Which religion is grabbing the most Catholics?

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One church not mentionned in the poll - the Orthodox. Many highly orthodox Catholics convert ot Orthodoxy. In San Jose California there is an Antichean (sp?) Orthodox church that has elements of the charismatic movement and has won many, many Catholic converts.

Personally, I know of 4 “traditional” Catholic familes who, denied the Indult Mass by Bishop Levada, have converted to Orthodoxy and are now evangelizing orthodox Catholics. Fairly easy pickings they tell once they attend an Orthodox Mass. Not surprised. Their Orthodox chuch in Burlingame is 1/3 former Catholic.
I think it does depend on where you live.

Most of the Catholics that no longer attend
the Catholic Church that I know of are
affected by marriage-remarriage situations.

Going to any church ceases to become
a “live” issue in some cases. Often they
feel hurt and rejected and just leave.

As to converting to the Orthodox Church,
even I can understand a bail-out from Catholicism,
based on matters liturgical ! Though why
the choice is not to go to an Eastern Rite
Church, in communion with Rome, is
beyond me.

here in the southwest it seems to me, that the non-denominational, charismatic, mega-churches are picking up the catholics that are not as well chatecized as they could be. when I was attending some of these churches I noticed lot’s of catholic bibles, mostly ST. JOSEPH editions, as well as several people I have met that told me they “moved over” for various reasons.
Evangelical Protestanatism…Hands down. Those guys really know how to grab people…They are warm and friendly from the get go, have lively church services, and often go the extra mile for others. Their faith is alive and out there for all to see…Very attractive.

My husband (cradle Catholic) belongs to such a church, and it is a wonderful place…However, the more I “visit” with him, the more Catholic I become…Weird, but true. The more I go there, the more I appreciate things Catholic…Something is missing…It is the the Eucharist, of course…Even though they recieve communion weekly (unusual in a Church of Christ), it is not the same. The rich history of the Church is missing, too,as well as the Communion of Saints, and all the wonderful Catholic devotions…

**Not to say that those who belong to evangelical churches ar not sincere, or are not close to God…They are…But, they do seem to think they are reinventing the New Testament Church, and have little regard for liturgy or doctrine. **

**Having said all this, I can understand why Catholics may initialy be drawn into such a church…There is so much FEELING…so much warmth and they do know how to do FELLOWSHIP well. **

Many Catholics are looking for that kind of warm fellowship that may be missing in their parish…They might not even know it…But…When faced with it, and all that enthusiasm, it is hard to resist.
Evangelical Protestanatism…Hands down. Those guys really know how to grab people…They are warm and friendly from the get go, have lively church services, and often go the extra mile for others. Their faith is alive and out there for all to see…Very attractive.

My husband (cradle Catholic) belongs to such a church, and it is a wonderful place…However, the more I “visit” with him, the more Catholic I become…Weird, but true. The more I go there, the more I appreciate things Catholic…Something is missing…It is the the Eucharist, of course…Even though they recieve communion weekly (unusual in a Church of Christ), it is not the same. The rich history of the Church is missing, too,as well as the Communion of Saints, and all the wonderful Catholic devotions…

**Not to say that those who belong to evangelical churches ar not sincere, or are not close to God…They are…But, they do seem to think they are reinventing the New Testament Church, and have little regard for liturgy or doctrine. **

**Having said all this, I can understand why Catholics may initialy be drawn into such a church…There is so much FEELING…so much warmth and they do know how to do FELLOWSHIP well. **

Many Catholics are looking for that kind of warm fellowship that may be missing in their parish…They might not even know it…But…When faced with it, and all that enthusiasm, it is hard to resist.
Im mostly speaking concerning the catholic church in India…its in a pathetic state; although there are a lot of drifting towards the evangelical churches,there is greater destruction within due to the New Age…
The Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) is one of the major promoters of the new age through Reiki and pranic healing.
There are very few who speak out against it and those who do are not listened to and persecuted at all levels - from the bishops,the laity and everyone.
A number of religious sisters are involved in this, esp alternative medicine and yoga - some of them are senior instructors!! And they want to introduce this in schools and what not…they have been quite successful too!
There are churches in north india which carry the OM(symbols of hinduism) and the crescent and so on…
I could go on…its horrible. While theres revival also in some places,there is hardly anyone in the hierarchy you could turn to…and those who have an experience of Christ usually leave…
If you can, pls keep the church in India in prayer…
This is totally wrong. I have recently returned to the church-it is vibrant moving and deeply spiritual. My parish priests are literally a God send. There are some practices that might seem strange to a western mind-but they are not in conflict with the churches teaching at all. If I light incence in the morning to the BVM’s staue at home instead of candles so what? if I practise mediation, in order to enhanse my prayer life, I don’t think I’m being heritical. The church is growing, especially among the poor and the tribles, and people like me who are educated and well employed find no serious grouse with it, I love my church and its priests.
Evangelical. The Southern Baptist and the Non-Denom Churches get most Catholics. Usually they use scare tactics to make the Catholic think he is in idolatry. They claim that if thats not Christ in the Eucharist then we are idolatrous. Then they give their list of “proofs” from scripture why they think we are wrong. Of course they also say we worship Mary. I actually had a young Catholic tell me he did worship Mary! I told him we do not. He told me thats what he got from his experience in the Church.

The other reason people are attracted to these churches is because of their loose moral standards. Many Catholcs say they feel like they have been set free of a burden when they go to a church that tells them they can do anything sexually they want as long as they’re married.

A final recent reason people leave the Church is because they feel betrayed by the sexual abuse scandal the evangelicals won’t stop talking about everytime they try to convert a Catholic. Some people have not been able to keep their faith in Church authority because of this and the evangelical rubs salt in the wound.

The core reasons people leave the Church is:
  1. Lack of proper instruction.
  2. Lack of motivation.
  3. Lack of spiritual family support.
  4. Lack of Parish support. (Many people attend mass for years in a parish and never get to know more than a handful of people. Everyone is late for the door when the final sond is sung.)
  5. Lack of Faith.
The evangelicals are highly motivated, well trained, highly convicted people who believe Catholics are not “saved” and they feel their responsibility to the Lord is to do their best to “lead the Catholic to the Lord.”

Only a spiritual awakening within the core of the faithful will turn this tide. I think it has started here. These forums are getting pretty famous among seekers. This web site is a great tool. Thank you Karl, and God bless you.
In my life, it seems that most young Catholics become Catholic in name only. If you were to ask them if they are Christain, most of them, if not all would reply, “Certainly!”, and if you asked them to which faith they adhere, a similar number would reply, “Catholic”. Most of these young Catholics, however, cease to attend Mass (or at least cease to attend Mass regularly), and as many of you mentioned and from what I have observed in my high school, many are simply absorbed into the secular culture.

In my opinion, this is due mainly to the sad reality that my fellow young people are not really being taught what the Church believes, and why we believe it. I cannot accept the notion that most young people leave the Catholic Church solely becasue it is not emotionally/visually stimualting. We should never assume that the only way to keep young people in the Church is to adopt the hip hop minstry techniques employed by many Protestant churches. We will keep kids in the faith by teaching them the faith. Really teaching them the faith. Young people have just as much affinity and hunger for the Truth than any other person, be they nine or ninety nine.

The problem is, when young people are not being taught the Truth by those to whom the responsibility to teach the faith has been charged (ie Catechism teachers and parents), they will begin to search for the Truth in other places. Many of these misled youngster make their way into the dynamic, but often laden with materialistic and secular techniques and ideologies, youth groups of various protestant denominations. Although the youngsters most certainly do not encounter the whole Truth in these setting, I suspect they embrace their teachings for a few reasons:

a) They are attracted by reality that many of these churches mimick mainstream secular culture in their worship sevices and youth groups to “grab em’ all in”. Why is this attracting? Because a church of this character is very similar in some to the stimulating Western culture into which they have been immersed every day of their lives.

b) These inviting, stimulating techniques are integrated with in frequent Bible studies and various other attempts to make the faith more relevant to today’s culture. The irony of this is that regardless of the millenium in which we live, God is still Truth, and His laws and teachings still apply. There is a difference between reiterating truths that the Church has held since its birth in words that make them more culturally relavent, as the Catholic Church does, and comprimising any aspect of the truth to make the now “partial truth” seem more culturally relevent as many Protestant churches do.

Amor est essentia

Katherine Anne ❤️
I can’t imagine why Catholics would be grabbed by another religion! But if I had to choose, it would be Protesant…
I would say that the Druidism/ Neopagan religions are. Since they were some of the first religions on the Earth (or so historians think) many people thinkt hat they are the true religion. However Mormonism is also a grabber of many Catholics. I am very interested in the Mormon religion, it for some reason just seems to appeal to me. If I had to chose, if the Roman Catholic religion were proved (and I mean proved as in God himself coming down and saying that) to be wrong I would have to convert to Mormonism.
I would say that the Druidism/ Neopagan religions are. Since they were some of the first religions on the Earth (or so historians think) many people thinkt hat they are the true religion. However Mormonism is also a grabber of many Catholics. I am very interested in the Mormon religion, it for some reason just seems to appeal to me. If I had to chose, if the Roman Catholic religion were proved (and I mean proved as in God himself coming down and saying that) to be wrong I would have to convert to Mormonism.
Non denominational word faith church’s are exploding . these church’s are experiencing 5000 to 20000 people expansions over a couple of years at a single church. The presence of the Holy Spirit in these movments are witness.
Unfortunately, the people I know are falling into new age or non-denominational, touchy feely, no rules, relativist faith. In some instances without even realizing they are opposing there Catholic faith due to their lack of understanding of the Catholic faith.
Catholic Heart said:
Evangelical Protestanatism…Hands down. Those guys really know how to grab people…They are warm and friendly from the get go, have lively church services, and often go the extra mile for others. Their faith is alive and out there for all to see…Very attractive.

My husband (cradle Catholic) belongs to such a church, and it is a wonderful place…However, the more I “visit” with him, the more Catholic I become…Weird, but true. The more I go there, the more I appreciate things Catholic…Something is missing…It is the the Eucharist, of course…Even though they recieve communion weekly (unusual in a Church of Christ), it is not the same. The rich history of the Church is missing, too,as well as the Communion of Saints, and all the wonderful Catholic devotions…

**Not to say that those who belong to evangelical churches ar not sincere, or are not close to God…They are…But, they do seem to think they are reinventing the New Testament Church, and have little regard for liturgy or doctrine. **

**Having said all this, I can understand why Catholics may initialy be drawn into such a church…There is so much FEELING…so much warmth and they do know how to do FELLOWSHIP well. **

Many Catholics are looking for that kind of warm fellowship that may be missing in their parish…They might not even know it…But…When faced with it, and all that enthusiasm, it is hard to resist.

Well said, Catholic Heart. This pretty much explains why I voted for Evangelicals, as they are attracting more and more Catholics (in my opinion) here in the Philippines.
We should never assume that the only way to keep young people in the Church is to adopt the hip hop minstry techniques employed by many Protestant churches. We will keep kids in the faith by teaching them the faith. Really teaching them the faith.
I totally agree with this.👍 One reason why Catholics search for the Truth in other places is their lack of knowledge and understanding about the Catholic faith. And the hip hop ministry techniques are just so attractive to them, especially since some of these people find the Mass “boring”.😦
I would say mirror worship. Unfortunately, Church of the Holy Mirror is not one of the choices.

That mirror cracks the whip on someone, and they ego-trip. Then they get grandiose ideas of their personal authority, or think they’re divine, or…
I voted New Age, but I think your wording sums it up nicely! :yup:
I always address this question in the talks that I give, when I explain why I fell away and joined the Mormons:

Most people born into a religion stop learning about their faith when they are in their teens. I stopped right after my confirmation at age 12. Unless they make a concerted effort to the contrary, these folks will approach God and His Church as a 12 year-old for the rest of their lives. At some point, the 12 year-old mind has a tantrum because it is not “being fed” like a baby with a bottle. They go to another denomination with different teachings that they must learn - only this time they are learning as ADULTS. The adult looks back with scorn at the child from the former religion, and concludes that his former religion (and not himself) is shallow and worthy of that scorn. Thus is born the bitter former Catholic who (in predictable 12 year-old style) is attracted to believing the most dramatic and horrific things possible about the CC.
Hurrah for those cradle Catholics who decide to grow the hell up and learn their faith from an adult perspective! 👍
That is the clearest explanation I have ever heard!!! No wonder people leave the church!!

Now we need to get our adult catechisis together.
I would say the “mega churches” that cater to the weariness of 21st society. They aim to be “feel good” places of refuge - sin is relative, etc. The idea is to come together in worship and not be shackled by RC or other church legalism. Unfortunately, I know a few who have succumbed.
You might be on to something there. I think that there is refuge in The Catholic Church–Jesus in the Eucharist, primarily. But there are others and many of them have been abandoned.

Our churches have been stripped of visual reminders of our faith. There is often no stained glass (or just modern squares that tell no story), no statues and sometimes, no crucifix. The hymns no longer teach us either. They are all about how “we” are “church” and tell nothing of the reason behind a particular feast day or church teaching. How can we have catechesis when so much of our spiritual surroundings have been taken away?

No wonder people leave feeling they need to find a refuge elsewhere. We have the refuge, but have become ashamed to show it.
I vote for the sort of amorphous group of New Age/Relativist. But mostly wanted to respond to Tim Hayes, who seems really upset about the inconsistency and poor self-presentation of the Church, especially the Pope and his curial staff (the cardinals in charge of the various offices or dicasteries in the Holy See. I think that is probably mostly a perception, not an objective reality. Most Catholics get their information from secular sources (TV, newspapers, etc.), mediocre or even deliberately misleading homilies, modernist diocesan publications, and word of mouth. If one actually reads the stuff put out by the Holy See, it is very consistent, coherent, orthodox and genuinely inspiring (if one can digest the high-flown prose). The post by Amethyst had a good answer to your question “why bother converting those of other faiths?”, here’s another, straight from the Holy See: “Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the OBLIGATION and also the SACRED RIGHT to evangelize all men” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #848, quoting from Vatican II Decree “ad gentes”). Read that section of CCC, also the Decree, which you can find on the Internet.
This is what is taking people away from God’s Church:


click on the “view message” link to see a common day of preaching at this church. This church is located in my city, and in the past three years, I would say that it has become (treating it as a business) the most successful business in the entire city. It cracks the 3,000 attendance number each weekend, and is publishing numbers in the millions of $ for their collections on the year. I would say more than anything, that this pastor Bil Cornelius, though probably sincere, is one heck of an entrepreneur. He is giving the people what they want, and it is working. Number continue to rise astronomically, and they just purchased 100 acres of land for $1.5 million to build a larger building to accomodate the attendance. Too sad 😦

Be sure to see the preaching from the above link, or go straight to the video here:


Watch the lights, camera, action worship production.
At first I was like ,hey this is a link to a Jimmy Hendricks concert!!

It was kind of funny one of the first things the pastor said was a passage of scripture about St. Paul speaking on the unity of the church. He then goes on to say we are lucky here we have not experienced a split in our church. Well I say just wait a couple years!!!
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