert to Catholicism–and a marvelous writer.

Piers Paul Read wrote “Alive” (about the plane crash in the Andes Mountains) and also about “the Great Train Robbery”.

Muriel Spark (whose works include “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie”).

Evelyn Waugh and J.R. R. Tolkien’s works never put me to sleep.

Like science fiction? Try Gene Wolfe with his marvelous allegory.

Or Anthony Boucher for mysteries.

Of course there are our own Karl Keating, and Scott Hahn. Not to mention St. Therese’s “Story of a Soul” (very readable). Thomas E. Wood Jr’s “How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization”. Willa Cather’s “Death Comes for the Archbishop.”

Read some of these; then come back and I’ll be certain to have found some more.
I agree with those who think recommending authors rather than listing those to avoid is probably a more fruitful endeavor.

I think all of Tantum ergo’s recommendations are wonderful–I’ll add a few.

My university’s Center for Ethics and Culture had a “Forgotten Catholic Authors” series last fall… a few recommendations from there:

Sigrid Undset - The Kristin Lavransdatter Series. I’m working through the trilogy myself right now (well, planning to in the very near future ;)). Story of a young woman in Scandinavia in the middle ages, and her development from her teenage years, through marriage and the death of her husband. She won a Nobel Prize for the work.

Walter Miller, Jr. - A Canticle for Leibowitz. Sci-fi story of life after nuclear holocaust.

George Bernanos - Diary of a Country Priest. Title pretty much sums up the plot of the book, but the storytelling carries with it much meaning.

Robert Hugh Benson - Lord of the World. Written in 1907, Benson looks to the thoroughly secularized world of the year 2000, the Catholic remnant which tries to save it, and the ultimate failure of such a society.

Other than these, I’d recommend anything written by Ralph McInerny. He has a mystery series (set at the University of Notre Dame) if anyone is interested–I’m sure they’re at least an entertaining read, since Prof. McInerny is quite witty 🙂 Also quite a lot of good apologetics resources and easily understandable works on such things as Vatican II and Thomistic thought.

I find Shakespeare’s works to be timeless classics–there’s question as to whether he was Catholic, but the values portrayed in many of his plays transcend their time and place. My personal favorites are The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Measure for Measure and Much Ado About Nothing.

No one’s mentioned TS Eliot for lovers of poetry and cultural commentary.

Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov, Crime & Punishment, Notes from Underground, The Idiot. Dark fiction, but philosophical, pointing to the meaninglessness of life in society which banishes God.

Ah, and a final one! If anyone is looking for an incredibly light read, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery is the best children’s literature out there. 👍 He was a convert to Catholicism and friends with the French Thomist Jacques Maritain. Fantastic lessons about the human person and the soul, beautiful illustrations, and you can probably finish it in under an hour.

Happy reading! 😃
One sees clearly only with the heart;
anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
  • *The Little Prince
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