I guess I’ve never understood when people say they see/ read/ hear/ smell something and are concerned it might maybe destroy their faith…
First, I’m not sure that this is what people are saying; I think it is more what you think they mean.
But even if it were so, are you saying that there is nothing that is seen, read, heard, physically or emotionally manifested that could not have an impact on faith?
How is faith destroyed, anyway?
Well, faith is a free gift, right? A gift which one can choose to accept, or deny. That gift is not ‘once for all time’. Faith can be both eroded, and enhanced. It is, indeed, for most people pretty much waxing or waning; if it is stagnant that’s a sign to watch out! If it’s waning, it needs ‘fuel’, if it’s waxing, it needs supervision and nuturing. Right?
So actually there is indeed reason to be concerned about what one reads.
What are, for example, you trying to escape from, in escapist, or ‘chick lit’, or true crimes, etc.
Are you trying to escape from the boredom or the littleness of ‘real life’? Well, sure.
But should you be? Or should you be in that particular way?
Now I’m the first to admit that I am slothful, vain, arrogant, blind, etc. So don’t do what I say because of
me. But if what I say is true and correct and good, do it because it
is true, and correct, and good.
Before you sit down with a latte and “The Devil Wears Prada”, have you done:
- What you should do for yourself and others that day?
- What you should do for God because you love Him?
Most likely, you have not (nor have I, I hasten to add).
What I am saying here, is that we have limited free time at our disposal, and we have a lot of responsibilities as Christians who happen to be parents, students, whatever.
And that with the plethora of written material about (as well as movies, TV, music etc., all these activities for our ‘free time’ and enjoyment), we should be making sure that we meet our responsibilties.
If we spend our ‘free time’ reading junk–even if we spend it reading ‘worthwhile’ material–but we haven’t attended to our souls and faith, even that GOOD material may cause us to slacken, to be sidetracked, to focus just on ‘reading’ and not on
Plenty of people are able to ‘quote scripture’ and read it fanatically–but they don’t apply it to themselves and others. It is
wasted reading.
And certainly reading less than worthwhile material–material that may include things offensive to faith, that include bad language, pornography, casual references to immorality, positive portrayals of sin, glamorizing evil, etc.–is even worse for the soul. It is a waste. With the good eyes and good brain that God gives, why waste it on trash instead of filling your mind and soul with beauty and then–most important, fueling yourself to the Christian actions which these beauties and truths will inspire?