Which is your favorite sacrament?

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The Eucharist I have a lot of Pride and it is a gift from God that just sends me to my knees. I get so wraped up in the thought that the God of all creation would show me such Humility, as to allow all of Himself to be placed in my hands or upon my tounge. Dear Lord thanks for the gift and help make me worthy.

Second I would say is anointing of the sick for the reasons Kellie lists, I watched both an aunt and my Grandfather walk through the door of death after having recieved this sacrament.
My idea of a truly excellent day with Our Lord would be to first go to Confession and then immediately attend Mass, to receive Him in the purest possible state of mind, heart and soul.

Those are my favorite sacraments – I can’t separate them from one another.

I have to agree with the thoughts that other converts have expressed here: Going to Confession has never been anything but a joy to me in the year since my husband, kids and I were welcomed into the loving arms of Holy Mother Church.

I don’t think I have ever felt more beloved of the Lord than when kneeling in a dark, musty little confessional booth and telling Him my inadequacies, failures and misdeeds. 🙂

I go once a month – wish I could go more often, but I attend a small parish that does not have a full time priest (we’re praying about that situation) and the nearest place where we can go to Confession on a regular basis is at a church that is about 25 miles away.
I almost instinctively clicked on the Holy Eucharist when I voted. But I like what Kellie had to say. Four years ago I received the Annointing of the sick. I know that feelings can be deceptive, but I truly felt what I believe was the peace of God sweep over me. Of course I received Jesus in Communion just before the Annointing, so I’m quite torn! Holy Eucharist or Annointing of the sick … it really is a close call! :hmmm:
Confession, although Baptism seems the most useful, it is only confession that maintains some of us in that Baptismal state.

If I had to choose only one sacrament though, Baptism is the obvious choice.
It was a tough call. I had to pick confession because it truly is such a blessing!! But I will remember my confirmation for the rest of my life. I don’t think there is a moment that I will forget how much I knew that I had answered God’s call and the Holy Spirit really WAS there and it was a gift that no-one could EVER take away from me. I was Catholic and no one could ever change that. It was the most incredible joy I have ever experienced. But, confession will be there time after time, so I had to choose that, because the joy of reconciliation comes each and every time. 😃
Karl Keating:
I don’t mean “favorite” in the sense of “which sacrament has the highest dignity.” That would be the Eucharist, since it is Christ himself. I mean “favorite” in the sense of “which sacrament is most consoling/helpful/meaningful to me.”

I’ll start: My favorite is confession (penance, reconciliation). What’s yours?
I admit I was fooled into thinking of the “highest dignity.” Pennance is very consoling and I always feel good after confession, but walking up to receive the Holy Eucharist frequently brings tears to my eyes as I repeat over and over Domine non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea. And shortly before receiving I say the traditional words, Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam meam in vitam aeternam. Amen. Timing the Amen with “Body of Christ” now used.

This is one of the few times during the Mass I can pull a veil over my mind to cutoff all the raucous talking, shuffling,and uninspiring music and singing. It is my favorite time.
I love the Eucharist. I have a great respect and sense of awe toward Penance. I’ve never witnessed Holy Orders, but would love to someday.
I voted confession, because, well, I really need it most days! (I have a temper).

God bless,
Although I do dread going to confession, I have to agree that it’s the best one. The incredible sense of peace you receive once the priest absolves you from your sins is un-describable
Confession. After all without it I couldn’t have the Eucharist, at least the way I was before frequent confession

To those who fear, like I did, try different things
  1. face to face if you need it to be more human. screen if you like you anomynity, or like me prefer to kneel in penance
  2. Go to a priest outside your parish. I felt unconformtable that they would see me the next Sunday and such, so I went to another parish for a while. I now primarily go to the same confessor at my parish, though there is often a switch. Two confessionals and 5 priests.
  3. Go frequently, though don’t be scruplelous. Monthly is a good goal. Of course ASAP if in mortal sin
I’m trying to be logical here but I’d have to say Holy Orders.

My brother is a Priest, yet if it wasn’t for the priests, (the Apostles and the Disciples) the other sacrements could NOT be distributed. Without being baptized you are not saved. WIthout confession, as Jesus told the Apostles, whose sins you forgive are forgiven thosw that are retained are retained.
Without the Eucharist, who can authentically bring down the Holy Spirit in transubstaniation?
As for marriage, the sacrament is not blessed in the Church, but it could be done civilly.
Withouth the Anoiniting of the sick, who can finalize the journey to meet our Lord?

AND without the Holy Orders, Christ’s Church would have NEVER gotten off the ground! :amen:

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Anointing of the Sick (Extreme Unction)

My family has always felt very comforted by this sacrament when a loved one is dying. It is such a powerful grace.

My own father received it when I was young. He was dying from hemorrhage. He recovered quite unexpectedly. Lesson one in my life about it. Miracles do happen.

Another young family member received it before they were going to remove life support as he was considered brain dead. He also recovered.

The second lesson of course is that my father died 30 some years later and had great peace when he died from this grace he received for the last time.

I think it is wonderful.
Anointing of the Sick!
What a powerful sacrament! If you have a loved one who is dying…even if they are in a coma, then their sins are forgiven AND all punishment due to sin is satisfied,provided their soul is properly disposed (ie, sorry for sins and open to forgiveness). Please be sure that anyone you know who is seriously ill or dying has the benefit of this great sacrament. You could not give them a greater gift!

If you live your life as if there is no God, you better hope you are right!
I LOVE that Matrimony is listed, along with Holy Orders, as an “occupational” sacriment. Because it is a lot of work! 😃
I LOVE that Matrimony is listed as an “occupational” sacriment. Because it is a lot of work! 😃
What was that saying? There are three rings in marriage: engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering? 🙂
Confession provides the most consolation for me, as I am still a sinner. It is yet another chance to regain sanctifying grace. It is therefore my favorite. However the Eucharist is the most mysterious and awesome to me.

I contemplate the powerful significance of both, in part from the heartache I feel about the negligence toward the one (Confession) by many Catholics, and the irreverence I see toward the other (Eucharist).

Good question, Karl.
I have to vote for confession. I never feel closer to God as I do when I go to confession and then pray for a while in the church afterwards.

The feeling is magnified many times over by receiving communion after confession and a time of prayer. Confession makes communion mean even more to me.
I love Confession…our family had an experience in April, 1993, when we got to meet Mother Angelica…her short-wave station had just recently started up…and I had such a feeling of dirtiness…but in a good way…!

Anyway, since that time, I’ve gone to Confession regularly…could be weekly, bi-weekly…3 weeks…occasionally a month. I’m also able to go to Daily Mass; I rely on Jesus’ Healing Strength for my faults and sins…
I’ll say it’s almost a tie between Eucharist and Confession with the scale tipped toward Confession.

Kevin :twocents:
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