Which religion is grabbing the most Catholics?

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Emmy, are you saying that those of us who stay faithful to the Catholic Church "are not educated’? What are you implying, that we’re a bunch of morons or something like that? Stop insulting us. I don’t believe you knew much about the Church in the first place!
You sir, are a fool.

Blatantly Emmy was saying that her education, which cannot help but be different from *yours *led her to the conclusion that Islam was the faith she could most relate to.

I don’t think she says you are a bunch of morons, although it looks to me simply that the fact that you are is established in your completely unnesscessarily aggressive response. There’s really no need to embarass youself by replying.
I live in what is known as the Bible belt of Sydney. We have a selection of all varieties of the “churches” in this area. The largest is the Baulkham Hills Hillsong Church (allegedly Assemblies of God). This group are known variously as the “happy clappers” or the “bellbirds” and other names depending upon one’s theological beliefs. It is this group that has been poaching the young Catholics because they offer “an experience”. I can remember a few years ago that one of the priests in my parish got very concerned because a couple of the children from the local Catholic school attempted to induce their companions to go along to that church.

Well we have been fighting back and we have not lost all that many to them 🙂 . This is where providing a Lifeteen program has been so useful for our young people. They are flocking to that Mass so that it has become standing room only. The “happy clappers” have not been successful in reaching the young of my parish. To us Lifeteen is more than the Mass, because it is a program that gets the youth involved in their faith. Up until last year we also had Antioch for the youth.

As an added bonus we also have the Family Groups program and this means that we involve the non-Catholic partner in friendly activity.

To top this off, we have had a good intake of RCIA candidates over a period of 10 years.

Reading some of the earlier replies I have to agree, with all the stories I’ve heard about hard Catholics who are being grabbed by JW, but I’ve also head that some of these have come back to the Faith. JW are reaching people when they are at a low point, perhaps this is a sign for the Catholic Church to start reaching out but then again there’s more than one way to reach out to ppl and to serve God!
emmy from texas:
As a Muslim who used to be Catholic, I am seeing that the vast majority of the thousands of converts to Islam in America per year were Catholic as well. Actually, every convert I meet was catholic before becoming Muslim. We all agree that the real primary attraction was the simplicity and purity of Islam. The purpose of life is to worship God, the creator, and everything we do in life should reflect this truth. Islam is the only religion that stresses this to the point that a true Muslim begins to see their life as a passage and worldy gains are not as important anymore. Anyway, my answer is Islam…

are you sure that you belong to a religion called Islam and claim that it is pure? How much do you really know about Mohammed the founder of Islam? What about the fact that he claimed that he had permission to have a harem of wives? How is it that the Scripture always indicates that God wants us to be just yet in Islam there is so much in the way of injustice? How can you live with the idea that there are those who are followers of Islam who murder innocent people nearly every day of the year in their hundreds? What about the fact that in Middle Eastern countries where Islam is dominant the Christians (of all flavours) are persecuted? Why is it written that the infidel must die because they will not convert? How can you follow something that forces conversion by the sword? This is the way that Islam spread in the first place. It was either convert or die by the sword.

Christianity is not like that, or at least what started with Christ is not like that. Jesus is the only prophet, since He is also the Messiah and God, who spread a real message of peace.

I cannot understand how any well educated Christian would abandon Christianity in favour of Islam.

Reading some of the earlier replies I have to agree, with all the stories I’ve heard about hard Catholics who are being grabbed by JW, but I’ve also head that some of these have come back to the Faith. JW are reaching people when they are at a low point, perhaps this is a sign for the Catholic Church to start reaching out but then again there’s more than one way to reach out to ppl and to serve God!
They nearly got my niece when she was at a low point after the death of my great nephew (and her nephew) through the neglect of hospital staff during the birth process (the first child for this niece’s sister). The period was a very heart wrenching time because Nathan was very much a wanted child. The JWs came knocking at the door, she asked a question and they answered in a way that seemed acceptable. However, she wrote me a letter, and I provided her with sufficient information for her to tell them where to go.

I agree that the Church needs to do a better job of reaching out to the faithful in times of distress but it is hard if the faithful have become lapsed, which was my niece’s situation.

There may be another religion that may come into play here …called Iglasia Ni Cristo …It originated in the Phillipines early in the 20th Century… Founded by a man called Felix Manalo …A religion that is very similiar to the JW’s and Mormans in that it denies the Diety of Christ…
emmy from texas:
Yes, I understand your point. The World Almanac is a trusted source for current facts and is carried by all libraries. The following website will tell you info about this book:

As far as polls go, it is a matter of where you are doing your research. I was referring to Readers Digest, but some Christians would say that it is unreliable. That is why I urged in my post to do the research yourself. However, I do would not recommend randomly choosing certain Christian websites or Muslim websites to educate myself about facts. Many websites are extremely biased, even if they don’t realize it, and forming opinions or getting answers solely from them is dangerous. As far as getting accurate statistics, it is best to go to objective sources that do not have a hidden agenda. I can tell you how many people I know personally that have become Muslim in the last 3 years since I became Muslim, but these kinds of things are not helpful because anyone can make up anything they want to support their case. Therefore, you can do the research yourself.

There are still more Christians in the world than Muslims, and countries that were at one time Muslim countries are now Christian counties, like Spain.
Spain was Christian before it became Muslim in 711, then the Christians reclaimed it in 1492. Egypt and all of North Africa was Christian before it became predominantly Muslim. St. Augustine was from North Africa. This was mostly for other readers, I just wanted to add…
I voted “evangelical,” but I’m specifically thinking of Calvary Chapel. They have anti-Catholic seminars as part of their weekly Wednesday-night gala.

Maggie OH
I agree that the Church needs to do a better job of reaching out to the faithful in times of distress but it is hard if the faithful have become lapsed
A lot of Catholics are now lapsed! And you are right the JW seem to answer with what ppl wnat to hear! But it’s a sad situation if there’s no services for ppl who are in need such as the situation of your neice. But another issue with the Churchr eaching out is that I know many parished around here are loosing priests and nuns are a dieing species so to speak! The average age of nuns and brothers are in their 60’s+. But the Church has survived hard times and it’ll survive again!
I voted “evangelical,” but I’m specifically thinking of Calvary Chapel. They have anti-Catholic seminars as part of their weekly Wednesday-night gala.y

Which particular calary chapels?
I thought they had Wednesday night Bible study not gang up on catholic night.
Oh well those guys have been telling the rapture was going to happen anyday since the 1970’s I am kinda tired of hearing the same tired speal by different generations of calvary chapel types. Hey does anyone stay in the church past 10 years. I find people to stay there a few years d move on after a few years or is it my misperception?
The majority of their “clientelle” are former Catholics here in Southern California. But I do hear stories verifying your statistic. I know several who have left because of their extreme anti-Catholicism. There was also a battle between two popular congregations because the pastor of one taught eternal security while the pastor of the other taught that salvation can be lost through sin. That must have disillusioned some people about Calvary Chapel doctrine.

God bless,

The majority of their “clientelle” are former Catholics here in Southern California. But I do hear stories verifying your statistic. I know several who have left because of their extreme anti-Catholicism. There was also a battle between two popular congregations because the pastor of one taught eternal security while the pastor of the other taught that salvation can be lost through sin. That must have disillusioned some people about Calvary Chapel doctrine.

God bless,

Now if I were a protestant and choose what I wanted to believe I would leave the salvation can be lost calvary chapel for the eternal security calvary chapel and go party like no tomorrow!:rotfl:
Karl Keating:
This is a question about your perception, not about statistics. Someone undertaking a detailed sociological survey might be able to come up with hard numbers.

I’m looking for your gut feeling, which may be based in part on what has happened to people you know or know about.

In your estimation, which religion has been most successful in inducing one-time Catholics to join it?
Having come from a very strong Bible based Evangelistic Protestantism background, I chose that as the Religion and it looks like most people did. I chose that religion because they know the Word and with sincere love and softness they can win people - no hammers as Fundamentalist tend to do. I have taught (and I was not anti-Catholic!) and seen so many women who came into my classes as Catholic become Protestant just because they loved the Bible Study and were tooooooo poorly Catechized to come into the group and stand firm. The Protestants know how to pray and how to use their Bibles if they have been in studies. They even know just how to hold that soft leather marked up Bible. They have learned to listen (very important gift!) and to ask all the right questions. Right for the Protestant but very wrong for the Catholics. Also the Seeker churches are in this group and they are making everyone “comfortable” and giving them donut holes and mugs of coffee - no Bible necessary for this group and lots of small groups for collectors from old cars to guitars. No worship but lots of fun (?) for everyone. They come by the thousands and many leave by the backdoor but they keep coming. It is working. The amazing thing, of course, is the Catholic Church has it ALL. Why would anyone ever think of leaving and staying away? I guess it is because they have no idea what they have? I always tell Catholics that in my entire life as I look back I can only count on one hand all the Catholics who ever told me, “I love being Catholic.” Again, they may have, but they kept it a closely guarded secret.
I really don’t know. Most of the individuals I’ve spoken with who have clearly stated they have given up Catholicism haven’t told me if they went to another religion, if any.

I tend to run into mostly lapse Catholics. People who have stopped participating in the Church without giving up the religion.
Richard Lamb:
They are all going willingly…We should not blame other non-catholic religions for taking Catholics away,we should look to ourselves for the lack of cathechesis that is allowing this to happen…No one is snatched away, they go because we have failed them…
We live in a time of what I call “Burger King Christianity” have it your way.

Some stay in the church and quietly disagree, others leave and join schismatics and embrace heresies. Others stay and work to change the things that they disagree with.

If catholics chose to leave let them, Christ never chased after non-believers.

As for the people who disagree and stay. The wheat will hopefully be sifted from the shaff, Truth, Veritas shall prevail.

As one who has left the RCC church I believe many have left because of the poor example of the leadership in the Rcc. The RCC does a wonderful Job on teaching dogma,traditions,ect, but does a poor job on how to live the christian life.
" It is hard to live life as a Catholic,but much easier to die as a Catholic."

I can’t remember the person responsible for this quote, I have never seen it stated better.

Do you understand the purpose of the sacraments of the church??

You statement contradicts what Christ’s Church teaches.

Remember Christ came for our salvation, to give us a new covenant and a Church to show us “the way”.

But anyway, I’d say that the evangelical style of worship- fun activities, lots of social interaction, concert-style music, lack of spiritual and theological depth, and a casual, no-rules style atmosphere (there are girls that wear bare-shoulder minidresses and jeans with their, ahem, undies, showing to church) definitely attracts quite a lot of people from all denominations. Ironically, it’s the same things that are pushing quite a few, like me, away.
Hey my name’s Andrew. I’m Filipino fron San Diego, CA. I’m 14y/o faithful Catholic who is a strong leader in my community.
This is my first post. Though this quote is very distant I’d like to comment on it.
I’m thinking the only reason why people are attracted to this church is because they are very fond of the rules that this church applies. It’s a dismay to me that people would rather dress ‘skanky’ in church to impress others rather than impressing God. It also seems to me that this church is based upon more of an emotional connection than a spiritual connection. The fact that people would believe that they grow better by having fun is an upset to me because growth comes from faith and sacrifice and experience.
Jim ov Cov:
Islam, but it wasn’t up there. 50,000 converts in Italy alone.
Thats amazing. What is going on in Italy?
Maybe a start of a new thread.
“Islam in Italy: What is behind this sudden surge of converts?”
50,000 may not sound like a lot right now because it is probably less than 1% of the population. What we have to be aware of is the RATE of growth of this alien religion.
The Vatican should be keeping an eye on this. We all know what happened and is still happening in the immerging Balkan states and the historical calamity in the once Byzantine Empire.

I could also be the result of a surge of immagrants from North Africa coming to Italy for work and need a place to worship?

Is there actually any place in the USA where the Jehovah’s Witnesses are not considered a joke?.. Protestants may despise Catholicism, but we collectively laugh at Jehovah’s Witness…ism… whatever they call it.

I remember reading recently, and I can’t remember where, that the Catholics who were leaving the Church were the ones who were poorly catechized, while the Protestants who were coming into the Catholic Church were the better (religiously) educated people. We need to do a better job with catechesis! I sure don’t understand how people can say that they are “not being fed” when we have the Eucharist which is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus! Or how they can say we are not “scriptural”. Scott Hahn talks in Rome, Sweet Home about attending a Catholic Mass and being amazed at the amount of Scripture he was hearing.

All the catechesis in the world will not change one mind unless the person really wants to change. Sadly, most people prefer to sit in their own “pew,” so to speak, than to change. They become too set in their ways.
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