
I agree. Karl should have asked the question WHY are other religions grabbing the most Catholics.In this part of the world, I’d say that most Catholics sadly are at best deists or at worst, new agers - including the large and beautiful Franciscan convent up on the hill.
However, the Catholics I know who have become Evangelical Protestants haven’t understood Catholic teaching and hadn’t previously truly converted to Christ. The Protestants I see on Marc Grodi’s show seem not to have understood their tradition, either. Including the Chem prof from Concordia, Seward.
Can we say together, “catechesis”?
The answer is catechesis.
All protestants “know” that the bible alone is their authority.
If surveys were done on this question, it would be close to 100% agreement by protestants, even though there is no such teaching in the bible, and even though the bible opposes this teaching.
Yet, all Catholics do not know that Jesus is really and truly present in the Eucharist, even though the bible is fairly clear on this.
Why the difference?
Because all protestants are TAUGHT constantly over and over, month in and month out that the bible alone is their authority.
All Catholics are NOT taught constantly the teachings on the Eucharist. They are NOT taught monthly basic doctrines at mass. Most homilies teach nothing. They only repeat what was just read in the readings. EVEN BY GOOD AND HOLY PRIESTS.
Catholics learn nothing. Why? Because of the false interpretation of Vatican II and the false interpretation of the GIRM.
The false interpretation is that Catechesis is NOT to be given at the homily. The false interpretation is that the homily is only to give an exesgesis and explanation of the readings.
Before Vatican II the homily was used to teach doctrine. Priests were supposed to use the Roman Catechism, and most did. This was great. The only fault was that often the homily was separated from the liturgy, by anouncements and by a homily which made no connection to the liturgy. This was not the practice of the Church fathers. Vatican II tried to correct this by saying the homily should be an exposition of some part of the readings, or of the mass and must take into account the mysteries of the faith and moral teachings.
The false interpretation was that the homily was now only a commentary on scripture. This is false. The "mysteries of the faith refer to teachings which cannot be known by natural knowledge, thus almost all Catholic Church teachings apart from morality. The moral part takes care of the commandments.
Thus the homily was only supposed to take a part of the readings or of the mass as a launching point, in order to make a connection to the liturgy. The content of the homily was never supposed to have changed. It was still primarily to be on teachings, catechesis, doctrines, learning the faith, the sacraments, sin and grace, etc. It was NEVER intended to be only a commentary on scripture. It is this false idea that has led so many Catholics to leave the faith or quit going to mass.
We have to let the Bishops know that they must clear up this error and return to catechesis during the homily.