Sometimes you have to think strategically though for your opinions (about the current social climates) to be taken most seriously and not shut down or people to associate you with something that you are not meaning/a group that doesn’t represent you.
Take for example the word feminist. We can all be feminists in the good sense of the word such as prevented sex trafficking and exploitation of women, speaking out against sexual assault of women, promoting women’s dignity and that we are worth more that just commidifying our bodies, fighting gender based crimes such as honor killings in certain countries, etc.
All this is technically a form of feminism.And maybe the “original feminists” were speaking about serious concerns idk.
But nowadays, the word feminist has been associated in the public mind (in many countries) as meaning angry aggressive women, women who hate men, and all the rest associations that I’m sure you know about.
So I never refer would refer to myself as a feminist.
As sad as it may be, branding is powerful and human psychology responds to it.
It is just my opinion, but I think you should consider “branding yourself” using a different word, even if you feel the “left” has hijacked an innocent word in USA and changed the meaning.