Elizabeth B.:
The easiest reference for me to dredge up is the old Catholic Encyclopedia here
It is consistent with Catholic theology to say that the pains of the damned differ in degree. Also, the pain of loss is not usually considered to be the only pain in hell. The CCC refers to it as the “chief” punishment, not the “only” punishment. The pain of the fire (sense) is also included in most presentations.This is inconsistent with Catholic Doctrine which says that hell is the eternal separation from God. (CCC 1035).
The easiest reference for me to dredge up is the old Catholic Encyclopedia here
(1) The pains of hell differ in degree according to demerit. This holds true not only of the pain of sense, but also of the pain of loss. A more intense hatred of God, a more vivid consciousness of utter abandonment by Divine goodness, a more restless craving to satisfy the natural desire for beatitude with things external to God, a more acute sense of shame and confusion at the folly of having sought happiness in earthly enjoyment – all this implies as its correlation a more complete and more painful separation from God.