Which is your favorite sacrament?

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I used to absolutely loathe Confession… and I’d only do my one year minimum requirement during Lent.

Since then, I started going once every two weeks and couldn’t be happier! I can’t even imagine what it would be like to not have a frequent Confession anymore. It defientely keeps your spiritual life in check! Confession = highly recommended!! 👍
As a convert, I would have to say the Eucharist. How prophetic Abraham’s words “God will provide Himself a lamb” Gen 22:8 KJV

Confession would be a close second. 🙂
I love confession and the Eucharist, but my favorite is confirmation. First, I never felt closer to the apostles than when I was confirmed. Second, there was something special to me in the fact that when the biship laid his hands upon me, a man with ties back to the apostles was saying that I was now a full member of the faith, a Catholic adult so to speak. Finally, I used to volunteer to serve at the confirmation mass every year so that I could be close to the life-changing event in the lives of others (I also did Easter Vigil).
i can’t find a more uplifting moment as when i exit the confessional and go to my knees to do the requested penance… thank God everyday for the sacrament of reconcilliation… i will never really understand how non-catholics get by without it… (although i guess if you never had it, you don’t know what your missing)! 👍
Baptism is perhaps my favorite Sacrament. It is the gateway to salvation by the cleansing of original and personal sin and the sanctification of the soul. Baptism is, according to Chapter VII of the Sixth Session of the Council of Trent, the instrumental cause of justification; baptism is the sacrament of faith. Without baptism, we are not Christians and thus do not possess the ontological difference between the baptized and non-baptized, namely, supernatural created grace added as an accident (in the scholastic usage of the term) to our souls thus giving us supernatural life and incorporating us into the very mystical Body of Christ. By baptism we are made temples of the Holy Spirit and indeed all three Persons of the Most Blessed Trinity. By baptism we are given the baptismal sacramental character, which begins our conformity to Christ the High Priest, whereby we share in His High Priesthood and are made participants of His living sacrifice to the Father. By baptism we are enabled to receive the other sacraments, of which the Eucharist is the one of most dignity since It is the Incarnate Word Himself under the veils of bread and wine. Laudetur Iesus Christus! In saecula!
If I were Catholic—the Eucharist. Wiccans have something that resembles it (called Cakes and Wine) and I like it muchly.
I don’t mean “favorite” in the sense of “which sacrament has the highest dignity.” That would be the Eucharist, since it is Christ himself. I mean “favorite” in the sense of “which sacrament is most consoling/helpful/meaningful to me.”

I’ll start: My favorite is confession (penance, reconciliation). What’s yours?
I agree! When confession is done, all the other sacraments can be in the correct place. Without having this freedom, nothing else works well, does it? I am a convert and I can tell you that after our first confession, my husband and I almost floated home. I have never forgotten that moment.

Do you remember those little coin changers the conductors used to wear on buses or trains? The conductor would put a coin in and it automatically would find the proper size opening - click, click, click and thump. I think life is like that - nothing fits in every slot but when God is in His Place - all things immediately click, click, click to their own place. It is not a matter of being in second place or third place, it is a matter of God being in His place. Confession is certainly what makes that possible in my life.
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