Which religion is grabbing the most Catholics?

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I would say in my area it is the mega churches that are more entertainment than worship. People seem to shop around until they find a church that teaches what they already believe. They don’t want to hear that they are doing something wrong, and they don’t want to hear about any rules. Thank God I was born Catholic, and Catholic I will always be.
I met my wife at an Evangelical Bible Church before I began my journey home to Catholicism. My wife (who may “revert”) left the Catholic Church because she never truly understood the teachings and felt she wasn’t being “fed”. My former church offers a worship service that is specifically targeted at ages 18-34. It has music and sermons with specific application for young adults.

It is my perception (may not be correct) that alot of former Catholics are in this age group (18-34)?
everything is vanity indeed. A lot of people just drop out and take to the higher education of People magazine or Cosmo Girl and the like. Is this like a pseudo mirror worship ? I don’t think people have ever loved themselves as much as now. My wife and I own a hair salon(upscale) and Ive grown to really not enjoy it very much (can you say puke?) Talk about vanity, Im glad I don’t do hair (adminst. stuff) People are lost. By the way , we also own the building next to the salon and Ive put this beautiful(large) devotional shrine to our Lady out in front of it and I want to turn the building into a retreat center or gift shop… But allthese people want to get involved and it’s been awesome. A group of us catholics are going to start praying rosaries on Sat mornings right along with the farmers market and next to city hall. Its right in the middle of this cool historic downtown area. Evangelize the mirror people!!!
It is my perception (may not be correct) that alot of former Catholics are in this age group (18-34)?
I’m not sure about those who leave the Church, but in my RCIA class most everyone there was in that age group.
The religion that is grabbing alot of Fillopino Catholics in Western Sydney, Australia is a group called ‘Iglesia Ni Christo’ (Eng.Church of Christ). I have been a Catholic for more than 10 years but have not heard of this organisation until recently when I started college.

They feed thier members with lies about catholicism and are quite hostile to Catholics(Verbally). I have corrected one member on his views on Catholicism but there are many others that like to preach but do not like to hear what they don’t like.

“If you want to buy a Toyota car, why ask Ford what features a Toyota car has”

I think one reason that many are flocking to the INC is because the INC leaders are feeding messages that people like to hear instead of the truth. For many of the converts to INC it is easier to listen to FALSE teachings rather than to hear the truth.

INC does not believe in purgatory, confessions, intercessions of Angels and Saints and many other doctrines that are taken out of context-They take words out of the bible and put it out of context to suit thier own convience.
Karl, I answered New Age because of my proximity to the Hollywood “culture” here in LA. I’ve known several nominal Catholics who dabble in Kabbalah, astrology, tarot readings, white witchcraft, and transcendental meditation. I’m not certain that New Age qualifies as a systematic religion. It’s more like the current manifestation of gnosticism, the alter ego of almost 2,000 years of Christianity. Narcissism reigns supreme and every enlightened individual is his own god.

I understand that Evangelicals and Mormons are, unfortunately, making great strides overseas, especially in Latin America. Every fallen-away Catholic whom I’ve known was either poorly catechized–even some who attended Catholic schools–or trapped in an immoral lifestyle or divorced.
Karl, I answered New Age because of my proximity to the Hollywood “culture” here in LA. I’ve known several nominal Catholics who dabble in Kabbalah, astrology, tarot readings, white witchcraft, and transcendental meditation. I’m not certain that New Age qualifies as a systematic religion. It’s more like the current manifestation of gnosticism, the alter ego of almost 2,000 years of Christianity. Narcissism reigns supreme and every enlightened individual is his own god.

I understand that Evangelicals and Mormons are, unfortunately, making great strides overseas, especially in Latin America. Every fallen-away Catholic whom I’ve known was either poorly catechized–even some who attended Catholic schools–or trapped in an immoral lifestyle or divorced.
**“It is hard to believe because it is so hard to obey.” **Soren Kierkegaard

**“To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant.” **
Ven.John Henry Cardinal Newman
Reading through these posts, it seems to me that with regard to the majority of Catholics who leave the Church I must say: “good riddance.” The Church is better off without them.
Perhaps it is the Churches fault for not teaching these lost sheep what She actually believes? Perhaps not enough RC’s volunteer to help teach too? Etc…:hmmm:

I was a lost sheep because nobody in the parish new my name and with so many souls in the pew who notices when 200-300 leave one year to find a home where someone knows their alive? Wants to meet them? Wants to make them active in the church? Wants to know their name? Wants to “save” them from eternal death? Who has activities almost everyday of the week for them?:bigyikes:

I had to learn the truth only when my preacher contradicted himself and Scripture. Fortunately I wasn’t sleeping or knitting or doing crosswords like many others in the audience were doing.:sleep: (The sermons were long and some even brought Gameboys! Praise God for Gameboys!:love: )

When I searched for the truth I found it in the very last place I expected and not in the “Fundamentalist” Baptist Church I was in. The truth was, is, and shall always be in the RCC till the end of time.:yup:

Remember the parable of the prodigal son? Its in the Bible. Who was the “father” more happy to see, the son that stayed with him or the one that came home?:hmmm:

I rest my case.


PS, sometimes I still miss the “Fellowship” of the Fundamentalist Baptist churches!😦 Oh well, I’ll just have to settle for the “Real Presence” of Christ! Praise God!:bounce:
CD4 said:
**Mark…I agree with you. I do realize that many Central Americans are what is called “cultural Catholics”, but still…It is arrogant of anyone to assume that these people are not “real Christians”. **

Evangelicals often make the assumption that while some Catholics may well be “real Christians”, most are not. We are, according to them, blinded and bound by senseless man made rules and doctrines…not to mention the fact that our liturgy is nothing but a cold ritual…

Hey can you change the font? It hurts my eys so I stopped reading your posts. They were good just bad on the eyes.:hmmm:

i converted to catholicism from the seventh day adventist cult, when i left the SDA, i was ostricized and shunned by adventists that i knew.

Right now iam very happy to be able the recive the eucharist at every mass i go to, i go to mass about 2-3 times a week.
my life is much fuller because of the eucharist, i would like to lead people to the fullness of truth,
i do talk with a lot of evangelicals and fundamentalists, they start to concede that catholics are christians and that catholics dont worship mary.everyone please pray that the people i talk to are led home to rome.
alos iam starting to read the bible more so i can be able to be more effective towards my protestant friends,

so please pray for me while i study the bible more.
Interesting, I didn’t find anyone say the one I was thinking. It’s pretty clear they are making some headway, unfortunatly. You can look at the tracts for anti-catholic religions at the catholic answers homepage. It is the Seventh Day Adventists. They are very actively recruiting Catholics. I know first hand because we converted from the SDA cult.

this is a big thorn in my side.
Amen Richard!

You are right on as usual. Most Catholics need to learn their faith.

Thank God for Catholic Answers!!!

In my area Pentecostal is doing a good job of attracting not only Catholics, but all denominations countywide. The church is large and has a great preacher. I believe that is the clue. The youth are attracted to the activities. They have a school and are building a larger church and more facilities for the school and sports activities. The funny thing is, the preacher used to be Amish.
Most that leave the Church are not going to any church. Most don’t believe in the true presence and have a problem with going to confession, and most have some type of new age beliefs, although not affiliated with any particular movement.
I know way too many of these people.
Rosary Guy
I’ve seen a bunch go in the opposite direction that I have – toward liberal protestantism – especially those that have services that imitate the Holy Mass – there they can have the Sunday morning feeling that they still belong to the One True Church without all those inconvenient rules:eek: against, say, contraception, fornication, homosexuality, abortion etc. etc.
I think that there is no religion grabbing Catholics. I think most Catholics have fallen away from going to church altogether.
I think that there is no religion grabbing Catholics. I think most Catholics have fallen away from going to church altogether.
I agree with this …for the US and Europe, but in most of Latin America I think it is some form of Pentecostalism or Charismatic evengelicalism.


Binky Brown said:
** if my education at the hands of Jesuits, Paulists, Franciscans, and other Catholic religious taught me anything, **

Binky, i wouldn’t put to much weight into the quality of education you got from the paulists and jesuits. the problem is you got a bad education. those groups are notorious for being non-orthodox and ant-magisterial. Also, you couldn’t have put that much rational thought into your decision because we’re the fullness of truth.
I agree with this …for the US and Europe, but in most of Latin America I think it is some form of Pentecostalism or Charismatic evengelicalism.


Dear Serafin:

Do you see the Pentecostal movement in Latin America lasting – or is it a passing fad? Is it possible that people in Latin America are also turning towards their indigeneous religions and traditions. In Canada – the native peoples are returning en masse to native spirituality and want nothing to do with Christianity.
Binky, i wouldn’t put to much weight into the quality of education you got from the paulists and jesuits. the problem is you got a bad education. those groups are notorious for being non-orthodox and ant-magisterial. Also, you couldn’t have put that much rational thought into your decision because we’re the fullness of truth.
The Jesuits are notorious for giving martyrs to the Church. Sorry that’s not sufficiently orthodox for you.
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