Which is your favorite sacrament?

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At first I wanted to vote for Holy Communion since it is the Source and Summit. Then I considered Karl’s commments.

So I was torn between Matrimony and Reconcilliation. Since I would need and be healed by Reconcilliation regardless of my vocation, it got my vote.

BTW my nine year old son votes for Holy Orders. 🙂
I don’t know; I’m not yet able to receive them :crying:

Except matrimony–I was actually married in a Catholic ceremony. And that hasn’t been bad 😃

At this point in my life, definitely the Eucharist. I’m sure Matrimony will be right up there someday, though.
I voted for Matrimony as I can see God in the everyday life of raising a family.

Eucharist although confession and matrimony are close seconds.
This is a tough question.

I picked the Eucharist because of being united with Jesus. But the Sacrament of Reconciliation is so wonderful also. I love that Sacrament. And then of course there is Matrimony which we have been living for the past 35 years, and those graces have been so powerful in our life. But if it wasn’t for Baptism none of these would be possible. What a dilema!

Actually, it depends on how I am feeling at the time. Sometimes it is Reconcilliation, and other times it is Eucharist. I really can’t decide which is my favorite. I mean, they seem so inseprarable to me.
I don’t think I have ever felt more beloved of the Lord than when kneeling in a dark, musty little confessional booth and telling Him my inadequacies, failures and misdeeds. 🙂

I go once a month – wish I could go more often, but I attend a small parish that does not have a full time priest (we’re praying about that situation) and the nearest place where we can go to Confession on a regular basis is at a church that is about 25 miles away.
About that little, dark, musty confessional… I miss those so!! The ones at our church they use for storing stuff. 😦

The last 3 times I’ve stood in line for confession the priest finished hearing them after the 3rd person from the end of the line had their confesssion heard.

I had been 5 people from the end of the line until a few minutes before that. The people behind me left the line, leaving me last. With just me and one other in line for confession when the priest stopped hearing them that day.

This happened 3 TIMES in a row!! I just wanna go to Confession!!

Confessions are from 4pm to 5pm both Saturday and Sunday before the 5:30 pm Mass. So Father had to leave to get ready for Mass at 5:00pm.

I stood in line twice on Saturday for the English confession and Mass. Then, disheartened, I stood in line the next week for the Sunday (Spanish) confessions and Mass.

(Our parish has a Mass in Spanish at 5:30pm on Sundays because there’s a large Spanish-speaking population in our parish. And both of our priests speak Spanish as their first language, too.)

Sigh. Hablo espanol, pero poquito. Que lastima. The priests speak extremely good English, just with a bit of an accent, so I can have confession in English either before the Saturday evening Mass or the Sunday evening Mass.

IF the priest was still available! I’ve even gotten to the church to be there at 4:15 so that I could have my confession heard before 5:00pm.

Didn’t matter. There was that many people in line ahead of me by then!

Que lastima!
Yeah. I’ve decided I need to show up at 3 instead of 3:30 even though it officially doesn’t start until then… I’m not sure I’ll feel any better though… either way I’m holding up Father from preparing for Mass (if I actually get in as the last person) or I’m taking up time that means someone else might not get in… SIGH.
It’s hard for me to say that I have a favorite, but I will say that I have developed a special predilection for confession. I have found myself wanting to go weekly and I never thought I would desire to do so with the enthusiasm and anticipation that I often feel now. I have to mention though, that this past Easter was the first time that I received the sacraments of confession and communion since 1980. It was a long and difficult journey to the confessional, so maybe that’s why I feel the way I do. I think that’s why one of the most meaningful scenes (for me) in the move “The Passion” is where Jesus tells his mother “See mother, I make all things new”.
Confession, I cannot believe people to not utilize this sacrament more. Speaking to a Lutheran uncle, he told me that it is not a sacrament unless it is instituted by Christ and it confers grace. How can Protestants get by without it?
I love the Eucharist.
Confession is hard, seeing that I always seem to confess the same sins :confused:
Veronica Anne:
About that little, dark, musty confessional… I miss those so!! The ones at our church they use for storing stuff. 😦

The last 3 times I’ve stood in line for confession the priest finished hearing them after the 3rd person from the end of the line had their confesssion heard.

I had been 5 people from the end of the line until a few minutes before that. The people behind me left the line, leaving me last. With just me and one other in line for confession when the priest stopped hearing them that day.

This happened 3 TIMES in a row!! I just wanna go to Confession!!

Confessions are from 4pm to 5pm both Saturday and Sunday before the 5:30 pm Mass. So Father had to leave to get ready for Mass at 5:00pm.
Que lastima!
I have to count my blessings. We have confessions here in my parish every day of the week from 8:30 a.m. th 4:30 p.m. as well as before every Mass on weekends. On more than one occassion, the Mass I attend has started late just so the priest could get in those last two people. I don’t mind waiting those extra 10 minutes.

Another parish in my diocesis has a priest in the confessional from 30 minutes prior to Mass until the beginning of the Homily. That has been a great help to me on those occassions that I could not go during the week.
I voted for Confession which really is in a tie with the Eucharist. I’m also a convert and in the beginning I was really nervous about it. The first time was in the rectory with Father guiding me through it. The idea of the confessional made me nervous. So I made myself go monthly for a year so I would get used to it. Now my schedule is every 3 weeks (or sooner if I’m going to take a trip) and I try to make it weekly during Lent. Even on those Saturdays when the process is pretty cut and dried, I just feel so enormously happy and grateful that Jesus told me He forgave me (using Father’s voice). I grew up in the “snow covered dung heap” world – NOTHING you did could make you worthy or lovable. I love Confession! :love: Without Confession I wouldn’t feel worthy enough to approach Communion!
Don’t tell my wife that I didn’t vote for Holy Matrimony.

I like Confession the best. However, I probably don’t do enough of it.
I voted for Reconciliation. Not because it is easy or my “favorite”. But because it is beautiful. The more I learn about Psychology, the more profoundly I feel that Catholics are blessed to have confession. The Sacrament of Reconciliation has been around for 2000 years, yet offers so much more to each person than psychology/psychiatry which has only been a discipline for barely 100 years. Each night when I pray the Act of Contrition, I marvel at the beauty of the prayer. I do feel sorry for “Christians” who have only Baptism as a sacrament. They do not know what they are missing in the richness of the Catholic sacraments.
I said Confession. Until very recently, Confession was one of those things I knew and understood in my head, but not in my heart. I knew that the priest acts in the person of Chirst, but that didn’t really mean all the much to me.

This weekend just gone, I attended a Life in the Spirit seminar, and on the Saturday night, we had a prayer service, which involved the opportunity for Confession. There was something pretty big that I knew I needed to confess, and had put off many times already, cos I’d been so scared what the priest would say. But I vowed to myself I would go this time, cos the guilt and shame from the sin was really messing up my life. I went for prayer minstery first, and one of the people praying me said they had a sense from God that it would be a pivotal moment for me. After prayer, I went to confession, and finally confessed what had been troubling me for nearly a year. I was very upset, and was crying as I confessed, and from the way we were sat, I was very close to the priests shoulder. Now, I’m not normally one to get overly emotional or so touchy with people I don’t really know, but I ended up with my head on the priests shoulder, because in my heart, I was convinced it was Jesus sat with me, and speaking to me through Fr John.

As he gave me absolution, I was filled with the joy of the Lord, and went back to sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament with my heart singing praise to the Lord.

Clare xx
I have to say the Eucharist because it *is *The Lord…so close to me…bringing me often to tears. Confession is a close runner -up…I cry there too! Oh well, 'tis the Spirit that brings us to tears!

What wonderful gifts are these Sacraments!!! What a wonderful Church!!!
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