In my area of the country, I would have to say “None of the Above”.
Washington state and Oregon are the states with the “highest proportion of religiously-unaffiliated and self-identified ‘nonreligious’ residents.”
So I do not think
any of the other denominations are grabbing a lot of Catholics.
Although, Catholicism is the largest religion here with just under 10% of the population.
My Pastor told me only about 3% of the Catholics in Oregon are practicing Catholics.
So that’s 3% of the
mere 10% of Catholics in Oregon!
The second largest “religion” is Mormonism", with just over 3% of the population. If any, I would suspect they are “bagging the most Catholics”. Mormons love “bagging converts”, but converting a Catholic is the Grand Prize. I’m not sure why, because they seem to hate us here.
Other than Mormons, there are a lot of the large evangelical “Mega-Churches” here. But members who attend these churches seem to be there for the “fellowship” and not for the worship if God.
It is a sad state of affairs. When we go to Mass we have to drag our son kicking and screaming because his friends are all out playing and he is the only one who has to go to church.
That is part of the reason we have him in our parish school. He is exposed all day long to the Faith and almost everyone there is Catholic. I want him to have plenty of Catholic friends and be exposed to our Faith as much as possible. I strongly believe if a child is raised in his faith, he will stick with it as an adult, or at least “come home” to the Catholic Church when he is ready.
Ave Maria!